Babette is gone

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I am so sorry Maureen. Words cannot heal. You did the absolute best you could with Babette, you really did. I wish her journey could have been longer here with you...

Binky free Babette, we love you!:rainbow:
Thanks for your kindness..
Beau is stretched out and sleeping ..
I don't know how things will be but it"s possible that he sensed the severity of her illness.
I hope that he adjusts;that is really my main concern
Awww no..i'm so sorry to hear this sad.. sadnews :(

Rest in peace Babette

I am so so sorry for your loss Babette was such a beautiful bunny,

Good luck at the rainbow bridge sweetie :(
I am so so sorry for your loss Babette was such a beautiful bunny,

Good luck at the rainbow bridge sweetie :(
RIP sweet Babette. I hope you are doing lots of binkies at the bridge with all of your new friends.

I'm so sorry for your loss. :hug:
Oh no. I'm so sorry. My heart sank when I read this.

You did the right thing but it's never easy when it comes to that. I'm sure Beau is aware and understands that she was sick. Give him an extra pet and kiss from me and consider yourself hugged..... I wish I could do more to help you through this.

I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Thanks for all you did to give Babette quality of life while she was on this earth. To die knowing that you are loved deeply...that is the greatest gift to humans or animals...and you gave that to Babette.

When our Stewart died, I kept the body with Gingi & Emmaline for a bit. Gingi groomed him and nudged him, but Emm (who was only a few months old) just hopped on him. Gingi has lost her bonded mate and soul mate. She mourned for weeks just sitting listlessly in spots around the house where she & Stew would snuggle. But then she came around.

Because of Stewart's lifelong (2 yr) struggle with pasteurella...I became much more bunny-educated. Babette has done that for you. I would like to imagine that the two of them are enjoying each other's company on the other side of the Bridge swapping stories about what they had to go through to teach us all we've learned.

Know that all of us on RO are thinking of you as you miss your sweetie.

~Mary Ellen
Thanks for asking about us!

I watched Beau alot today to see if he was able to rest ,was eating and pooping and/or was looking depressed. He is quiet but is doing a lot of self-grooming, looks like he is eating OK etc.
He does not appear at all to be looking for her. The one change in him is that he is allowing me to pet him. Any other time he would immeditaely leave me and run to her; he has stopped running away.
During the day I fixed an area in the bunny room where he could be with my 5 other rabbits but separate from them. The idea behind this was basically to distract him a little from being alone.
When Babette continuouly was getting URI'S lastfall I moved her and Beau into another room because I was somewhat concerned that she could have a transmissible illness.They had not been with the other rabbits since probably Sept. or Oct 2007.

My plan is to place him in the room with the other rabbits during the day and move him back by himself at night. I could tell he was relieved to be alone when I moved him back tonight.
My dream is that he would form a bond with one of my other singles.or at least form friendships with them. While babette was here he had no interest in the other rabbits except to keep them away from her.
If he goes into a depression I would consider getting a partner for him but if he seems OK I am not going to get another rabbit.

He is a very nice boy ..I'll post a pic of hims o you can see who I'm talking about

Things could be a lot worse than they are so I am thankful for that, but I still feel very sad that she is gone.
Dear Maureen, I am just catching this now as several weeks had gone by without writing to you offline. My heart mourns right along with you. You are such an angel to every bun at the shelter and especially those you look after as part of your family. Those you helped like Margi's EmmaLee and naturestee's Oberon!
I am crying tears as i type, so sad to hear about Babette,
:bigtears:She is a beautiful bunny and I know what a hard decision it was to make, I recently had to do it myself, you did what was best for her. Babette knew you loved her. I am so sorry she had to pass away.:pink iris:
I am so very sorry to hear about Babette. She was such a beautiful bunny..

I can tell that she had the very best care with you, you did so much for her, if all rabbits have the care that she has had, then the world would be so much a better place. She knew she was loved..

I can't imagine how you must be feeling, after going through so much with her. I'm thinking of you, and Beau, I'm glad to hear he seems to not be doing too badly.

Rest in peace, beautiful Babette, and binky free...

:pink iris::rainbow::pink iris:

Jen xx
Thanks everyone!

Beau is still doing OK..very quiet but he is eating and drinking so that's good
I was trying to downsize a photobucket pic of him but I am having problems with it so I will post his pic when I can.
I am so very sorry - I didn't reply on your posts about Babette and her treatment, as I had no advice to offer, but I followed them, and learned a lot. You had such a long fight with her illness, and gave her such a wonderful life, I can only imagine how you and Beau are feeling.

Thinking of you both

I'm sorry to hear that the time came for Babette to cross the bridge. You did everything you could for her and she would have sensed the love you feel for her.

R.I.P. Babette. Run free little one :rainbow::rose:

Jo xx
Oh Maureen I'm so sorry. I really don't have any words for this. I wish I could have met her, I really should come and visit the whole crew some time. I'm wondering if Beau is seeming to be ok because he sensed how badly she was declining?

Oberon sends head butts and snuggles.

Thanks Angela

I was trying to figure out why this is SO HARD on me
It was that as she continued to get the URII became more and more involved with her medical situation.

I did not post on her very much on this forum. I did pm Randy occasionally about medical treatments I could do myself.
This was so painful for me that I couldn't post because I almost couldn't talk about her. The months she was on zithromax I knew that she was being underdosed and I couldn't do anything about it

She was abolutely pathetic the last few weeks. I couldn't leave her long because she would fall on her right side and not be able to get up. . Her right leg was not functional.
We tried her on fenbendazole with out any success and from a detailed description of her symptoms Randy did not think that it sounded like ec.

One of the vets thought possibly cancer of the spine or somesevere spinal dysfunction.
Thenone of the ? rabbit saavy vets tells me that she had to be Babette's advocate because she thoughther quality of life was so bad.

Well her quality of life was NOT bad at home but she couldn't sit on a metal table without totally sprawling out. .

Anyway Beau is looking kind of gloomy tonight but I still think that he is OK.
At least my other rabbits might start getting some attention again.

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