Anybody here take their bunnies to Petsmart with them?

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I for one can't wait to find out how our RoyalSweetie, Sherman does. Here's to hoping a good time is had by all.Careful BunnyMommy, if it's anything like when I bring Apollo-dearSheaman is going to be the center of attention and have more that hisfair share of,um... treats.

Mocha would LOVE to go to Petsmart if there weredogs there at the same time. He loves to intimidate even the bigestdogs! lol, he would have so much fun!
:shock:I thought it was only the womanwho wrote the book 'Hop to It' that took her bunny out. I'dbe terrified in case some cat or dog attacked Henry!

Does anyone have any trouble like that?

The author of Hop to It takes hers to the park and things... Henry would love it, but I'm too scared of losing him.

My friend's rabbit was killed by, and this is no joke, a 3 leggedvicious poodle.Floppy was attacked by it and diedof shock. Poor thing! Needless to say, we all hatethe poodle and sneer at it any time it comes near us.:( It makes me mad when people can't keep their animals undercontrol... that's another rant though... don't get me started on catsdoing their business in my garden! Grrrr!
Hi, Delphinum! Actually I feltas you did for a long while until I started this thread. I'mvery protective of Sherman (sometimes a little overprotective), so Ijust couldn't see exposing him to the kind of danger that I felt wasinherent in taking him to Petsmart with all of those dogs runningaround.

However, so many on this board have done it successfully (withtaking common sense precautions of course) that I've decided to extendhis travels and give it a whirl.

It's my intention anyway to take him on as many car outings aspossible so that he won't associate going "bye-bye" solely with goingto the doctor.

Hope this helps! :)

P.S. "Hop to It" is the next book on my wish list for purchase.
Delphinum wrote:
My friend's rabbit was killed by, and this is no joke, a 3legged vicious poodle.Floppy was attacked by it anddied of shock. Poor thing! Needless to say, we allhate the poodle and sneer at it any time it comes near us.:( It makes me mad when people can't keep their animals undercontrol... that's another rant though... don't get me started on catsdoing their business in my garden! Grrrr!
P.S. I give you guys credit for being so accepting ofFloppy's death. I can't say confidently at this moment thatthat poodle would have continued to have a long, healthy, happy life ifthat had happened to my Sherman. (I apologize in advance if Ihave offended anybody with this statement.)
I have never had any problems at all. I takeApollo almost everwhere. At Petco, I lay one of his blankies in thecart. He is more than happy to sit or lay there. We go to the park andbaseball games on a regular basis. I am always watching for problempeople or pets, yet have had no problems. Apollo is free to run andplay and visit. He knows mom won't let anything happen to him. Since weare there all the time, I was pleasantly surprised to see how manypeople help watch out for him and miss him when he's not there. We eventake him with us to visit friends and family. One of Apollo's biggestadmirers isn't an adult or even a child. It's my sister-in-law's 200lb. St. Bernard, Boozer. He lays in front of Apollo's cage. Part of ithe's protecting Apollo, and he licks Apollo through the bars.

I am always careful. I am always watching, anticipating any problemand ready to act if there ever is a problem. We have a blast.

Elf is a DEFINITEpark bunny. She adores all of the attention and has adopted certaintrees as her own. After the park, we sometimes visit some outdoor cafesin the area for a drink or a bite to eat. We get a lot of double-takesand questions, but she's well-loved in the neighborhood.:D
I agree with you BunnyMommy, I'd have reportedthe dog to the police for being vicious, but my friend was soheartbroken that it was the last thing on her mind.

Well after reading your posts, we went out to Pets at Home and bought arabbit lead for Henry. When we first put it on, I think hethought we were strangling him and jumped and scrambled out of Dan'sarms, so we let him run about then tried again. (If you'redoing this for the first time, I'd recommend a thick, long sleevedjumper, I was wearing a vest top... my chest and arms are covered inscratches! :?) We managed to get it on, but heseemed really scared and skittish,and he was biting at it(nearly bent his neck in two trying to get it off). When he'dcalmed down a little, Dan scooped him up, attached the lead and tookhim outside.

He absolutely LOVED it! He was investigating the wholegarden, nearly was in next door's too, and he even hopped back into thehouse himself. I've never seen him run so fast because in hispen it's hard for him to get up any speed. So we're going toget a retracting dog lead and attach him to that, then we can sit andhe can run, it's hard work keeping up with a binkying rabbit!LOL

Next step is walkies!! :D
Oh, Delphinum, I'm so glad that Henrylearned to enjoy his harness! It opens up whole new worldsfor them. And yes, I agree. The retractable leashis the way to go for an active bunny.

Sherman didn't mind the harness when we first put it onhim; he just didn't like the leash because he couldn't gowhere he wanted to go. He'll get used to it though.Can't wait to start taking him on outings and "hops".lol!
Maybe that's what I need! I spend the whole time"walking" my bunnies running around the yard after them with thosenormal leashes. Not to mention they like to run between my legs so Iend up jerking on them because I can't react fast enough to move andturn around!
Laura, I think that you'd really like theretractable leash. One lady used one at Bunnyfest.While the other bunny moms were running at top speed trying to keep upwith their bunnies she just sat down and let hers run the length ofit. When the bunny got to the end of the leash and felt it"pull" he just came back into range withouta fuss because hehad so much latitude.

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