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I LuV MaH BuNs

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Some where, New Jersey, USA
I think i might be allergic to my babies! Myeyes are starting to get swollen everytime i touch, hold, or play withthem. Right now my left eye is all swollen... Any ideas?? What can I doto make it stop? I don't want to live on Clariton!!
Oh my gosh...I hope you're not allergic! But ifyou are, there are some good tips on living with allergies on the houserabbit society website and in the 2005 Rabbits USA magazine.

That Rabbits USA magazine saved metoo! I sneeze at everything, and it gives some really goodtips on how to deal. Everyone should own a copy!! ;)

Danielle, I have just had this problem too(yeah, thy gave me Clariton too). I don't get it all the time, but ithas been extra warm here and they have been moulting more than usual,so I think that may have something to do with it and hopefully it willpass. Hope yours does too!- Jan
Hi Danielle,

My allergist told me that I have one of the worst cases of allergiesthat he's ever seen. I have them year-round and I'm allergic toeverything - trees, grasses, rabbits, mold, dust, you name it.

It's not bad living on Allegra-D. It certainly beats the alternative! There are ways around it.

Allergies come and go with people. I had them this bad when I was achild, then they disappeared for about 20 years. They came back about ayear ago.

As someone suggested, perhaps it was something the rabbit got into.Will say a prayer that it's not allergies to your charges, but if itis, it can be dealt with fairly easily.



**crossing my fingers*** Hopefully it's something you ate or something other than the bunnies.
Hi,I was also told I was allergic tomy Bunny & the hay.The doctor saidI shouldnot have him in the house. YEAH fat chance I would give him away of puthim outside. Actually I ended up getting two moreBunnies.

I have to take Reatine 20 everyday. It's by prescription andsince I have a good drug plan I don't have to pay anything.

It's not always bad, ususally when they are really shedding a couple times a year.

I allso have an air purifier in our bedroom, which I think helps.

Good luck


You really should go get tested. It's painless now.They don't use needles anymore. I've had allergies all mylife. Taking a pill every day is really not bad.It's better than losing your babies. I have to take twoinjections every other week, but I'm allergic to EVERYTHING.It's a small price to pay as far as I'm concerned.


Try an air purifier, or they sell these wipesfor pets, with people who have allergies. You simply wipe down the petand apparently i works...

Also just wash your hands every time you touch anything that belongs tothem, and try not to touch your face when playing with them...

I will say a prayer for you...

I was very allergic to the Carolyn Ihave major allergies and take prescription stuff right now (pregnant soit's the only thing I can take).

We keep the hay in a plastic bag in a closet, where it's contained andcan't bother me too much. We also keep some in a very large plasticcontainer with a tight lid, for easy access for the daily hay feeds.

One thing to consider too, wash your hands after handling the rabbits.That may cut back on some of the eye allergies you've been having.
If you are in fact allergic to the hay, I think that oxbow sells hay cakes that keep the hay contained and out of the air.
How are you today, Danielle?

The air purifier is a great idea as well. I have one and Tucker used tosuffer from allergies, but it took care of his. He had a minor case ofthem.

Hopefully it was just a passing thing and your eye and symptoms are now gone.


Itchy? Are you getting hives or anything? Are you sneezing, eyes watery?

Sounds as if the washing of your hands as so many had suggestedprevious is definitely something you want to be doing. Before youhandle them and after.
Keep us posted.


It's possible you have seasonal allergies thatare aggrivated by the bunnies. That's my problem. I'm allergic to myboys but very minimal and I canlive with some minor sneezing.In the spring my allergies flare up especially in hot weather andthat's the only time I take allergy meds -- last year it was for about6 weeks, this year I've only taken it the odd day. So I'll pray itsthat! And hay is a common allergy too that's aggrivated by warm springweather with all the pollen in the air. I'm also allergic to hay and Ibreak out in hives if I prick myself with hay.

But in any case, isn't living on allergy meds better than having to get rid of the rabbits?

P.S.- NEVER rub your eyes or touch them until after you've washed yourhands, it only makes it worse. If your eyes get itchy, rinse with coldwater.

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