Are Our Babies Stressed??

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Hey All,

I have a concern I wanted to address....Recently my husband and I brought home two beautiful bunnies from a breeder not to far from us.Moo Moo is around 2 months and Hugsy is about 3 months. Given that we brought them home from a farm, we expect them to take a little while to adapt to their surroundings. We know that it is a big adjustment from being outside in a barn, to being brought inside living with new people.

However what is concerning me the most is their lack of appetite...We filled their food bowl up the first night they came home with us, and 2days later, its virtually untouched...between the two of them they probably ate less than half of the food put out for them, and they haven't touched the timothy hay that is there either. This morning we got up and all of the water in their bowl was finished, but not their food...On top of that the only come out from under their hut to eat fora couple of seconds and then run back under the hut....Their poop seems very big, dark and softer than it should be.....I should say that we're feeding them Purina rabbit chow, that we were given by the its not a matter of new taste either....I'm really hoping that they aren't stressed out. We had two other bunnies previously that adapted to everything pretty well at first,but then became stressed out and got pasturella:(We don't want to repeat history...Can anyone help us out?
Hmm, so they are eating the same food as at the breeders. Thats a good start.

Is the hay nice and green and fresh? If the hay is older and not as nice they may not like the taste.

Drinking water is a good thing. How big is the dish? Babies won't eat that much when they are very young,but should start pigging out around 3-4 months old and just hoover up the food.

Keep them nice and quite, and they should warm up soon. As long as they are eating something, even just a little bit they should be okay.

Are they pooping?

It seems like they are just scared.How long have you had them 2-3 days? Both or our buns, it took about 5-7 days to warm up to us.

I just opened the 'rabbit house', sat down (rabbits hate it when you stand up, well some of them) and just let them come to you.Build trust.

It was a good idea on your part not to change the diet, if you want to change their pellets, do it slowly (day one, 90% old / 10%new, day two 70%old / 30% new and etc. ), but I suggest you do thatafter the buns getused to you.

Good luck.
If I remember right - your earlier rabbits were smaller and younger - right?

If so - that would explain the poops being larger now.

As far as darker...hmm...different food from what the others were eating?

If you're concerned about it being softer - add a tablespoon maybe of oatmeal (uncooked - long cooking type) to their food. It will help to firm them up.

I would say that as long as they are pooping and drinking - they must be eating some hay or something when you're not around in order to poop.

And like the others have said - I'd give them a few days to adjust.


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