Baby Bunnies

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Miss Muffet

Feb 27, 2012
Reaction score
Perth, , Australia
Hi everyone, I am new to the forum and need some help please. My daughter has 2 beautiful bunnies and the mummy bunny is pregnant. This morning when we checked on her she pulled all the newspaper, hay and fur into her box and made a nest. How long still before the babies will make their appearance. Also, once the babies are there, what do we need to do? As you can see, this is our 1st time having baby bunnies, being very exciting but also very scared not to know what to do...:confused2:
Make sure you separated the two bunnies as you never know how protective mom will be. If she has started making a nest she should be due pretty soon. Keep an eye on her usually they will decrease in their feed intake a day or two before. Mom usually kindle in the morning but it can happen overnight. When she starts pulling fur you know she will be due that day or tomorrow. It's normal for them to not pull fur until right before. If she doesn't pull fur you can pull some for her on her dewlap (if she has one) Or the belly area and sides after they are born

Once they are born you can clean any nesting material that is soiled and replenish the nestbox with fresh material. Check to make sure each baby is moving and alive. Remove any deceased babies as soon as you find them. Moms will usually feed once a day so check in the morning and evenings to see if they have big fat bellies. If they do no worries she is feeding them and they will be fine. If not then maybe she is feeding at a different time or not at all then you have problems and will most likely loose the babies unless you can hand rear them which is very difficult and doesn't have a high success rate.

Babies will grow fur within 2-3 days and eyes will open around day 14. If they aren't open by then take a warm wet cloth and wipe them open.

I think thats it for now lol
I understand it's sometimes hard to tell if a baby is alive or not, so try to revive any that seem lifeless with a heating pad on low & the babies wrapped in a towel.
Thanks for the feedback, that is helping heeps! We are proud to say that we have 3 baby bunnies and they are gorgeous!!! Checking on them every now and then to make sure they are okay, hehe. Watch this space for that photos....:)
Congratulations! I know this was expected when you got your new bunnies but you handled it very well. Cheers to the three healthy babies. Can't wait to see pics.

Again congratulations! Are you going to keep them or sell them as pets?

K :)

eta: BTW how's Mom doing? Is she handling the babies well? First time moms have a hard time sometimes. Please keep us informed.

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