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Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Waiapahu, Hawaii, USA
So, we finally DID receive one bunny. A friend of ours is leaving the islands, and can not take him with, so meet
Right Turn Clyde

:) Clyde shares the house with Three Rats, one cat, and three humans :D
He has already met the cat, who is decidedly afraid of him. as for Rattie introductions that will be done.... separately, where we place his cage near theirs. I was informed Rattie play, is very different than bunny play and might cause problems.
But so far so good!
:wave:roxy and hartleybun are pleased to see that clyde has their favourite treat in his cage - carrots:D. they send him a big hello from devon:)

hi to the rats too - havent had rats for 4 years:(miss them
Welcome to the forums, Shandrel - cute little bun there - but then I'm prejudice...I have a lot of lops around here:D
Some changes to his cage, i hope this is good

there is a small litter box, a extra block of wood from the rattie condo building, and some new "blankets" he can chew/play/sleep whatever on !
i took your advice pla. i hope he likes it, right now he is chilling on the couch :D
he looks like a cutie, can we see a closer pic of him?

I think before too long you'd want to get a plastic litter box... that is cardboard, isn't it? cardboard will get pretty soggy I imagine.

He also needs rabbit pellets. I think I read somewhere that rabbits should only have one carrot per day... can someone more knowledge second this?
Well, there are extenuating circumstances. he is a rescue bunny, the owner is bringing his food and hey over.
we were not expecting him this weekend, so cardboard litter box is better than nothing.
ah fair enough. I understand circumstances, and things you don't quite plan for. my bunny is still sleeping in a pet carrier after more than a week... there has been setbacks with my boyfriend building the hutch, he had job interviews and now he's sick. so yeah... just do your best with what you have :)
We jsut built a custom rat condo for our 3 ratties, so next month it will b a bunny cage! luckily he is small enough to live in the cage for now
what a gorgeous little face, just as I suspected! he is so pretty I swear he should be a girl haha

haha pictures by popular demand... thanks :p
Right Turn Clyde looks like he likes you already. I think though that in the first pic he's turning left which isn't allowed. Do you have a spray bottle or something for that?
Shandi, he's adorable. I look forward to more pictures of the little guy.

"and why would i spray him for turning?" I was wondering the same thing too, I've had rabbits for over 10 years and this is a new one to me.:?



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