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Yeah.. I'm glad I got home in time for it. There were alot ofgood suggestions on there.

Timmy's doing fairly well, we've been hit with some pretty bad thunderstorms so he got scared a few times from the thunder (the storm was literally right outside a few times) but otherwise we've had 4 really good feedings today, no rolls coming out or going back into the cage. I've got him in a smaller cage right now, but I'll probably switch him over to the bigger cage in the morning as JadeIcing said Ringo seems to do better in larger areas. I'm a little worried to have him out on the floor as opposed to the bed though because it's hardwood so it's slippery. I'm thinking of maybe building a large pen for play time and putting mats or small carpets down so it's not slippery but he still gets some out time and Anabelle gets to visit more with him.

twich wrote:
I'm thinking of maybe building a large pen for play time and putting mats or small carpets down so it's not slippery...

A bit off-the-wall, but Kirsty Alley kept her head tilt bunny in a kids plastic wading pool, in case somebody hasan old one of those kicking arund.Some towels or mats on the bottom of one of those works great for rolling bunnies --not that Tim sounds that bad.But itsa safe, comfy environment for rollers. :)

sas :bunnydance:
Ringos litterpan. That is an the pen that scared me.


His current pen 6x3...




Timmy is doing well. He got a little congested a few days ago and his eye got a little runny, but has since cleared up and his congestion has gone as well (I have the thyme recipe to thank for that). I tried him in a larger cage but found he had more trouble there, so I've mover him to the smaller cage again and I'm going to start working with him outside the cage (more than just neck stretches and massages) and I'm going to make a divider for the larger cage and give him more space gradually. Once I have a job again, I plan on building a pen much like JadeIcing has for ringo (but a slightly smaller scale because of the small apartment) And once he's used to being in larger spaces, I will start to let him have free range time and see how he does with being on the hardwood.
Luckily right now because of how he came into my care, the petshop he's from is supplying carefresh, hay, pellets, treats, and toys for free until I find him a forever home (which may very well be with me if his head tilt doesn't fix itself) but he's been able to eat his pellets, fruits and veggies, and treats with no issue in his cage. He's also able to drink more easily from his water bottle and able to hop around his small cage and throw toys around it with little to no rolling. Same with medication time. I feed him hay twice a day right now and when he's finished with the critical care, I'll up it to 4 times a day, 6 when I'm home all day- But right now I still prefer to do it outside his cage with me holding onto him just incase he starts rolling. He basically inhaled his piece of fruit today, it was a piece of banana, he's never had that before. And his veggies are always gone in minutes. He's a very good boy when it comes to food.
Wow, things sound to be going very well with you two! That is so wonderful to hear that you are doing so well with him, it's just great how you are treating him.

Wish you the best Timmy! Continue to pull through this little man.:bunnydance:
I am glad he is doing ok. Would love to hear he is doing better but I know how that can be.
I'm glad to hear that Timmy is doing well...he sounds like such a little fighter

Sending lots of well wish's to Timmy

I just wanted to tell you that I think youre an amazing person for doing so much for Timmy. I read your intro when you first joined and it just broke my heart that he was going to be put down because of his tilt.Not only are yougiving him a shot at a healthy life, but youre showing him so much love and attentionhe would have never known without you.

I understand the e-vet's attitude because unfortunately thats how a lot of them are around here as well. They dont really know enough about rabbits so they can tend to think things are worse than they actually are. Im so glad you got a second opinion.

Give Timmy a nose pat from me. He's a very lucky little dude. You've gone over and above to help give him the care he deserves.
Thanks for the kind words, Haley- I gave Timmy a nose pat for you.

I'd just like to let you guys know I think I'm being played by a rabbit. Me and my buddy were sneaking a peek today and timmy hadn't noticed us... His head wasn't quite as tilted as it has been... Then he saw us and suddenly it was tilted like normal! The munchkin! Naw, I think just sometimes it will tilt more than others.

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