Abscess under the ear.

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Jul 11, 2006
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, , United Kingdom
I've just returned from my vets with our bunny Fiver. This morning I noticed he wasn't his usual playful self and on closer inspection, I felt a lump just under his ear. My vet thinks its an abscess.

At the moment he's just given him pain relief and I'm taking him back tomorow evening. My vet said that often they re-appear and that so far, he's not had any success with rabbit abscess's. As you can imagine, I'm very worried.

Fiver has had 3 dental operations in his 4 and a half years, mainly molar spurs. My vet checked his teeth and apart from a small molar spur that wasn't causing any wound or discomfort, his teeth are fine. He's never eaten hay since being a baby and lives on a high fiber pellet food, bunny basic T by Oxbow. Do you think because of its location, it could be a root abscess? The lump is painful for him when I touch it, so it must be bothering him.

Has anyone had any experience with a abscess's? I'd be greatful if you could let me know.

So far Fiver is eating/drinking ok but he's just not his his usual happy self when free ranging.

Thank you for any help/advice you could give me.

Hi there!

I don't know much about abscess's,so i cannot give you any advice,sorry

but here is a link that you can check out


There are many members here who have had experiences with abscess&#39;s

I&#39;m sure someone will come along and give you more info:)

Keep us updated on Fiver!

Unfortunately, I have experience.

My boy Max has an abscessed tooth that we had surgically removed. Unfortunately, it is back. My other guy Basil had one on his cheek. This one was loose under the skin. The vet just put him under, sliced the cheek open and popped the abscess out. He healed perfectly with no trouble!

If I were you, I would check out some of those articles that cheryl provided. Maybe even print them out and show them to your vet. It might be worth it to try the injectible antibiotics before opting for a costly surgery. Or to hit it hard and do both. Its definitely treatable though.

I&#39;ll be praying for your little one :pray:

Thank you so much and for the links. Sorry Max&#39;s abscess is back Hayley, I hope he&#39;ll be ok. Its good news for Basil.

I managed to go back to the vets this morning and the vet decided to lance the abscess which wasn&#39;t a nice experience for Fiver. Because the pain relief had made Fiver more active, it was clear the pressure of the abscess was causing him pain. He&#39;s on a 10 day course of antibiotics and I&#39;m going to try and flush the area everyday. My vet suggested a solution of salt and water. 1 dessert spoon to a pint of water. He said around 4 to 5 flushes from a 5ml syringe should be ok .

I&#39;ve never flushed a wound before so I&#39;m quite nervous, but I&#39;d rather try and flush rather than just keep it clean from the outside. Does it cause them a lot of pain? I know I&#39;ll have to insert the end of the syringe into the cut and then flush. My husband will be holding Fiver, but I am worried about hurting him. If you have any tips, I&#39;d really appreciate it. Thanks so much.


I&#39;ve just managed to flush the area and some puss and blood came out so I think I did it ok. My vetrinary nurse said I can flush it out twice daily. Fiver has forgiven me as he&#39;s now tucking into his pellets. I&#39;ll keep you updated on his progress. Thanks again :)

I hope Fiver heals well. I&#39;m sure that flushing the wound out stings, but it shouldn&#39;t be too bad especially if he&#39;s getting painkillers. It&#39;s very good that he&#39;s still eating and that he&#39;s more active now that he has the painkillers.

I wonder if you can get sterile medical saline at a pharmacy? If you can&#39;t, I&#39;ve heard that you should boil the water before you make the salt water solution for cleaning the wound.

This article describes how to clean a facial abscess. Just to warn you, the pictures may be distressing for some people.
naturestee wrote:
I wonder if you can get sterile medical saline at a pharmacy?
You can, but you need an rx. I have to buy it for the nebulizer. I think it cost about 25 dollars for big box. Ive heard of people using contact solution, but I dont know if thats safe (Ive never used it).

Good luck and keep us posted! Get well soon Fiver!
Thank you for your advise. A friend who needed to flush her guinea pigs abscess recomended hibbiscrub which can be bought from a vets, but when I rang up about it, a vetrinary nurse said the salt water would work better. She said I can do it twice daily.

I will remember to boil the water first and allow to cool. The salt water is quite gritty and sinks to the bottom of the jug, but the water is still cloudy from the salt so do you think that will be ok?

Thanks so much for posting the link. I see they use like a cotton bud to try and open the wound. I imagine it would be softer to use than the actual syringe tip. A friend also mentioned about squeezing the remaining puss out each time I flush the wound. I did notice later that there was some white stuff seeping out so maybe I didn&#39;t get it all out.

My vet didn&#39;t give me any pain relief to take home because he said now the pressure has gone, it shouldn&#39;t be painful, but I imagine it must still be sore with it having a slit.

He&#39;s had his daily antibiotic and I&#39;m keeping my fingers crossed it won&#39;t upset his tum.

Thanks again for your help and support, Fiver and I really do appreciate it. I will take a photo of him soon so you can see where its situated.
Hi Thumps!

Our bunn Dandi developed an abscess below his left ear, slightly towards the eye. Our vet opted to do a blunt excision...he opened the skin and pushed away the muscle and tissue surrounding the abscess and then removed it and it and the little fingers as well. When we noticed it, it was about the size of a nickel. The op left our poor baby looking a bit like a skinny pig on one side and a bunny on the other.:D The only reason we knew to check for an abscess was because he was inscessently scratching his ear. The abscess had swelled and ruptured into the ear canal. Which was in one way good because there was little to no pressure which is why he seemed totally normal to us!(We had just adopted him a monthearlier!) They had to suture the ear canal closed again and then remove and suture where the abscess was. That was around the beginning of June I think. So far we are abscess free.<knocking on wood!>I am concerned about the amount of ear gunk in his ear so at the beginning of Feb. we are taking him back to the vet to check up just in case...but he has been healthy and happy. After reading about abscesses I was really freaking out. And for the next little while anything bump like ended in a trip to the vet!:D He had an injection site reaction that had me speeding to the vet sure that the abscess had spread to the back of his neck!:? oops!

I hopeFiver recovers fastand is ahealthy happy little guy!:)
Thank you Runestonez for letting me know about Dandi, I'm glad his abscess hasn't come back, you must be so relieved.

Sorry I'm only just posting. It turned out that Fiver had a tooth abscess after having an xray. He then had dental treatment. He had two molars taken out, one that had caused the abscess and another one that was on such an angle, he'd have major problems with it in the future.My vet was pleased that I'd managed to flush Fivers abscess and keep it open for five days. I've been hand feeding Fiver around the clock as he's still not wanting to eat his pellets. He seems happy in himself though. I was able to bring some Metacam home so I'm sure its helping.

Tonight, I've just found another one *sigh* its only an inch from the original and its larger. Its as if its just shown itself within hours.As you can imagine its been a worrying time and now this has happened.

I'll be taking Fiver back to my vet first thing tomorow.

Here is a picture of Fivers xray. Please wish Fiver luck for tomorow.

I have my fingers crossed for you and Fiver! I hope all goes well!:goodluck

Once your bun has an abscess though, I don't think you ever stop worrying after that! I find myself constantly checking and re-checking him! I'm sure he is sick of it!:D

Good Luck at the vet tomorrow! Sending youlots of good vibes!:D:bunnydance:
Thank you Runestonez. I actually sent my vet an email last night and asked if he would be able to take away the whole abscess including extentions. He said he would try but couldn't make any promises. I'm taking Fiver in a couple of hours so he can see it.

Here is lovely Fiver. You can see the swelling on the right hand side,just before the ear that is down, It was taken last night. He looked very relaxed as he'd just been running up and down the stairs with me following him.

:D I don't know about relaxed! Fiver has the same look our kids get when we pullout the camera! "Oh no! Here she goes again!" :DHe is one big softie lookiing bunny boy!:D

Dandi's abscess also seemed to appear overnight. I read everything about them I could find. I printed reams of info and dragged it all to my vet...who to give credit where it is due...read every piece!:DLOL Poor guy! He decided to do a blunt excision because he felt it was the best way to keep the abscess in one peice for removal and prevent it from seeding. Honestly my poor Dandi was a mess...they had to shave from just behind the base of his ear right up to his whiskers! He really looked like a skinny pig on the one side!:) Our vet felt it was the least traumatic option and would heal better with less aftercare than having to rinse and clean it daily. Honestly in the end I was glad he went the route he did! Dandi needed pain meds for the first 4 days or so and then...pop...he seemed to bounce right back to his hopping bunnyself! Unfortunately the sutures under the ear were so tight when he first came home...his wee ear stuck right out to theside! He looked like a helicopter! :D

We also discovered at this time that Dandi was somewhat mentally retarded as well. In most buns a level 5 in anesthetic would put them under...with Dandi it took only a level 2. So he was watched like a hawk...it was actually a fear that the abscess had perhaps affected his brain or that there may have been an abscess on the brain as well. I don't think I breathed properly until the first time he did a gigantic binky one day...it was like a knot just kind of loosened!:D

We have to take him back to the vet on Feb. 19th to make sure that the abscess hasn't come back and the drainage or gunk in his ear is normal! I have my fingers crossed for that little trip! I am scared to have to have him put under again!:(

Our Goon-Baby! Otherwise known as Dandelion!:D
Aww Dandi is adorable :inlove: Thank you so much for telling me Dandi's story, it really has helped and given me some hope for Fiver. Dandi's recovery was really good wasn't it , I'm so pleased for you both. All the very best for Dandi when he goes back to the vets for a check up.

I've had a good chat withDavid my vet. I'm afraid he can't guarantee that this differentprocedure of removing the whole abscess and the surrounding extensionswill work but he is willing to try. One small positive thing is thatthis abscess isn't attached to bone, unlike his other one which was atooth abscess.

He was saying abscess's can be like tumours where they can produce seedlings (like you mentioned Runestonez) that can erupt anywhere. So hopefully by removing the whole abscess, it might help. David was very surprised that the other abscess had gone, but sadly it triggered another one.

Fiver is having the surgery tomorow morning. We are taking him up to the bigger surgery.

Fivers just been running up and down the stairs again so he's in good spirits bless him.

I'll let you know how Fiver does tomorow.Thank you so much for your help and support, Fiver and I really appreciate it.

Lots of bunny hugs from Fiver xx
All we can do Thumps, is our very best to find any abscessesbefore they cause problems and have them removed. And because we love our squishy bunns:) we keep going until we manage to get ahead!

It really has made me realize how much I love our bunns! Even with a life span of 10 years...it justdoesn't seem to beenuff!

I've got my fingers crossed for Fiver! I'm sure he'll be fine!:) The vet will remove the abscess and it won't have any opportunity to seed! You'll see this is the absolute last one! This one was only there because of the one that the tooth caused...but you caught it and Fiver will up and around in no time!:hug2:

Let us know how it goes,OK?!

Thank you Dani.Fivers operation was bigger than first thought. It involved sorting out blood vessels to and he was under for a long time. David my vet thinks he removed everything. The wound is very large. I really hope and pray Fiver doesn't get another one. I'm staying up with Fiver tonight.

He actually had a drink within 30 minutes of him coming home. He also started nibbling on some Timothy hay which was lovely to see. He didn't eat a lot, but at least he's showing an interest in food. Although Russel rabbit food isn't the best food for Fiver as he needs food high in fibre, we bought him some and he has been eating some. Anything just to tempt him to eat harder food is worth a try.

I was so worried about picking him and hurting him but managed it so he's had a good feed by syringe feeding him. I just want to keep doing it until I know he's eating enough on his own. He also had some probiotic.

He's back on the antibiotic tommorow, plus I have more Metacam which I hope will ease any discomfort.

He's in our living room where I can keep an extra close eye on him.

One thing he's been doing is licking near his wound, just the bottom part where he can reach. He isn't nibbling, just licking. John my husband has made him a little vest to put on, but it just keeps coming off. He can't have a collar as it would touch the wound. Fingers crossed he doesn't mess with the stitches.

As each hour passes I just hope his wound is less sore. He's resting a lot but that can only be good for him, especially on the first night.He has a little wander around the cage now and again.

Thank you for your support Dani, it means alot.

Bunny hugs to you and Dandi from Fiver xx
Welcome Home Fiver!!:bunnydance:

I was starting to get a little worried!;)

The fact that he has already started to eat and drink is super great news!! I don't think it matters what he eats for the first couple days...as long as he IS eating! It is hard to get them eating again once they stop! So it sounds like he is going to be just fine! I am sure that the Metacamis helping! Once he gets used to the stiches he should be OK. :D

Your vet removed the whole thing this time, right? I've got my fingers crossed for no more abscesses!! Hateful things!;)

We had problems convincing Dandi that anti-biotics were good for him,that and we were worried about hurting him as we wrestled him to the ground! (no lack of attitude with our liitle boy!) So we mixed his meds with mushed banana, and fed him thru a syringe. He thought he was getting a treat and we didn't have to hold him to get it in! Hurray for 'nanas!!!!:D

Glad to hear all is on it's way back to normal!! Big hugs for the brave boy!! (and Mom!!):D

Thank you Dani. Yes my vet removed all the abscess. Fiver was under for two hours so it was a long time for him.

Fiver isn't keen on the antibiotic, but when its time for Metacam, he tugs at the syringe :D Rabbits can have an attitude can't they lol Just now and again he will grunt at me when I go to pick him up, just a little protest, then he's ok.

Fiver is still eating his Russel rabbit food, I've mixed in his bunny basic t, just to see if he will eat it.

I thought I'd post a picture of him taken last night. As you can seethe wound is very large, its not actually showing all of it. The wound seems clean and dry though so fingers crossed it will be less sore as each day goes by.


He normally has 3 or 4 towels for his bed, but all his towels weredrying. My guinea pigs have now loaned him their cavy cosies to sit onfor extra comfort :)

Thanks Dani for all your lovely support, Fiver and I really appreciate it :hug1
How is Fiver doing today??

Is he feeling any better??

His incision looks a lot like Dandi's did! I was so upset when he came home! LOL He was shaved right up under his eye to back under his ear and all along the cheek line! He really did look like a skinny pig! And honestly I think he knew it was my fault! :D My hubby hates being thebad guy! So I do all the meds and cleaning while he comforts and cuddles! :) Something not really fair in there!;) I'm also the one who drops him off at the vet! I don't think I want to know whatDandireally thinks of me! LOL:D

Keep an eye on the incision too...we noticed a little swelling on the third or fourth day. So the vet said to put warm compresses on it. We used a small sock with rice warmed up in the micro. It worked really well! I think it was because of the interior stitches! FYI! Just in case! ;)

No need to thank me for support!! That's what we all hang around here for! We're the only people who understand us...if any of that made sense!:D

Once he has a really good moult allhis fur will grow back in no time!!!

Hugs to you and Fiver!:bunnydance:
That's quite the wound! How's he doing today, is he feeling better?

The rice sock is a great idea. I know when Fey was injured and had a lot of stitches the emergency vet actually prescribed heat therapy for 15 minutes twice a day to encourage healing.Warmth helps increase the blood flow.

Have you tried flavoring his antibiotics? You could add a tiny bit of banana, carrot juice, apple juice, etc. I used canned pumpkin, but I know that's hard to find in the UK. Fey would like her pumpkin flavored meds off a spoon.
Fiver is doing ok thank you. His wound looks better and flatter. He's going for a check up tomorrow evening so I will know for definate if its healing up alright. I'm still dreading it when I search for lumps as I'm so worried another abscess will appear,but I'm trying to think positive.

I think he is coping with his antibiotic and doesn't dribble it out, but thank you for the tips.

He's still only eating the softer parts of his food, but at least his teeth are working a little. I will be relieved when he starts tucking into his pellets though. I'm still hand feeding him so I know he's getting enough fibre.

I think he's been missing his hours of free range time as he's not allowed out until he's seen the vets tomorrow. But its best to play safe as he only had his operation 3 days ago.

I will let you know how Fiver gets on tomorrow :)


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