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Feb 20, 2007
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Hi everyone! I'm sorry i'm full of questions but i'm still a new bunny mommy. Ok so normally Lulu is fine being held but if she thinks she is going back into her cage, she FLIPS (we haven't mastered the whole, her going into her cage without me having to put her in there) well like 10 minutes ago I was holding her and walked near her cage and she flipped out and jumped out of my hands, I had a good hold on her, but she just went flying. When she landed she was fine, shes not limping or anything, but omg... Do ya'll think she is ok??? What can I do to make her calm down about her cage?? Shes just laying in her litter box now, I just feel SOOO awful. I started crying, my roommate thinks i'm insane, but I feel so bad.. How can I make her not be so "jumpy" well I know shes going to jump, she is a bunny, but I don't know what to do when i'm holding her to make her calm down. I must look funny also, I have scratches ALL over my body, but her nails aren't long, they're just sharp.. :( I feel like an AWFUL mommy//
Oh don't worry! I've done the same before.

Both my girls get really excited when they see they are coming closer to their cage. What I've found that's helped is if I cover her eyes and just massage the base of her ears with one hand and the other holding her tightly. If she does start to struggle, hold her firmly and try to bend down so if she does struggle and escape your arms, she won't drop as far.

Just takes practice. Another thing I've noticed is rabbits like confidence when you are holding them. If you feel nervous about handling them, the bun will start to feel nervous. I was really weary of picking up and handling rabbits, and it made it harder for both meand the rabbit. As soon as I showed the bunny a little authority it was much easier.
Ok, thank you!!
I thought I was the only person who has done that before, I still feel so guilty, I went out and bought her more of her yogurt treats. She normally bites her cage to come out when i'm in my room, but she isn't.. I know shes mad at me..
I'm going to let her out in a minute to see if she'll snuggle with me and forgive me:bigtears:
Aww don't worry! After she was probably proud of herself. Super Bunny! ;)

Don't worry :). Rabbit's rarely hold grudges, it'll be fine. I know I felt bad too after I did it. Just don't give too many yogurt treats though!

I'm willing to bet that every single person who posts here has done the same thing... please don't beat yourself up about it. We all make mistakes, and you're asking the right questions and learning, which is great!

Is your bunny's cage set up so he/she can go in and out by him/herself? And if not, is it possible to change things around a bit so that that can happen? It's much less stressful for bunnies - and their humans. ;)

there''s some great information on this site re. setting up play areas and more - look in the "Photo Philes" section under "NIC cages" to get started...

Snuffles stuggles alot when I get him out so I hold him tighter and sort of around his neck/shoulders so he can't actually jump out of my grip.

Use Spring's idea about covering the eyes, I will start doing that as well so he doesn't get so excited.:D

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