Any thoughts on bread?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2010
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California, , USA
The store down the street throws about half a dozen loaves of bread a day. Can rabbits eat bread? How much? how often, can they eat it every day? Anything to watch out for such a certain seeds or grains that could hurt them?
FogCity wrote:
The store down the street throws about half a dozen loaves of bread a day. Can rabbits eat bread? How much? how often, can they eat it every day? Anything to watch out for such a certain seeds or grains that could hurt them?

No, bread is very bad for rabbits and they should not eat it ever.
Some one turned in their rabbit to the shelter where I volunteer, and thats all they fed her was bread. She was very obese and it was quite a change for her to switch over to hay and pellets.
Thanks for the info. I am just curious, why is it bad? I have read the the yeast can cause problems in the stomach. Is this true?
Refined flour products contain few nutrients and a lot of calories - they do lead to obesity very quickly in animals as well as humans.
I have been giving my bunnies a small mini Paristoast every Sunday for years. Buttercup is 12+, Wilbur & Jackie 7+, Daisy Mae 5+, Winston & Vega not sure.

I have never had any problem with them having this treat weekly. None of them are over weight. And they love them too.

Susan :)
Rabbit tummies aren't designed to digest processed wheat products and as Pam said they're just empty calories (especially with how much sugar and salt is in processed breads - it's far more than you would think). I would avoid feeding them altogether and stick with safe treats like fruit. Why feed it when there are so many other safe and yummy treats out there?

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