Baby Bunny sudden change in mood, appetite, basically everything :( Please help (RESOLVED)

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Question: (please bear with me people)

How do I keep her most comfortable? She is now in her box, with food, water in a bowl, and new fresh hay, in a quiet room. The sounds she hears are ours - she is familiar with our voices.

What else can i do for her? Shall i try to feed? Shall i let her rest? She is currently sleeping. she grinds her teeth occasionally while asleep, but no poops. Food water and hay untouched.
I would just let her rest
if you pmd Randy wait for him to respond.
I can honestly say that I don't think this bun will make it ; prepare yourself for that
Many pet stores sell babies that are way too young as others said

I forgot to mention. We actually dropped by the vet's twice (we have been out for about 9 hours today) - 1pm till 10pm, it's 10pm now.

We saw the vet at about 2pm, where she put her viral infection diagnosis and gave the injection.

Brought her home and by 3pm, we thought she really looked like she had a stasis problem. I massaged her tummy gently (she wasn't grinding her teeth a lot at that time, but she did) with my finger pads from both sides. I felt something hard, solid, located in the middle of her abdominal cavity about 4/5ths the length of her. It felt lumpy, double-lobed, rather mobile, and bunny reacted by raising her head (without teeth grinding) when I pressed into it a little bit. It was located quite deep inside her abdominal cavity.

i didn't press it too hard, i really didn't wanna induce more pain in bunny, but i really thought those could be impacted feces.

We brought bunny back to the vet to tell her about it, she told us it was probably her bladder or something. We then asked her whether she could try doing an enema on Piffy. The vet refused, saying Piffy is too young for that.

(before you scream, HUMAN doctors in russia are really good and knowledgable in their profession. Please do not let this post make you think that doctors in russia are bad. Believe me on this - I am not russian)

Is it fine to massage her tummy? we don't do this anymore. We know her intestines are really fragile and don't want to aggravate it. but if it doesn't do any harm - i would like to try it again, maybe stimulate motility. BUT only if it won't do any more harm.
PIFFY IS GROOMING!! She finally found the strength to DO something!
I would be very very careful massaging her only because it would have to be done very very gently..and I would not do it for a long time

I think that you should keep in close contact with your vet who seems to be helping her at the moment

I'm glad that she's grooming :)
Randy is right (of course). This is probably a bacterial infection that has taken over her GI tract, caused by being separated from her mother too soon. Do not give her yogurt as it is dairy which bunnies cannot digest and will only make the problem worse. The lack of poops and her behavior are very worrisome. Were you able to get any metronidazole or charcoal-based drug into her?

I agree that massaging is not a good idea as she is very tiny and putting additional pressure on her intestines could cause them to burst. Enemas usually aren't done on rabbits either.

I'm glad the vet got some fluid and glucose into her. I hope some of the meds are vitamins to stimulate eating (like B comp) and/or pain medicine. Keep her warm (uncooked rice in a sock heated in the microwave works well) and try to get some fluid into her, perhaps with an eye dropper?

I hope Randy has given you some other advice by PM.

**fingers crossed**
Aww poor little Piffy. I was afraid for her when you first posted her photo in the Introductions forum because she looks so tiny and young. I'm glad everyone has been able to offer you such good advice but sorry Piffy is so sick. Please keep us updated.

Does anyone think maybe Piffy would benefit from being kept warm? Maybe Angelh could put some rice in a sock, heat it in the microwave so it's warm (but not too hot) and put it in Piffy's box to cuddle if she wants.
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Does anyone think maybe Piffy would benefit from being kept warm? Maybe Angelh could put some rice in a sock, heat it in the microwave so it's warm (but not too hot) and put it in Piffy's box to cuddle if she wants.

I agree with this - if rabbits get ill, their temperature drops. Try to give her a gentle heat source, like a padded hot water bottle/pouch or as Snowy stated, a sock with rice inside, and microwave it about a minute to make it warm but not too hot. Put it by Piffy and see if she gravitates towards it... she may find it comfy.

I hope she pulls through. She is so loved, I am sure she appreciates her humans showing her such warmth and care.
Keeping our finger (and paws) crossed - were you able to get ahold of any Bene-bac?
Probiotics can also be purchased in a health food store . I will post a link to to all the ingredients in benebac and then you can print it out
you want a combination of microrganisms that has similar bacteria in it including lactobacillus casei

What this stuff basically is is the naturally occuring beneficial bacteria that should be in a rabbits GI tract. When a baby has been taken from mom too sonn he will lack this beneficial bacteria

that's why it's so important

they don't list all the microorganisms.

you could also find something similar in a farm store ( which was already stated) above

Bene-Bac contains:
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Lactobacillus plantarum
Enterococcus faecium
Lactobacillus casei
Thank you all for the advice.

Last night, after a 15-hour lapse, Piffy finally produced 2 poopies. They were smaller, but black and round like pepper seeds (they look like the usual ones).

Thank you Randy for the detailed pm i got. I will try to find a health food store around here. (so far, i haven't seen any - only pharmacies)

It seems Piffy is making a recovery. She's eating, drinking and hopping around a bit (although still sleeping a great deal) We've still got a long day to go. I'll try to get all the stuff we need.

Keep your fingers crossed for us. We might just have ourselves a miracle baby bunny here.
Hello so sorry not replied earlier the time difference is a pain. Dont know if this advice is still worthy but we used to give our bunnies pineapple juice to remove any intestinal blockages, along with live yoghurt to replace healthy bacteria. It did seem to work for our rabbits, but may not be up to date info. Although if you are unable to get veterinary help and feel desperate it may be worth a shot.
If in total absence of a vet and at a loss i think there are many home remedies for pets, but you do have to be very carefull and i think you would only try them if totally desperate. Some i believe are harmless, like the sugar water one which is just to try to get liquid into her. I think you would have to be carefull with massage, but i was wondering if what you described sounds like a bowl thing where it doubles back on itself, cant think what the word is but the tube sort of goes into itself. if you massage you have to do it in a clockwise direction towards the heart. For the bowel in humans it is i believe their left hand side. i am so sorry if i do not have exact info here and i am sure others will add and edit anything to help xx
I understand you must feel desperate to try anything to help
and in some ways the fact that she has lasted whilst ill so long seems to indicate she is certainly fighting bless her.
Could you try typing into your computer online vet as they might be able to help you on line and might put you in touch with a vet local to you who would help you more, or maybe contact them for you if you were having trouble.
Thinking about what you said about her pooping this morn, sounds like the massage might have helped to move a blockage along xxxx So fingers crossed i think everyone has been thinking about poor piffy. xx I think there is a herb that is meant to be good for intestinal things will have a look on line just in case for you xx
Hewwo evewybodie!!

I'm Piffy, mummie told me to come here to tell you all I'm feeling much better today thank you for your concern (can I go and eat my hay now mummie?) ok bai bai.

Dear all,

The last 30 hours have been nerve-wrecking for the 5 of us - 2 mummies, 2 daddies, and one very sick little baby.

Barely 24 hours have passed since Piffy, on the bus on the way back from the vet, flopped over in her box on her side, eyes half-closed, breathing shallowly and quickly, too weak to evenmove, twitch her ears feebly to our desperate whispersfor her to hold on and stay strong for us.

Now I am watching little Piffy hop around in her new cage (no more box for Lil Miss Adventurous), munchingnonstop on her hay, leavingpepper seed poopies all over the place, andeven standingup on her 2 furry feet to look at us. No more heartbreaking teeth-grinding. No more barely open eyes. I'm expecting a binky from our little miracle baby anytime now :biggrin2:

To all of you who have given adviceandtaught us so very much in such short time,there's nothing morewe want to say but THANK YOU. You have saved a little rabbit from suffering a painful death.

Thankyou for being concerned for a little bunnyso far away from you. A little bunnywho, to other people, may be too small and insignificant to be taken noticed of, but isthe pride and joy of 4 very new inexperienced parents.

Thank you for including our little Piffy in your prayers. God must have heard them.

Piffy is now on her road to recovery. I know this is not over yet - I still need a lot of support from your experience. But I think (i'm touching wood as I type this) I think.... that the worst is probably over.

May you all, yourloved ones, your precious buns and pets always be blessed and live a long, happy, healthy lives.

Edit: Probiotics. I still need probiotics. Still can't find it. Shall I still go on with the antibiotics, though, now that she seems ok?

Thank you :)

By they way, I've always wondered what you guys mean by "sas".

Sing a song? Stop and stare? Start and stop? what?

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