any one have french lops

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I am wanting one pretty bad. Been looking at colors Sooo Many more than a tan. I've decided on a buck so he can be bffs with rocky and those will be my babies. We're headed to the cleburne show so maybe i'll find one there :)
First off Susan he is mine and I am bringing him home very soon. He is inlove with Fraggles after all. Also Sarah? Do you think it would be wise to bring such a full figured bun into a home were tans wild!
CCWelch wrote:
I actually have all 4 of my girls up for sale, I decided that they were not what I wanted. My Checkered Giant ate less food then they do and I liked him better.
Think I am gonna get back into Checkereds.

can I see them :)

and every one I am looking for some more french lops so if you have any or you know some one that dose please tell me :biggrin:its like they are all gone from here I only know of me and 2 other people with french lops in oregon.

Goofy98, the intermediates pictures are posted in this thread and the Sr looks just like the Intermediate solid doe.
If you want to drive to Iowa to pick them up or set up a "people train" to get them there then I will sell them to you. I WILL NOT SHIP any other way except person to person willing to move them or direct pick up. Most people are getting out of the larger breeds. I am having the same problem with Checkereds.
Our tans are most definitely caged. We couldn't have all that havoc running around 24/7 lol. Rocky is a full figured Brit so I'm sure they would most certainly get along lol
Couldn't find any french lop babies at the cleburne show BUT I did find a breeder who has 2 week old agoutis in the next box! I'm so excited I'll make a trip down later this month to pick my baby :) Hopefully I can get pictures too!!
This is Adeline. She's my first French, almost 7 months old, and not the most friendliest of the rabbits. I'm hoping she'll come out of her shell, although I've had her for over 2 months now. You can pet her now, so that's improvement. LOL


This is Max. He was born on October 19th, and we brought him one on the 10th of this month. VERY outgoing little fellow! His head isn't as wide as I'd like, but Adeline has a HUGE head, so hopefully they'll cross well.

Hey decided I had better check the forum out now the car issue has been resolved. Found out Benjamin is moving to Fraggles via a punk santa or Daisy Mae's via Canadian Slug Mail. Hmmmm, you should never not check this site for too long, anyone else that has been negliegent had better be warned. Benjamin is a class of french lops all to himself. Part rabbit, part little piggy and part snuggle bun. Good luck finding one like him. lol
Not so much a baby but it's just as well. Now I don't have to wait to neuter him. This is my new baby. I named him Franklin. He is 7.5 months old and weighs in at 9.8lbs


He has also had a longgg and stressful day. Hopefully he'll open up to me more later but for now he is much different than my tans and much calmer.


He is much calmer than the basenji mix i had which im sure my parents appreciate that. Oh and he did his first binky today!! Very funny stuff he got about 2 or 3 inches of air :p
Hi, I raise French Lops near Conroe Texas. Almost cannot imagine another breed except that I also have English Lops and Flemish Giants with the French being my speciality.
I will be showing in February at the HCRA show in Crosby and hope to meet more French Lop people there.
Oooooh my that is a big rabbit :shock: Hahaha I'm so used to my itty bitty Harvey. I think it would be nice to have a laid back big rabbit.
oooo they are so cutehere are mine

this is my doe and the other one is a buck and theys 2 are brother and sister.


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