B & B

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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2010
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New City, , USA
So...I've been reading everyone else's blogs and wanted to share the story of my two rabbits, B & B - better known as Butterscotch and Buttons.

I've had them now for just over a month. They were both "Easter bunnies" - the rescue I got them from found them at an auction, where they were selling rabbit in moldy boxes and wire crates. My poor Buttons - he was sold in a wire crate that he couldn't even move in - and he's not a big rabbit.

They are so cute. Butterscotch is around 14 weeks right now, and is both the friendliest and most jealous rabbit you will ever meet. Even though they're both boys, we keep them in separate cages that are next to each other. When I go to pet Buttons, Butterscotch RUNS over to that side of the cage and sticks his nose through the bars as to remind me that he's there too! I have to ignore that though, since due to that outgoing personality, he tends to get more attention than Buttons does. He's a Palomino (mix?) and while I'd never heard of the breed before I got him, he's a very good-natured pet. Though he will be big - he's gained over a pound in the 5 weeks I've had him!

Buttons is a bit younger, around 12.5 weeks, and according to the rescue, is a Lionhead/Angora mix. While he's adorable, he's VERY high-maintenance. Unfortunately, the boys like to groom each other, and Butterscotch creates BIG clumps in Buttons' fur - I've resorted to just cutting them out. He's a sweet rabbit, curious, though not as friendly as his buddy. My family went away for the weekend and they stayed with a friend of my mother's - he didn't seem to like her. Actually, he doesn't really seem to like anyone but me :) And food. He likes every new treat, fruit, and vegetable I've given him so far. Butterscotch does not. He is the oddest rabbit...

About me - I'm a 21-year-old college graduate who is now living back home while trying to figure out what to do in a "jobless recovery". So my mother and I (and sometimes my brother) take care of the rabbits. Though thanks to my mad internet research skills, I am in charge of all decision making involving the rabbits - food, treats, bedding, litter - you get the idea.

The boys - I have so few pictures of them together because they won't STAY STILL!!!

Buttons with my mom

Butterscotch doing some grooming - the flash turns his eyes red, but it also helps show his gorgeous color
Congrats for your "new" pets, they're adorable!!!!
Good luck taking care of them - you'll do well, believe me. They're such lovable fluffy creatures that we're naturally compelled to do our best for them - and it works. It's been working with mine, it will work well for you too.

Buttons and Butterscotch are both absolutely adorable bunnies..Buttons is a little cutie and i just love that little white spoton Butterscotchs nose..i just wanna give him a nose rub and Buttons too!
They are both so adorable. We need some updated pictures!
Aww, thanks everyone. For some reason, the forum hasn't been updating me on postings, so I stopped writing because it didn't seem like anyone was interested. But since people are...

So, some changes in my rabbit household. Buttons has been renamed - Einstein! Or Dr. Einstein, as my brother calls him. He came home from school and we went back and forth on names - Gizmo, because he looks like a gremlin, or Einstein, because he looks like Einstein's head. So he is now Einstein - which is pretty ironic, since out of the two, Butterscotch is definitely smarter.

So today Butterscotch was doing something pretty funny. I've been building him a NIC cage, and had him out to test it out. The cage will be closed with binder clips, and I had used what I wanted and left the cardboard box with three clips inside it on the floor. Butterscotch picks up the box in his mouth, shakes the clips out, and starts running around the family room with the box in his mouth, shaking his head and having a grand old time. It was the funniest thing ever - very dog-like, but he was shaking his head so much I though maybe the box was stuck on him! I wish I had pictures - I'll see if he does it again tomorrow.

And some updated pictures:

Einstein tonight - that face is irresistible

Butterscotch resting - see what he does to his bedding? I don't think he'll miss that in his new cage:

Einstein - always looking for attention:

The boys together - though since that picture we have learned that they can't be out together. Guess those 5-month hormones are running wild:

And Butterscotch's new cage - still a work in progress:

buttons is sucha lovely rabbit!!
Thank you all. They are sweet.

Butterscotch moved to his new cage today.

At first he wasn't all that into it, but I had been introducing it to him over the past few weeks, so he adjusted pretty quickly. Of course, my previously litter-trained rabbit is now marking his territory ALL over the place, but I'm sure that will pass. And now neither of them will use the outside litterbox, since I took that from Butterscotch's old cage - I don't know how fast that will change. It took them FOREVER to learn to use that - oh well.

This picture isn't entirely accurate of Butterscotch's new cage. You see, I put plexiglass on the bottom of the cage then put the foam on top of it. But Butterscotch, destructive terror that he is, started ripping up the foam as soon as he was in. Not wanting to deal with any intestinal blockages tomorrow, the plexiglass is now on top. He really is the most destructive rabbit - wires, doors, moldings, flip-flops, carpeting...doors are closed when he comes out of his cage.

AND - this is the best part - Butterscotch has also learned to escape his new cage! I came downstairs tonight and went to check on Butterscotch. His cage was empty. We'd been using binder clips to hold the door closed, but I guess I need to find bigger ones that won't pull off when a determined rabbit pushes his head against the door. So, to ensure no surprises in the morning, the door to his cage is now being held shut with zip ties. He is so bad...

But at least he now has some carpeting that he can dig on to his heart's content!!! Buttercotch on his shelf. It's about 15-16 inches off the floor, but the big guy has no trouble getting up there. Just like the couch. And the counter.


And because I know everyone loves Einstein...

see if you can find snaps...like whats on horse reins and what not. or like a dog leash, what you hook it to the collar wit. i get mine at the feedt store that sells tack, they work so much better than binder clips
Thanks, Brenda - had one of those clips lying around the house (as a keychain) and am using it to keep Butterscotch's cage closed. For now, he just hops up to the shelf when he comes out, and uses the top entrance.

Beyond Butterscotch's cage, things have been somewhat eventful here lately. Now, the boys are not allowed out together. But when Einstein is out, he likes to hop around Butterscotch's cage, which makes Butterscotch CRAZY. Usually I pull him away after he heads over there, but yesterday I wasn't fast enough. Butterscotch's NIC cage means they can both stick the tip of their nose/mouth through - and Einstein got bit!!! My poor baby - it's just to the right of his mouth. He's okay - eating and hopping around, and I'm using Betadine to clean it - but that is IT! They are staying away from each other from now on! Even after they are fixed, I'm kind of leery about trying to bond them - we'll see. They might end up separated eventually - Einstein will definitely leave for school with me in a year, but my brother wants Butterscotch if he can get a pet-friendly apartment at school.

Einstein in my room after being bitten - he loves my room. I think it's because my scent is all over it. If you look closely, you'll see the bite to the bottom right of his nose. I love this picture - he is such a little doll.



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