Am I the only weirdo?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2007
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, Florida, USA
I have 6 wonderful bunnies and I WON'T be getting any more (well, not any time soon) but I have a constant desire to adopt more. I feel like a crazy bunny lady! I want more more more..........:stork:
Nah... Not a weirdo... Lol. There really is no treatment for this illness of ours :pI pity Mario when we get a house because I will just get every bun I want to get especially all those poor lil ones in the shelters...
Well, knowing this crowd, I don't think you will stand out much! LOL I am kinda over that feeling right now, mainly because I am so crowded and am running my legs off to keep them clean, also if I get any more it's because the owners have abandoned/mistreated them, and I don't want that to happen.
:wave:You're not alone! lol

I won't ever get another rabbit for a few years, I know that, because I wouldn't want to risk less attention for my bunnies now. Or maybe it's because my parents won't let me get any more.... :whistling

Didn't stop me begging them to get a black giant bun in Pets at Home last week....there was a gorgeous Harlequin lionhead cross too... :blushan:
I have two buns, and my parents wouldn't exactly be too thrilled if I brought home another. :)

I've fostered a few though because there wasn't room at the shelter and they needed someone who knew rabbits, but I was so very very tempted to adopt them. But I ended up not, because I know that with school coming up I would never have enough time for more than two buns.
I am constantly dreaming of more rabbits :headsmack.
I hear everyone saying this, but I'm content with my one bunny. I do want a lop, but I won't get one any time soon, because I only want to have one bunny. Maybe a couple of years from now, when space and money isn't so tight. But I could never see myself with more than two. I would feel like their third wheel ;)
I'm the same way. I have 4 and I will be staying at 4 for a couple years but every time I look at an ad for a bunny I just meltand have to fight the urge to get one more. I want a French Lop so bad that some times it's hard to realise that I can't handle another with my situation right now.

And then I stumbled onto these beauties the other day and fell head over heals for them...


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gwhoosh wrote:
I hear everyone saying this, but I'm content with my one bunny.
Every time I bunny sit or go to a rabbit show, I get the feeling, I want another bunny. Then MBBreminds me about the ads (like the one above my post)with bunnies needing homes, the temptation is so great.
you are not crazy :) you sound to me like someone who has a big heart and loves to surround yourself with animals. i think anyone who DOESN'T want to be surrounded by animals is crazy! you should see my house, it's like a zoo. i have 3 cats, 5 fish, a rabbit, and a 5 year old niece (who i consider to be my pet because she likes to be combed and always begs me for treats lol). all the pets except my niece like to hang out in my bedroom for the most part. i have to watch where i step lol.

i would absolutely LOVE to adopt every single bunny i see but alas, i don't have the room for them. i have a plan though - when i get my own place i'm going to make sure i find a house that can easily house many pets so i can adopt a few more buns. it's always been my dream to run my own animal daycare/boarding/rescue/adoption facility catering to all animals (not just dogs and cats but bunnies, frogs, ferrets, goldfish, mice, you name it) but even knowing i've made a difference in only a few animals lives is enough for me :)

i think one of the reasons people adore animals so much is because they aren't like humans - they don't care how fat or skinny you are, they love you regardless. they are always there to give you a snuggle during your good days and your bad days. they don't care what skincolour/religion/sex/age you are, what job you have, or what car you drive. they just love you purely and completely without judgement. they are highly intuitive to your feelings and always seem to be able to tell when you're sad and need their attention and they are always pleased to see you. when the going gets tough and everyone runs out on you, you can guarantee your dog/cat/snail/bunny will still be sitting by your feet, wondering where the hell everyone else went.

i think humans have a lot to learn from the animal kingdom and animals deserve a hell of a lot more credit and respect than most people give them.

what was my point? oh yes. are you crazy? no, not at all. you're just a warm loving caring person who likes to make a difference in animals lives. it's cool :)
Gosh I would love more buns. But living in a 600 sq. foot apt, with a husband a hamster 2 guines pigs and 1 rabbit is already pretty tight, LOL. I think my husband would leave me if I came home with one more furball :p
Haha, dont feel bad!I have 3, and when I got my first , Simi, My parents said "You can have ONE rabbit... And we mean it shay - ONE!" A few months later "Two - only two! NO MORE IN THE HOUSE!" About a month later "Okay, you can have Three in the house - but they have to be clean!"

And even now if I am a day late on cleaning I hear "I smell rabbit!" But they haven't really threatened to put them outside (in cages - in the barn!) other than the time I didn't clean my room forever.

I still want another one though... I'd really like a big rabbit... even though Sisi's size bugs me sometimes :p, but I'd love a Fliemie again :) Or a English lop (I almost bought one insted of Ash!)

So, no, you're not crazy - unless I am too... which isn't that far from being true! :)
Join the club! Id have them all. But I suppose in the real world you've got to think of the standerd to care you'd be giving to each bun.I think that made sence?:?:D
Thank you GIRLZILLA. That was very nice of you to say. I wish I could save them all or at least have enough money to start a rescue (for all kinds of animals). Oh well, it's nice to dream. It's nice to know that I'm not the only "crazy bunny lady".
gwhoosh wrote:
I hear everyone saying this, but I'm content with my one bunny. I do want a lop, but I won't get one any time soon, because I only want to have one bunny. Maybe a couple of years from now, when space and money isn't so tight. But I could never see myself with more than two. I would feel like their third wheel ;)

I feel the same, I love pet-sitting other buns and it's great to learn about how different rabbits are to care for, but I'm happy with just my two buns at the momentand don't really want any more. I prefer to be able to give them my full attention, instead of having to divide it between other bunnies. That is just my personal opinion though, I have so much respect for people with lots of buns - I don't know how you handle it!:shock:

Of course I'd love more in the future though...I already have my list planned out...:biggrin2:
Ok someone knock some sense into me... I contacted the person about those 2 adorable lop girls... AH! I'm so dead.
Hi, fellow weirdo here! :wave:

Girlzilla, you summed it up completely! I cannot turn my back on a rabbit in need, so now I have four. I'd like to say I'd keep it at four, but.....

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