Again, new user name.

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Nov 21, 2007
Reaction score
Northeast, Ohio, USA
Unfortunately, I've had to change my user name again. I'd prefer not to roll them all into this name as I need to make sure that my personal e-mail for this user name does not appear anywhere. It's a long drawn out story that is part boring and part anxiety-inducing [for me] so I'm going to avoid retelling it again if at all possible.

This is really embarrassing for me to do and I'm feeling an incredible amount of shame over it. No doubt my fears are unfounded, but if you knew my situation you'd understand why I'm acting as I am. I need to be overly cautious so that I can relax - if not for my own personal safety.

If you need to know the situation, feel free to PM me and I'll be more than willing to fill you in. I'm so sorry to do this...again. But I can assure you that the problem has been fixed and I'm doing all that I can to make sure it doesn't come up again.

All I can hope is that you haven't lost respect for me...
Are you sure then - you want to list your rabbits names - maybe just list the breeds you have instead?
I hadn't even thought about my bunnies' names being an indicator of who I was. Without going overboard, I really do want to be as careful as possible. Pictures I'm not concerned with, but you're right - it's probably best not to use my buns' names on my profile.

I've since made the adjustment and now I'll make it short, sweet, and simple by just saying that I'm owned by three love-bunnies.

I'm really having a difficult time with all of this. I have been upset and crying all morning because I have to continue to go through this. And I'm just carrying so much guilt and shame over the whole situation. All I can say is that I'm really not a bad person. I've just had some not-so-good things happen in my life.

Ugh! I feel like I should just run off and hide - maybe everything would be better if I wasn't a part of the forum. Am I being selfish by wanting to continue being a member? I just don't know.
Alexah, I don't think you need to explain to us why you needed to change your name unless you want to! No one wants you to feel upset because you think you need to go into more detail. I'm not sure what the situation is, but if not posting your bunnies' names helps you to remain "hidden" from someone, perhaps you should choose a username that doesn't include your own name since that seems like it would give away a lot of information. Sorry if that sounds dumb or rude or anything, just trying to help out :biggrin2:
And thus the plot thickens...

Alexah is not my legal name yet. It's the name my grandmother [who was and is my hero, though she has since passed] chose for me, but my mother changed it at the last moment because she wanted to make her mother angry. Are you following - because I know it is incredibly confusing. I have since started the legal process of changing my name, so this name is anonymous where my family is concerned as it is not the name I was given at birth. But it is not yet my legal name either as the paperwork has not gone through the system yet.

I do appreciate the thought and suggestion. And I in no way take offense. It is neither, "dumb," or, "rude." Rather, it's comforting to know peoplecare enough to offer suggestions I may not have thought of [such as not including my rabbits' names].It's confusing and overwhelming for me, so no doubt that it would be so for all of you. I'm more than willing to answer any and all questions you may have. It's certainly frustrating and I again apologize. I don't really know what else to say other than I'm sorry.
Don't stress it. You have to do what is right for you and if you have had a bad time with your family then its probably for the best that you do keep it low so they can't pick up on it. Perhaps as an idea if you have to change name over again on here (if they are finding you on here) then i would suggest changing username and PM the mod with the info so they know then you could PM anyone you really wanted to know your true identity and the rest of us would love any new bunny lovers anyway :D big :hug:
I just have a itsy-bitsy question.

I see you have gone through alot and as a few people mentioned it may (not what im asking so no need to answer) but if you changed your screen name and disclosed your e-mail and bunnies names. Why does it say in your profile your birth date and with your 'northeast ohio' won't that narrow you down? If you know what i mean?

Its fine if you do not wish to answer it. Just a
It's a bit of a long story and I'm frustrated with everything, so I apologize if whatever I say comes out curt or rushed. I questioned whether I should mention anything about my family at all. And there was a time I figured I'd just forget about this forum so I didn't cause any further trouble. But I decided that since I enjoy this site and have learned so much that it wouldn't be fair for me to take it away on account of family issues.

I have my location listed as my family does know that I live in northeastern Ohio. They do not have my address or my telephone number, therefore they don't know my exact location. And although I continue to have limited contact with them, they don't know my rabbits' names or any other information along those lines.

The issue has since been taken care of as we found out that someone had gone into my e-mail account and that is how they were able to access my e-mail. Therefore, it didn't happen because they found me on this or any other site. I'm going to continue to keep a low profile, but I'm not expecting to have any of the problems that I've been having recently.

I don't know how many times more I should apologize. I still question whether I should leave this site - I feel as though I've caused so much trouble and the guilt and shame I feel is huge. I'm really, really sorry. I don't know what else to say - I'm just sorry.
Don't apologize! There is no need for that. We are fine with you changing your username!

Please don't leave this site, at times it may seem like it is a hassle, but we like you here! Even if it means that you change your username every once in awhile, we would rather you here that not! :hearts

:hug: Please stay!

STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do not appologize for doing what you have to do (please dont take the stop that i was yelling cause i was not). you have to do what you have to do and we are all here for you, if you needed to change your name then so be it you had to. But you still have us here to talk to , no matter what your name is, and we all have our buns in common. I hope what ever the problem is that is going on settles down and gets better for you, and remember to stick around :biggrin2:
I don't know how many times more I should apologize. I still question whether I should leave this site - I feel as though I've caused so much trouble and the guilt and shame I feel is huge. I'm really, really sorry. I don't know what else to say - I'm just sorry.

You may feel you have caused trouble because you are suffering trouble and stress,but I can't see how you have. You have to do what you feel you need to to keep safe, that is a basic human need (to deel safe), and you have absolutely no reason to feel shame, nor guilt for all of this, after all, it's not your fault, right? Those emotions are a learned response, but they are not an accurate response, so please try to remind yourself that you are safe here (under whatever name), you are wanted and welcomed here, and you are also liked :)

You know where to find me. I hope today is an ok day for you.

Take care

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