Baby bunny possibly has injured lip

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2011
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Naples, Florida, USA
Bunny experts; one of our babies, my favorite, looks like it has an injury or something on it is bottom lip. I noticed it a few days ago and it simply looked like a scratch, like maybe another kit bit or scratched when feeding.
Tonight it looks worse. Here are pics (or a link depending if I can get it to work);
I'd still take him to the vet just to make sure there is no infection, not to mention he's so young. Its better safe than sorry.
I am taking them all in on Monday. They are all eating, active, etc. The lip looks almost completely healed but we woke up to a deceased momma bunny. She seemed completely normal in the morning but not quite right in the evening by morning she was gone.
Oh no! I'm so sorry! I would ask the vet to check for rabbit syphillis, as that is often passed from mother to young when they are babies, and it often forms crusty scabs around the mouth.
Is that a simple blood test?

The lip looks very good now. I have no idea what syphillis symptoms are. I am still reeling over the loss of Beelzebunny, I truly was attached. And I am worried that the babies are not going to survive without her. I cannot get them to take formula but they are eating good and I have them with the daddy bunny so they can get his poop.
Most vets can tell rabbit syphilis by looking at the symptoms. This page has some good info on the top and a case story with pics that are a bit gruesome. What is best to know is that the treatment is simple--penicillin injections--and will work quickly if that is what the cause is.

Don't scroll too far into the case story if you're squeamish. I am not at all squeamish (regularly assist in vet surgery) and it was a bit much for me to see as well.
neither adult bunny had any type of sores, discharge or what have you. Just Beelzebunny's occasional cough. Aside from this sore on Nutmeg, which honestly first looked like a scratch or nip when trying to nurse or eat.
Cheyrul wrote:
neither adult bunny had any type of sores, discharge or what have you. Just Beelzebunny's occasional cough. Aside from this sore on Nutmeg, which honestly first looked like a scratch or nip when trying to nurse or eat.

have you taken the bubbies to the vet? if so, what did he say? i'd possibly take mama to the vet for an autopsy just to check what's wrong... it could be somethign that could spread throughout your entire rabbit family!
maxysmummy wrote:
Cheyrul wrote:
neither adult bunny had any type of sores, discharge or what have you. Just Beelzebunny's occasional cough. Aside from this sore on Nutmeg, which honestly first looked like a scratch or nip when trying to nurse or eat.

have you taken the bubbies to the vet? if so, what did he say? i'd possibly take mama to the vet for an autopsy just to check what's wrong... it could be somethign that could spread throughout your entire rabbit family!
We went today, all the babies are very healthy and the vet, whom I do not like, he is super arrogant and rude :lol but he is a very good vet. He treated all of them, including the dad or parasites/worms and with a broad spectrum antibiotic (which I did not catch the name of - sorry I was trying not to cry because I did really get attached to Beelzebunny and was sad).
Because the babies are eating pellets, hay, greens, veggies and drinking water, they are ready to be adopted ... two of the four vet techs adopted a baby each. They are experienced bunny people and have access to top notch (be it very rude) vet care. One other tech truly wanted one but felt her dog would kill it and her husband would kill her :lol Giving them up, even tho I do not want them, made me sad but they are going to really good homes.
I have another guy who is interested in at least 2, he is also an experienced bunny slave (unlike me). So that will leave me with 4 and we know we are keeping 2. I have 2 neighbors who each want one but I am not convinced they will be well taken care of so I am struggling with that.
Cheyrul wrote:
maxysmummy wrote:
Cheyrul wrote:
neither adult bunny had any type of sores, discharge or what have you. Just Beelzebunny's occasional cough. Aside from this sore on Nutmeg, which honestly first looked like a scratch or nip when trying to nurse or eat.

have you taken the bubbies to the vet? if so, what did he say? i'd possibly take mama to the vet for an autopsy just to check what's wrong... it could be somethign that could spread throughout your entire rabbit family!
We went today, all the babies are very healthy and the vet, whom I do not like, he is super arrogant and rude :lol but he is a very good vet. He treated all of them, including the dad or parasites/worms and with a broad spectrum antibiotic (which I did not catch the name of - sorry I was trying not to cry because I did really get attached to Beelzebunny and was sad).
Because the babies are eating pellets, hay, greens, veggies and drinking water, they are ready to be adopted ... two of the four vet techs adopted a baby each. They are experienced bunny people and have access to top notch (be it very rude) vet care. One other tech truly wanted one but felt her dog would kill it and her husband would kill her :lol Giving them up, even tho I do not want them, made me sad but they are going to really good homes.
I have another guy who is interested in at least 2, he is also an experienced bunny slave (unlike me). So that will leave me with 4 and we know we are keeping 2. I have 2 neighbors who each want one but I am not convinced they will be well taken care of so I am struggling with that.

im so sorry for your loss :( how old are the babies?

also, did the vet shed any light on what happened to beelzebunny ?
No, he is seriously kind of an a$$hat but knows animal stuff. He says sometimes they just die. He honestly thought it may have been due to having multiple pregnancies. His opinion was that they die shortly after their third pregnancy/litter. To the best of my knowledge, this was her first litter. However, since she was given to my then 6 y/o son, we did not know her history so she could have had babies before.
The babies are one month today.
He said adult males will start killing the kits about this age, is that true? I explained that everything I had read on the internet (which he told me to "shut up and listen to him" because that is my "job" - he is probably such a rude thing because he sees us for free because I am good friends with his SIL and brother and I help with his ancient mother when needed, since I don't pay he seems to feel he can treat me like I'm stupid ... anyway, when I explained everything I read said at this age this still need a healthy adult's cecal (?) poops ... he said they did not because they were healthy and old enough. I am getting so much contradictory info, I don't know what to do.
Cheyrul wrote:
No, he is seriously kind of an a$$hat but knows animal stuff. He says sometimes they just die. He honestly thought it may have been due to having multiple pregnancies. His opinion was that they die shortly after their third pregnancy/litter. To the best of my knowledge, this was her first litter. However, since she was given to my then 6 y/o son, we did not know her history so she could have had babies before.
The babies are one month today.
He said adult males will start killing the kits about this age, is that true? I explained that everything I had read on the internet (which he told me to "shut up and listen to him" because that is my "job" - he is probably such a rude thing because he sees us for free because I am good friends with his SIL and brother and I help with his ancient mother when needed, since I don't pay he seems to feel he can treat me like I'm stupid ... anyway, when I explained everything I read said at this age this still need a healthy adult's cecal (?) poops ... he said they did not because they were healthy and old enough. I am getting so much contradictory info, I don't know what to do.

to be honest he doesn't sound rabbit savvy at all... is there any way you can get to another vet? if rabbits died after their third pregnancy then a lot of breeders would have a much harder time breeding... rabbits may also "just die" to an untrained eye. unless the rabbit was really old, they died for a reason.

4 week old rabbits are still very very susceptible to issues, particularly GI issues. i'd reccomend keeping them with the father.

at the moment we have our mama rabbit, our papa rabbit (neutered) and all the babies in one cage. ours are 5 weeks old and get on with our neutered male (not the father) just fine. never heard of them killing them :S
I am checking into having the daddy neutered this week. I can easily keep them separated until they are well supervised.

Beelzebunny had some bad habits, like I could not keep her out of the cat box which my 6 cats use and is filled with clumping litter. She would also eat dry cat food, if the kids did not screw the lid on the container tight - once she chewed through a bag to eat it. A couple of days before she died, she had pulled out a lot of hair, so I sort thought (and hoped rather than her be sick) maybe she was nesting again as both adult bunnies had possibly mated again and it had been approximately 28ish days. So when she was acting "not right" it was kind of how she acted right before she had the babies.
Oh, I think the vet is rabbit savvy, just a butthead.Things should greatly improve for use this week, financially so I will be able to take them to a different vet.

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