Aging bunnies

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Mar 31, 2009
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My Mini Rex is going on 11 yrs in Jan. He has lost 1-1 1/2 lbs. roughly and he kinda looks like a normal bun again kinda like he did when he was younger, not so many rolls of fat like he used to. He isn't acting any different, just the normal aging things like doesn't really jump up on the bed on his own anymore, but he'll get down, more laying down, less binkies and speed bunnies, but still the occassional one. I know him losing weight is apparently a normal part of bunny aging and we have no idea why, but what is a normal weight loss for aging rabbits? He was almost 6 lbs before. Last we weighed him he was like 4 lbs 11 oz I think or a little less and he was like 5 13 oz I think before. He doesn't look emaciated or anything.

He had gotten a bladder infection/sludge deal a few months ago that was treated. He's fine now no problems. But that scared me he doesn't get sick often that was only the 2nd time ever. So I talked to some people at a local rescue and switched up his diet. Only timothy hay pellets and I changed his hay to a combo hay of oat, barley and something else (no alfalfa) and I started giving him only natural healthy treats. No more store bought junk food types, no matter how much he likes them. He gets a ton of fresh veggies now drenched in water and carrots on occassion.

Any other suggestions or things I should look out for, or things that I shouldn't worry about when I see it with the normal aging process. He's very healthy and in good shape so hopefully he'll live a long time.

He is much more vocal than he ever was before too now. Anyone else noticed this too? He was pretty quiet till a frew years ago when he figured out he could make noise and he kinda quieted down for awhile but now he's talking much more. Probably just a phase he goes through them once he realizes hey look what I can do now!

hmm i always thought alfalfa was GOOD for older bunnies cause it helped them keep the weight on?

ah, just as i thought - i checked with the HRS and this is what it said on the page for elderly buns.

Is your elderbun losing a little weight? Just like people, some older rabbits may not eat as much or their aging digestive systems may not take full advantage of the calories they consume. Try adding more plain rabbit pellets to her daily diet. If she lives in a cool part of the house, she’ll need to use more calories to maintain her body temperature. Alfalfa or timothy pellets or a combination of the two can be used.

Significant weight loss can indicate illness. This would merit a trip to the veterinarian for an elderbunny check-up.

You may need to adjust the balance of fresh veggies and fruits to hay. As your rabbit ages, her ability to digest certain foods-or food in the usual quantities-may change. Or tooth problems may make her avoid consuming as much hay as needed to balance water content of fresh veggies, resulting in a bit of poopy butt.

Provide a choice of water bowl or bottle. There may be times when one or the other is more comfortable for him to use, and this will keep his hydration up to par.

Not all older rabbits are too thin. Like some people, older rabbits can also have trouble with obesity. Carrying extra weight is very hard on arthritic joints and can cause or intensify other health problems such as heart and digestive problems. Discuss your rabbit’s ideal weight with your veterinarian and work to achieve and maintain it."

congratulations on having such an OLD bun! i sincerely hope my boys make it to that age.


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