Advice for rabbit move

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Sep 27, 2008
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I'm moving long distance (over 1000 miles) with my rabbits. I plan to travel for three days. I'm thinking they should go into cat carriers for the trip. I'm traveling in a Ford Ranger with a cab and a half. Bunnies will go in the back seat area of the cab. Does anyone know if rabbits get motion sickness? Is there anyone who can give me bunny relocation advice?
I've never travelled long distance with bunnies, so I can't be of much help, but I'll move this to the main forum so you'll get more answers there! :)

Plenty of people have made long journeys with rabbits though with no problems, so someone should be along with better advice soon! Do you plan on stopping overnight anywhere? How do they handle car journeys at the moment? I believe that some members have used Rescue Remedy with their buns to prevent them from getting too stressed...
Our family moved from north NJ to So.Carolina with our Dwarf Netherland (RIP Harry) and our 2 guinea pigs...we simply had zero space in the small rental car we had, so they went in back of the rental moving van.
The guinea pigs were NOT happy about it, but our ND did not freak out like I thought he might - granted, IF I could've at all managed to get them into the car, I would have - but we had to load literally everything in a small sedan and a small moving truck - plus 5 people. Hopefully I'll never have to do that again.
Rescue remedy sounds like a good idea (I used to take it for stress) - maybe ask your vet if he can recommend something?
I drove from California to Florida with my two buns. They traveled together in a 30" cage. The cage (with wire top removed)also served as their litter box when we stopped in hotels. I recommend strapping in the carriers so if you have to make a rapid stop they don't go flying and injust the buns. They were not happy bunnies, but they did just fine. We traveled no more than 500 miles per day.
Get the biggest carrier you can. The rabbits will probably be in the crate for most of the day and possibly the night, so you want it to be roomy. Put lots of hay in the crate and have a water bottle or bowl available. I would stop every 2-3 hours and offer water and to make sure they are ok.
When you stop at a hotel, let them have some time to run around. Bring an excercise pen to set up and some good cleaner (just in case) and a portable vacuum. Small carriers could work, but you will need something bigger for the nights.
You may also want to get a syringe and something to syringe feed if they are too stressed to eat. The number of an emergency and a rabbit vet will be handy if you need it right away.

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