Anyone Else Experience This?

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leo (they/them)
Feb 22, 2010
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I'm not sure if this belongs here, but if it doesn't I guess move it? O: it's about bunnies so yeah XD

Anyways, ever since I've had Solara, bunnies have been in my dreams left and right, and not only good.

One good one consisted of me in a room filled with friendly, happy buns :)
Also, another one consisted of me walking down a street and saw a yard filled with bunnies! I went in the house, and there were more!
I know it's bad to have lots of bunnies (this person in my dream was a horder I assume), but it was the fact there were so many lovely bunnies to pet which was the goodness in the dream. The bad thing of the dream was that was wayyy too many bunnies for someone to have, though everybunny in that dream were healthy, clean, and happy o: (no, I will never become a horder! i love buns too much to put them in situations like that! D: )

The bad dreams:

One, Solara got out of my room, and ran to the dogs, when I don't know how my younger dog would react.

Two, Solara got outside, and ran to my old neighbours, met another bunny, and wouldn't come back home.

Three, my dogs kept getting in my room, though they didn't get into Solara's pen.

:I I'm assuming I'm dreaming of tons of bunnies because I love buns, and I'd like to adopt another one later in life.

I'm assuming I'm dreaming of Solara getting hurt/escaping because I love her so much, and I just worry about her sometimes. (as does any bun-mother)

And yes, I keep my door closed ALL the time. I don't forget to close it. I do not allow my dogs by Solara, besides Lady, (through the pen AND cage) but I'm trying to get them used to each other. Lady would never hurt Solara. Kiba has gotten in my room, but there's a bed seperating him from Solara, and I always get him out before he even sees her. I don't want them to meet, so they won't. Solara is very safe, I'm a very protective mommy, and that's why I'm wondering if anyone else has had these types of dreams.
I have totally bizarre rabbit dreams a lot. Sometimes I actually have to get out of bed in the middle of the night to go check the bunny room.
slavetoabunny wrote:
I have totally bizarre rabbit dreams a lot. Sometimes I actually have to get out of bed in the middle of the night to go check the bunny room.

Yay, it's not just me! :)
Want to share some? (if you remember them? :D) I'd love to hear them! :bunnydance:

And aww :) I bet your buns appreciate that! All I have to do is look over to the side, because Solara hardly sleeps in her cage, she sleeps in her pen and I can see her from where I sleep. ;)
Actually last night I had my first bunny dream! I dreamed that I took Sabrina to my parents and let her into the living room while my mom was out (she isn't allowed in there). Well, little Sabrina had an accident and in my haste to try and clean up the pee stains, I put vinegar on it. THEN the vinegar dissolved the carpet! I was freaking out but I woke up before I came to a solution.

I think bun dreams are normal for us slaves!
I dream about Lulu a lot. Or at least its a lot for me because I rarely remember any of my dreams.

My mom common rabbit dream is about adopting a husbun or Lulu. Its cute to see her snuggling and adorable. That dream's message is pretty blatant though. haha.
I had rabbit dreams very often shortly after getting my first bun. Some were so good, about him falling in love with me (took me months I reality to win him over) and some were terrifying and I still remember them.

One in particular, kirby somehow was walking in the street and I spotted him when I was walking home and before I could get to him this huge dog came out of nowhere and swooped him up and ran away. It gives me chills to this day. :(

might just be the nerves from suddenly being head over heels in love with your new bun. :)
Since Tiny died - I've had dreams where he came back to me and talked to me and told me things. Before he died - and after I got Zeus - I used to have nightmares of someone coming and and taking them to put them down because they were "Culls" and not show quality.

Art has had bruises from those dreams as I'd fight in my sleep to hold onto my rabbit.
[align=center]@Sabrina: O: i'm glad! bunny dreams are pretty great :)
and lol, does vinegar really dissolve carpets or was that just part of the dream? XD

@Patti: aww ): i almost always remember my dreams! and like a funky color? or just another color? x3

@Jessica: aww x) its still cute!

@Helen: aww x) and aww )x thats a sad dream! and it probably is :) i adore solara <3

@Peg: oh wow O: i would fight for my bun too! >:I no one takes our buns and gets away with it! Dx but is it good things that tiny tells you? O:[/align]
I have had a few bunny dreams, there is only one I can really remember but it isn't a good one :(
Yield wrote:
[align=center]@Sabrina: O: i'm glad! bunny dreams are pretty great :)
and lol, does vinegar really dissolve carpets or was that just part of the dream? XD

No it doesn't! Thank goodness! I told my mom the dream the next day and she told me that it will serve me right for trying to sneak her in there!!! I certainly will make sure not to take her in there during our next visit.
@Patti: oh wow x3;;
@Grace: aww ): i'm sorry
@~*sAbRiNa*~: that's good X3 and yeah, better safe then sorry XD

and i just had HORRIBLE nightmare last night!
i had gotten another bunny, a yellowish coloured lionhead. and he wasn't all too friendly. but that wasn't the bad part. the bad part was solara's mouth. the top of her jaw was cut in half and she wasn't bleeding really but it had to have hurt! but she still licked me constantly! i know why i had the nightmare too! because i read about that michigan bunny abuse case last night ): it was sad.. and i was woken up by none-other than solara herself, because she's gotten out and started thumping her feet!

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