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Yes i do indeed...



And dad.... Sorry he had his head tilt at this point.


Sorry to be stupid but what is the difference between an agouti and achestnut agouti, and where can i find a pic? I will go look in thebreeds area now...

chestnut agouti = chestnut (agouti is the color family it is in)...

Here are pictures of Anissa, my chestnut doe that took BOB in 2005 (Idon't work much with chestnuts so I don't have many photos to choosefrom).

You can click on the photos to see a larger picture.

Well thanks for those, i thought it would bemore like a wild rabbit colouring which i don't really like, but it ismore like chocolate isn't it? I'm so excited to have some of those!
Actually - um - no it is nothing really likechocolate - must be the way the photos turned out - cause it is thewild rabbit coloring.

But it can be very pretty in a broken..

Well i will be happy that they are healthyreally i didn't mean to sound ungrateful, i'm sure i will love thembecause they are mine... and brokens are always pretty!
And i have to fess up to something, i hopenobody will be disappointed with me because of this, as i am only justlearning about breeding, but i have to be honest! When this guy got togrumpy, i thought she would be pregnant in one mating like she wasbefore, withthe first litter she had, and i rememberedreading somewhere that you should re-breed to ensure a smaller kit sizewith a bigger litter , for an easier birth,so i bred heragain but to the father of her first litter because i thought i couldguarantee another successful mating with him, so i'm not certain whothe father is, this is the other possible dad bubba


I hope you guys aren't angry with me, i just thought i was doing whatwas best to make it an easy birth but now i have to say who the dad is,well i had to explain. Is it bad to breed to 2 different bucks even ifit is just me keeping the babies, i'm not trying to sell them oranything.
I wonder if that means that there are kits therefrom both fathers, because does can release eggs by 'choice' so Iwonder if some come from one father, and some from another.

Now there's an interesting thought.

When I breed I just keep the doe and buck together for a few hours, that also seems to do the trick.
For those who are wondering - grumpybabies and Italked about this. I explained to her that since these are pet bunniesand not "show bunnies" or bunnies that will be used for breeding (andneed a pedigree) that this is NOT a horrible thing. There wassome concern about having enough babies in the litter so that theywould not be huge. (I have been told with lionheads to have the buckmate the doe 2-3 times so the babies will be smaller since there aremore of them ~ and that advice was so true as when I've had singletons,they've often been huge and born dead).

What would be irresponsible would be if she tried to sell these babiesas "pedigreed" bunnies since she can not be sure who the father is...

....but she's not doing that.


grumpybabies wrote:
And i have to fess upto something, i hope nobody will be disappointed with me because ofthis, as i am only just learning about breeding, but i have to behonest!
I hope that comment was made for people generally, and not at me because of what I said.

I never said it was a bad thing, just that theoretically they could be half brothers and sisters.

Sorry if you did think I thought it was a bad thing. If I thought it was I would have said outright.
No Flashy i'm sure that wasn't aimed at you, youwere being nice, it's just Peg knows i am worried about people beingangry at me thats all, so thanks Peg.
Hi Flashy!

i didn't think you were being upset or rude or anything - butthere are some who might come on here and say, "oh how irresponsible.."etc.

GrumpyBabies had a litter before - an accidental litter. She has keptthe babies - neutered the bucks, etc. - been VERY VERY responsibleabout how she handles things.

So I wanted to sort of "watch her back" a bit as some might criticizeher for what she did - but she did the repeat breeding to make sure thebabies would be small enough for the mama.....


Flashy wrote:
I hope that comment was madefor people generally, and not at me because of what I said.

I never said it was a bad thing, just that theoretically they could be half brothers and sisters.

Sorry if you did think I thought it was a bad thing. If I thought it was I would have said outright.

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