Are Rabbit Nutri-Drops a good idea?

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gentle giants

Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2005
Reaction score
, Illinois, USA
I saw an ad for Rabbit Nutri-Drops in a Domestic Rabbits magazine. It says they are "a nutrient rich combination of balanced vitamins, minerals, amino acids and glucose. The first and only oral supplement to deliver vital nutrients directly to the bloodstream, restoring the immmune system in minutes." One thing that I am wondering about is that they are for rabbits and cavys both. Aren't the nutrional needs of rabbits and cavys rather different?

They are supposed to be for breeding, difficult birth, appetite, disease, weak or chilled newborns, diarrhea, transport and heat stress, show and competition, vitamin deficiencies, overall preventative care. Can one product really do all that? It would be marvelous if it did, but I can't help thinking it sounds like snake oil. Has anyone used this stuff before or know anything about it?
I found the website:

But there's no real info there either, just a lot of claims about what it does. It's also labeled for pets in general and not just rabbits and cavies. This website has the label info- scroll down and it's under Additional Information.

The only reason it "skips" digestion is that monosaccharide sugars- glucose and fructose (found in many fruits and honey) do not need to be broken down into smaller sugars before cells can use them. This doesn't mean they are absorbed into the bloodstream through the mouth as the manufacturer seems to want the less-biology trained people to think. It still won't be absorbed until it reaches the intestines, and I read articles on glucose supplements to double-check that.

It does have vitamins and minerals and yes, sometimes additional supplementation can aid a sick animal. But it's not labeled for any specific species and it only gives amounts of three vitamins- A, D, and E, so it's difficult to tell if you might be overloading them with something they don't need.

I would not use it as a preventative- pellets should provide all necessary vitamins and minerals. I also wouldn't want to constantly give rabbits sugar, because as we know that can cause problems with the bacteria in the intestines resulting in diarrhea or other problems. And it most definitely will not cure anything on it's own, at best it will provide more vitamins for the body to use which may be helpful during illness.
Personally, I try to avoid markerted stuff as much as possible. The only thing marketed they get is their pellets. I try to keep things as natural as possible. I think they get what they need from their hay, pellet, fresh greens, occasional fruit, etc.

It might be good for a bunny that is ill and needs a supplement. Other than that, I just don't bother with it. :)
Yeah... I was afraid of that. Ms Binky, I don't normally give my bunnies anything like this, it jsut sounded so darn good, especially with winter coming on. *sigh* I don't hink it would be worth paying money for, based on what Naturstee was able to find out. I wouldn't want to give a rabbit a bunch of extra sugar, especially a sick one.
Hi all!

My friend, one of our local breeder just told me that he is getting this product to Malaysia. He has tried it once a few days ago. His friend sent him a sick bunny. That bunny wasn't eating for more than 24hours and having a serious gas problem. He gave 1ml to 3lbs body weight. Miracle, the bunny starts eating after 30minutes!

Has anyone use this product before? My friend said, this product is tested by most breeders in USA. I would like to know more about this product.

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