Animal Cops Shows

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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2012
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Cayuga County, New York, USA
They make me so sad. I don't know why I watch this. :( Whenever my dad watches it and sees the abused animals he gets furious. One dog was tied in the back yard with it's collar embedded into its neck and had maybe 1 foot of leash and it had been there for a while since the collar was literally in its neck; like it had grown from a puppy with it on. :/ My dad decided he was going to put a metal collar on a person and hang them from a tree. Stupid show makes me so sad. :( Anyone else watch them?
I watch them too sometimes, but not as much anymore. I found I would get really depressed and there's nothing I can do about helping them. I prefer to volunteer to help the buns I can, it's healthier for me emotionally.

The more people I meet the more I love my bunnies! (I even found the saying on a magnet for my office hehehehe)
I don't usually watch it but I'm home sick today and nothing is on TV. There is a little white kitten who got hit in the head by someone so it's retina's are detached and it has brain damage. I'ts slow, has issues walking but it LOVES to be pet and cuddled you just have to hold it correctly because it kinda falls over because it can't keep itself upright.. :(

Yes. I love my animals so much. I've told my mom that if I could, I would ignore all people and just live with my animals. I told my Economics teacher (because we are doing a project where we have to find an apartment and stuff) that I don't need a 'roommate'; I don't WANT a 'roommate' because in reality I will be an old hermit living with 50 bunnies in a box. He laughed at me...
I do find it sad when not much can be done, but I do like watching it for the happy stories that happen. Makes it worth it.
I sometimes watch it too. It's so sad :( you see loads of dogs that have been tied outside with the same collar on as a puppy so it's embedded into the poor dogs flesh :( I once saw one we here the dog was tied in the back garden by Christmas lights and the lights were embedded on his neck :(
I used to watch them a lot, my favourite was 'Animal Cops Houston'. I found them very repetitive though after a certain amount of episodes, you've seen them all.
I cant watch animal cops..but i watch hoarders and theres one show where these biker guys started a rescue type thing and their all intimidating and big and scary...then they cuddle kittens and little dogs and save animals from bad situations
I watch Animal cops Houston and Miami. I saw the episode yesterday with the white kitten. Good for the woman who went out to that man's truck and snatched that poor kitten out. I didnt see the end to see if they caught the guy and what happened to the kitten. Ever since seeing that show for the first time I've always wanted to be an animal cop. But I dont think I could keep my composure with some people, so it wouldnt be a good job for me lol. I remember when I got Gracie from the rescue, they had a Flemish Giant in there and I asked about him because I love Flemmie's but just dont have the space for one. One day i will. But the woman told me they had rescued him from a woman who kept him in a tiny cage and he now has no use of his back legs because she never let him out and he didnt have room to hop around. If I could've brought him home with me I would have. I still wonder about him. But she said he would probably live out his days at the shelter. She kept him in her office, he had a nice bed and thats where he stayed. She said she didn't have the heart to put him in a cage after everything he had been through.
I could never be an animal cop, I would go crazy. I think if I knew the people who had Becky or Indiana Bunns before me I would have to get violent on them. Particularly in Becky's case- who could hit my little boo boo? She is so very sweet! *gerrrrr*
if you talk to animal control officers...they see little good in their job, but when they makes up for a lot of bad.
I wanted to be a cop growing up, and then i wanted to be an animal cop. Animals are my passion, and I really do belong in a field with them, which I'm not at all right now. I realized I could never be a cop of any kind because I'm just not an assertive person AT ALL. lol. I'd just be walked all over.

I haven't watched those shows in a while, but I used to quite a bit. The happy endings were always worth it.