Babies playing...if a messy floor bothers you, don't look! LOL

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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2011
Reaction score
McVeytown, Pennsylvania, USA
I want to start by saying I've been running a fever of 104 for the last 5 days, and today actually tore a muscle right below my ribs from coughing. With that said, these pictures WILL contain dust, dirt, and hay. :)

The little broken one is Linus. The girl missing most of her ear is Patty, and the little opal is Lucy. Linus is in to EVERYTHING! As you can see, he's the only one that's found the bucket where I keep the food. Patty hardly ever stops hopping and running around and Lucy is usually sitting on my lap. LOL

Patty still seems to be built the best (she's been my favorite from birth, even with the missing ear). It's a toss up between the other two, but I think they'll both hold their own on the show table.

Because I bottle fed them in the beginning they think I'm their second mom. They're almost too friendly, to the point of getting obnoxious. Love them to death, though, and none are going to leave the farm. :)

Max is as big and solid as ever! You can't even tell she's had kits, other than she has milk. I love this doe and she won't be moving out to the barn ever again. She's allowed free roam of the house, but the kids are kept herded in the den (carpet is super easy to clean, not that you can tell it in these pics. haha).









Loving the pictures! I love lop eared buns :] the second picture has to be my favorite "hehe you don't see meeee!!!"
Linus is definitely the clown of the family! Patty's the ADD child, and Lucy would be the one to use as an example to her siblings: "See how good Lucy is? Lucy doesn't get in the feed?" LOL And on top of all the babies running around, Max wanted to play chase. So when I could get free of the babies I'd hobble around the house with her chasing me...then when I stopped she'd run circles around my legs. But 2 Polish, an adult French Lop and a litter of 3 is our max household capacity. I wish they could all live inside...
I love Linus' color. He's a real beauty! And Max, my goodness, she's gorgeous! They're too cute. They have grown so fast! I feel like I was just reading about them being born, now they're out binkying around!
Sooo cute!!! I love the binky shot. I can never seen to capture mine mid binky. I have an ADD bunny too. He's always chewing on cage bars, his toys, the water bottle nozzle. When he's out playing he's mobbing his siblings with excessive grooming, and just bouncing off the walls. I can't even pet him like a normal rabbit. He won't hold still for nose rubs, he loses interest as his attention span is too short. I have to do a rough and tumble body massage just to get hm to hold still for petting :) But he sure is entertaining to watch play. He does the best binkies and bunny 500's!
Morgan, thank you! Max is definitely a gorgeous bun. And she's solid as a rock, too. And is usually in really good coat (only missed one show because she was in full molt). She can get quite the attitude when you pick her up, though, and she does hold a grudge. LOL And I can't believe they're a month old already, either!

Tam, glad they cheered you up a bit. :)

Jenny, that was totally accidental! LOL She was sitting there for a second but by the time I could snap the picture she was already taking off again. She does take time out to climb on my lap and check me out, but then she's off and running again. Linus climbs all over you, but mainly he's trying to taste your pants, your shirt, and even your bare feet. LOL Lucy is more the cuddler...she jumps up and sits while you pet her. Max runs and plays for a few minutes, and then she usually stretches out beside me and sleeps. She loves petted, and she loves to jump in your lap...but heaven help you if you dare to offend her by picking her up.
I love the last one. Goosing mum in the butt.
If you didn't live 20 hours away Franklin would have a bun wife by now! I still may show up on your door step tomorrow!
Wow, I love them all, some lovely colouring there and mom is a big girl, love little baby dashing away.
Here are Linus and Max, playing King of the Kitty. LOL The problem is that Linus is forever biting on something...your clothes (and getting skin), your hair, and even your bare cheek. LOL


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