Abscess and Penicillin - RIP

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Jan 21, 2014
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So I posted previously about my baby's (possibly not - he's 8!) eye problems which turned out to be a retrobulbar abscess. He's been put on injectable penicillin subcutaneously once a day and has so far had 3 injections and I realise I am being impatient but I was wondering whether anyone had any experiences of when/if I might start to see results. If it doesn't clear up soon I'm thinking of taking him in for surgery. It's risky but he's otherwise very healthy and I don't want him to go down hill because of something like this. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :(
I'm honestly not sure, but given how difficult most infections seem to be for rabbits to shake, I wouldn't get discouraged about a lack of results after only three days.

Cursory research suggests that the majority of cranial abscesses in rabbits are caused by bacteria that are sensitive to penicillin (specifically, Pen G (aka Bicillin))... though most sources seem to point to this sort of abscess being difficult to shake without surgery being part of the treatment... what I'm gathering is that your rabbit's current line treatment is kind of a coin flip - it might work, it might not (but it IS a viable thing to try and if successful, it might allow you to avoid surgery).

I suppose the pressing questions at this point are:
~ What type - specifically - of injectable penicillin is he getting?
~ How big/severe is the abscess?
~ Has a culture been done? (and if not, does your vet intend to do one if you don't get results from the penicillin?)

If you do end up opting for surgery, I would make sure they do a full blood work-up first - while it can't provide any guarantees, that can give a good indication of whether or not there are any factors beyond age that would make surgery riskier than usual for him and help you make as informed a decision as possible.

Best of luck in treating him - I hope the penicillin helps! :pray:

Here's a link to an article on abscess treatment: http://www.bio.miami.edu/hare/jawabscess.html

Also worth noting - the author of that article (who has a stellar reputation in the world of rabbit medicine and very impressive credentials) answers rabbit questions for free through this website. She's a devoted bunny-slave with a PhD in Biology and a *really* nice person (I've chatted with her briefly via email, though not about a health issue) - she devoted herself to being an advocate for rabbits after losing a pet bunn due to an un-rabbit-savvy vet's misdiagnosis.
Treating an abscess can be a long process. So it may or may not, take a while before positive results are seen. If the surgery is considered very risky, it might be worth it to give the penicillin a shot at clearing it up, while having your vet regularly evaluate any progress and keeping a close watch on the abscess.
its been 7 days on the penicillin and no change, if anything his exopthalmos is worse, almost to the degree where he can't close his eye, I think surgery is the only option or the black rabbit might come for him :_(
Yeah, if it doesn't appear to be stabilizing and is getting worse, surgery may be your best option. Have you talked to your vet about the worsening symptoms?
Hi all, just a quick thank you for your help, we took Hutch to the top UK rabbit lady who started surgery and found it was a huge tumour behind his eye, not retrievable and very aggressive. We chose to put him to sleep rather than have him wake up and decline rapidly. He had a great life and was cheerful until the end. We shall miss him a lot.

I'm so sorry to hear about your bun not making it. You did all you could to help your bun, but it's hard when it is something like this, where nothing can really be done. I'm so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace little guy.
So sorry for your loss. We had a similar problem with one of ours and it turned out to be bone cancer--we know it's hard, but you did the right thing by your little man.
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. :(

Binky free, little guy. :pray:
the first couple of days without bun has been hard - I am totally not ready to let him go yet but can I ask, would you guys ever get another bun?
I was so heartbroken when I lost my Dash, that I didn't think I could get another rabbit. But every time I looked over at her cage, it just didn't seem right to not have a bun in there. It was just so quiet and I couldn't stand it being empty. So I was looking for a new bun within a week.
Wow, what a tragic turn :(. Binky free, little guy! :rainbow:

After about a year and a half of having rabbits as an adult (also had a bunny 20 years prior to Nala and Gaz), I can't imagine having a rabbit-free home! I think when the time is right, you'll cross paths with a bunny who's meant to be in your life (for many people, that time seems to involve browsing their local shelter's website out of nostalgia, lol).
I am so sorry for your loss. I am in the exact position you are, I had to say goodbye to my little guy unexpectedly a few weeks ago. I plan on going to get another bunny this weekend. All I can say, is that when the time is right for another bun, you will know. Hugs.
the first couple of days without bun has been hard - I am totally not ready to let him go yet but can I ask, would you guys ever get another bun?

Your asking the wrong person here.. Within days of Buttons passing I was on pet finder and rescue sites. My husband was about to kick my ass. "And what happens if this one has a medical condition you don't know about?"
"Oh well... I deal with it.." (Buttons had a medical condition...)

I searched through pet finder and picked up 'Buttons replacement' over the weekend without telling him. I had a good friend go with me that knew Buttons. She could relate. My husband got over it.

He's now trying to tell me when our current buns and chi's pass that's it.. no more.. Yeah, right... sure..

This is the man telling me "Is that rabbit in the kitchen?"
"What rabbit"
"That one"
Then he entered the kitchen and starts talking to her in SPANISH BABY TALK while getting on the floor and kissing her head. Yeah, tough guy..
SIGH... Sure we won't get any more pets...

lovelops i LOVED your message. My guy was totally the same. "what are you doing with that stupid furry head?" as he's down on the floor giving him bunny kisses. absolutely adorable. he was completely cut up when our little guy went and was so amazing as I was a wreck, he helped dig a little grave and curled him up and made him look sweet so i could say goodbye. I was so selfish, until we got home I never thought how sad he might be too, after all, the little guy was in his life for 8 years too!

I'd like to get another one sometime I think but the time is definitely not right at the moment, I've still got my baby on my mind and it wouldn't be fair to let him go yet.

thanks again all xxx

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