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Here goes:

My name is Fran.

My lucky number is number 5 because its the number of the first house i lived in. I hate the number 7.

I love savoury foods.

I think my birthday is the coolest because it is the last day ofthe first month of the first year in the lastdecade!

My favourite foods are potato wedges and chilli con carne.

I love all music my favourite song is Lola by the Kinks and i think Prince is amazing (raspberry beret!)

Halloween is better than Christmas!

I get irritated when people thing a song is new because some person covered it because they can't write there own stuff.

My favourite TV programmes are Hollyoaks, Never Mind The Buzzcocks andTwo Pints of Lager (and a Packet of Crisps) - english equivalent toFriends!

I'd much rather have 2 starters than apudding.

I have a very messy room but ihave to organise things on my desk in school so everything is paralell.

I put the TV on mute and listen to music because i don't like the lack of movement.

I'm almost 16 and i'm petrified of the dark.

I like being on my own alot.

I like the colours green and blue.

I'll try anything.

I love squid.

I hate when people break my stuff.

Let me jump on the bandwagon here :D

My name's Hollie, I'm 23 (birthday September 15th) and I live inBahrain, which is in the Middle East, in case you didn't know :) I wasborn in Lancaster, England, and moved over here when I was eight.

I've been a magazine journalist for two years now, and just recentlymoved from my first magazine into a really big company that publishesthe leading magazine on the island, which is fun! Well, hard work, andlots of it, but journalism is a fun industry :D

I'm big on art; some of you may have seen my bears that I make, and Ialso sketch, paint and do other stuff. Cooking's good fun too, when Ihave the time for it (which is rare). I really enjoy reading... AnneMcCaffrey, Terry Pratchett and JK Rowling are some of my favouriteauthors - I also play online RPGs related to Anne's Pern series.

Other than that, I obviously love animals! :D Rabbits in particular.I've had pets since I was a tiny kid (fish, mainly). Just before wemoved to Bahrain we got Peter the rabbit (a lop-eared angora, blue, Ithink) and two guinea pigs (Squeaky and Spice) - the piggies, who wethought were both girls, had four babies! At the time we had twogoldfish and a canary called Blossom, too. We didn't know at the timethat we'd end up moving to Bahrain, and when we found out we thoughtwe'd only be here for a year, so we left the pets with my uncle. And,well, 15 years later, I'm still here!

When we came over here we adopted my mum's schools' bunny, because theheadmistress didn't want her any more. She was a brown Dutch calledToffee, and she was our first house rabbit (though she slept outside atnight). I used to lie down and pretend I was dead, and she'd come up tome, thump and growl, and when I didn't move she'd run off to my mum!She'd make such a fuss until mum came to see what was wrong ;)

Later on we got Peter as a friend for Toffee (a girl on our newcompound had loads of black Dutches living in her garden). They bothdied in a terrible incident; I got up one morning to bring them intothe house, and the cage was already open, with their nest boxpulled out and on the ground. I went in to check the house, but theyweren't there, and no-one had brought them in... then we found Peterdead at the bottom of the garden :( We never found Toffee, and if myparents ever found out what happened they never told me. It was so sad:(

After that, we got Bobtail and Broccoli, a REW and a long-haired blackand white Dutch, respectively. Brock unfortunately died while we wereaway on holiday one year... it was strange, as I had a dream that she'ddied while I was in England, and when I came back it turned out thatshe had - on the same night that I'd had the dream.

Scruffy turned up in our garden one morning as a little baby, and wekept him in with Bobtail; he was a REW too, and he passed away after afew years. We had Bobtail until she was about 10 years old and she diedof old age.

I didn't have any rabbits after Bobtail for years, because my parents'had got a dog. So, once I moved into my house at the beginning of thisyear, I got Heather, Thistle and Bracken from the local sanctuary, andthen the others found their way to me! And now I've got those threeplus Baby Bramble, Lupin, Willow and Juniper, plus Burdock the guineapig :D

I guess I'll chime in here as well.

My name is Danielle, I'm 22 years old and my birthday is August 14. I'ma college student who was a pre-vet major and switched my major over toJournalism, and about to get a minor in English. I want to be a photojournalist. At least for now.

I'm a big animal lover and I've rescued animals, mostly rodents, for alittle over 3 years now. I also volunteer for the local rabbit rescuehere, and am good friends with the girl who owns it. Let's seeeee... afew morethings about me: My favorite animal is rabbits, andmy rabbit Harper is my universe. I'm a big Christian and I love Godvery much. I have a big love for life, and overall I'm a pretty happyperson most of the time. I'm laid back. I work better alone. I lovecrowds such as concerts and malls. My favorite holiday is Christmas andmy favorite season is winter. My hugest pet peeve is people who can'tuse proper grammar/punctuation. Meaning, write in paragraphs, spellwords correctly, and use comma's and periods.

I own a 50 pound english pointer (with a little dalmation in her) namedAudubon. She's 5 years old and I've had her since she was 9 weeks. Shewas bought for my 17th birthday and my father had wanted to use her asa hunting dog, but she turned out to not be much of the hunting dogtype. She still loves to be a country dog though, she wears hercamoflauge collar and camoflauge shirt, and most people mistake her aboy dog. :shock:

I think that's pretty much it...
Hi! Everyone

Guess I'll let Yall know about me and how I got into Bunnies!:sunshine:

Well I'm 46 and I've been Married for 16 years to the Most Wonderful Lady in the World and have 2 Beautiful little Girls.

We live in a little town called Cut N Shoot just North ofHouston Texas and use to Raise Horses on our 10 acresbut Igot injured on the job about 6 yrs.ago. After struggling to keep ourhorses because I just couldn't handle them anymore and My Wife hadworked 3 jobs for the first 3 yrs of my injury and nowhasdone her Professional Photgraphy bussiness full time forover 3-1/2 years.

Two months ago we decided to sell our Horses and the girlshavewanted bunnies for along time now. We had outside bunnieswhen the girls were about5and6but one of them leftthe hutch door open and some stray dogs killed both of them that daywhile we were gone.

Since our girls arenow older and a bit moreresponsiblewe decide to go ahead and look into gettingbunnies. I had been researching them for about 6 months and come to theconclusion that we wanted Holland Lops or Netherland Dwarfs, it just sohappens that we saw Lops first or we just might own Netherlands instead.

We went and looked at some Mini Lops that lady close to use had butthey were a mix with a French Lop and just bigger than I wanted so thehunt was still on.

We thenfound a Breeder about a 20 minute drivefrom our houseso the next week

we went to see the only Holland Lop thatshe had for sale atthe time, OMG! We fell in love with this little 1-3/4 lb Fawn ColoredBunnyand thats when we Brought Mongo Home.:yes:We also spenta $100 on the way home on NIC panels and everything to spoil a Bunnyrotten.

This was the Start of our Love for House Bunnies & Holland Lops.


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

After reading through much of this thread, I feel like an old fogey or something....wow. Many of you are younger than my kids!

My name is Peg and I am 46 years old. I've been married for 27 years tothe first guy I ever dated. Man, I found him, caught him and kepthim! (Wait..that makes him sound like a fish..). Of course,he says he kept me...

We have 22 year old twins, Robin & Eric. Eric hasmajor senior-itis right now as he went to Multnomah Bible College forthree years and then decided to switch schools (and majors) to major indrama...so he's now in year 5 total and has 1 more year to go. Talkabout frustrating... Robin is working in the same town Ericgoes to school in...she's "finding herself" (aka taking a break fromcollege).

I had rabbits as a kid - started out with one - he/she ran away soafter a bit mom and dad bought me another one since I was heartbroken.Then the gas station found our rabbit and told dad.....

We thought they were both girls....maybe that is why I'm prettyunderstanding now when folks have accidental breedings on theforum.....and maybe that is when my love for BABY bunnies started.Anyway, we had several litters over the years - and then someone letthem out of their pen and they took off. We think it was a neighbor kidor something.

Last year we "rescued" a rabbit - and when its owner claimed it, I washeartbroken. Art said he hadn't heard me laugh so much in months and heencouraged me to get a rabbit....so after a bit of research, I decidedon a flemish giant (that's our Tiny). Of course the breeder had otherbreeds too and Tio & Kyo were soooo adorable. She didn't tellme that two brothers would try to kill each other once their man partscame in. Tiny would break them up - hence the nickname "BunFather".Then came our two lionheads, SugarBear and GingerSpice...then Puck....

...then I started breeding.

Well - that's pretty much it.

Most of my life I've spent homeschooling the kids or working as amystery shopper and merchandiser part time. I'm now in the process ofwriting a novel (almost done) - and the main female character has aflemish giant named Tiny that she adopts from a shelter (imagine that)and a lionhead named Miss Bea that she is helping to foster. Tiny andMiss Bea provide much of the comic relief along with a golden retrieverpuppy named Belle.

Hi, my name is Nusi. I am 34 years old and livein Orlando, Florida. I am married and have a 18 year oldstepdaughter. We have 4 dogs (2 black labradors boys, 1Pharaoh Hound girl and 1 Catahoula Leopard Cur girl) and 4 parrots (2Quaker Parrots and 2 Senegal Parrots) and we just took in one rabbit,Tabitha.

I was born in Dundee, Scotland and have been living in USA for the past 14 years. All my family live in the UK.

I love animals and do a lot of animal rescue work. I am anAvian Care Specialist but presently staying home and renovating homes.

I am new to the bunny world but enjoying Tabitha tremendously.
My turn!

I'm Tanya, I'm 30 as of Sept. Sigh, I didn't feel old last year. Why does a # make you feel old?

I'm married to my college sweetheart who is 10 days younger than me. Wemet at birth in the Nursery of Our Lady of Mercy Hospital, only to meetagain at Fordham Univ. 18 years later. I was still therebecause I was only 4.5 pounds when I was born.

We have 4 daughters, 2 cats, 2 cavys, 2 beta fish(well they belong toour older 2 dds) and now 2 8 week old twinbit bunn sisters.

I have a degree in computers that I have never used. I had Em(#1) rightout of college. Been a stay at home mom ever since.

We live in Connecticut, USA. I lived in the Bronx all my life, and DH lived in Philly. GO EAGLES!!!!!

Life is pretty great around here. except for being tight w/ $$$ right now, I could not be happier!

Great to meet you all!!!!!!


Hi Tanya, what a beautiful famliy you have. Oh I wouldn't want to be you in 10 years, lots of boys coming around. LOL

I hope you are putting lots of money away for all those weddings you will have one day. LOL

Every time a we had another girl my hubby's friends would tease, "Another wedding!!!!"


Shoes, hair, makeup, clothes, proms
sweet 16s forget it!
Hubby is already going gray.

SOOOSKA wrote:
Hi Tanya, what a beautifulfamliy you have. Oh I wouldn't want to be you in 10 years,lots of boys coming around. LOL

I hope you are putting lots of money away for all those weddings you will have one day. LOL

Snowbunnies...I find it amazing how similiar allfour of your girls look! Your two oldest I swore were twinsuntil I realized that your oldest girl's legs were longer!HEHE! It's so funny...usually you find that some siblingshave more of the mother or father's features, but looks like your girlsall have the same of both! Wow...:)

What cuties!! :D

P.S. You're not old, Hun...I'm almost 27, so we're not that far off. :)
Its me again. I thought I would tell you all a little bit more about me specifically.

Let's see....

I love animals of every type, I was hoping to be a zoo vet when I wasyounger, only to have college chem. destroy that hope. SIGH.

I have one sister, whom I didn't get along w/ till I left forcollege. Love her to death but we are as diff. as night andday. I am more of a layed back, disorganized, let it come and I'll dealw/ it when it gets here kinda girl. And heck its hasn't hurt me yet.

I am different, have been all my life. I Believe in Magic,Faries(however you like to spell it) and the power withinmyself.

But on the other hand, LOL, I'm a republican, hahahahahaha.

One mixed up chick as my hubby likes to say.

what else....

Oh, I take medication for ummmmm "Mood Swings"
I call them mother's little helpers. Hehehehe.
YES! Pink Floyd are the greatest musicans to grace this earth and noonecan tell me otherwise. Its were I got the name ofmy first daughter and its where I got the name f my business.See Emily Play.

My Business:
I knit baby pants for cloth diapering(longies/soakers) Yep, I cloth diaper my kids.
I sew cloth cloth diapers(no longer a part of the biz)
I sew doll clothing for 18 inch dolls.
I also sew costumes for halloween(which is my favorite religious holiday.
Ummm regular kids clothes too.
I sew waldorf dolls as well.

I am hoping to develop my own apron top pattern and break into some patchwoork clothing this spring.

That's all for now. Hey if you make stuff, I love swapping!

Oh I make chil;d carriers as well. Wraps and ring slings.
Guess I will add to this thread too...:)

(But wanted to say first...2snowbunnies, your daughters are beautiful!What an adorable pose! And...Peg, I got ya beat! I'm older thanyou...nyah nyah! ;))

My name is Di, I'm 49 and live in Canada...a beautiful country, butI've wanted to move to the U.S. ever since I can remember. I grew up onthe east coast, married at 21, a mom at 24 and separated/divorced frommy husband even before I became a mom. Animals have always been mybiggest passion, though pursuing a career with them never came to bebecause of my own insecurities. I had a somewhat traumatic childhood(lost my mom when I was 10, and endured physical and emotional abusefrom a family member), and was painfully shy to boot. So animals havealways been my number one source of comfort, and many of the greatestteachers in my life have been of the four-pawed variety. I do love themall, though given a preference, gravitate to rabbits, horses, and dogs.

My second interest in life is writing...but the passion to actually dosomething creative with it seems to elude me, so for the time being Iam a writer-wannabe. I also love to draw, but again...I keepprocrastinating about getting back into it.

I have one son, Stephen. He is in his final year at college, studyingfilm...his dream is to be a director some day, and I'm so proud of himfor following his dreams. He's a great guy, very empathetic towardsothers, down-to-earth, and you couldn't ask for a better son. He's thelight of my life.

Four years ago I went through a rather sudden spiritual awakening, anevent that changed me in many ways. I was never a religious person, nordid I think I held many spiritual beliefs, but to my surprise Iactually did and just hadn't realized it. I believe strongly in angels,God (God being defined in various ways for various people), in thegreater good of humanity, and in all things (both 'good' and 'bad')happening for a reason. I also believe in twinsouls andsoulmates...after experiencing some rather startling things a few yearsago, I could no longer 'not' believe.

The one thing I believe the most is that every day is an adventure,waiting to unfold and embrace us. The most important things in life tome are to be able to see the beauty and love in everything and everyone(especially if it isn't obvious, or is masked by negative actions), tobe able to help others - be they furred or non-furred - and to learnthat no matter what, each and every one of us is beautiful and worthyof love...and that love of self is the most important thing for us tohold dear.

*Sliding through life and bunny balls with champagne glass in hand, yelling :woohoo!!! the entire way*

Hello, My name is Terry and I am 37 years oldand remarried to the man of my dreams. I got my daughter a rabbit forChristmas two years ago. She is the cutest thing. I love her so much.

I love spending time with family and friends, taking pictures, reading,working out, walking, roller skating, going to the beach, walking onthe beach, bowling, watching movies, going to concerts ( especiallyDuran Duran), music, writing letters, writing childrens stories, goingto Florida, swimming with dolphins, bike riding, crafts, selling onebay, going on the computer, shopping, cooking and more.

My favorite tv shows are: Young and the Restless, General Hospital,Bold and the Beautiful, Sex and the City, Beverly Hills 90210, Family,Growing Pains, The Brady Bunch, Curb your Enthusiasm, My Fair Brady,Breaking Bonaduce and so much more.

My favorite group is Duran Duran. I have loved them since 1984 and JohnTaylor is my favorite. I love 80's music. I also love the Beatles,Arcadia, Power Station, John Taylor, Andy Taylor, Def Leppard, BonJovi, Jessica Simpson, Madonna, John Lennon and Paul McCartney.

I am a secretary at an insurance agency and I have been there foralmost two and a half years. I also want to be a photographer.

My favorite food is Italian. I can eat it everyday. I love PIZZA too.

I guess this should do it.

I watch GH TOO!


SmokeysMomMom wrote:
My favorite tv shows are: Young and the Restless, General Hospital,Bold and the Beautiful, Sex and the City, Beverly Hills 90210, Family,Growing Pains, The Brady Bunch, Curb your Enthusiasm, My Fair Brady,Breaking Bonaduce and so much more.
My name is Starina, yes that is my Real name. Ididn't just make it up, my mom gave it to me. I am 25 years old and Ilive in Palenville, NY. I am about 5'9" I have LONG dark brown hairthat I always wear in 2 braids. I wear glasses.

I have a sister who lives in Seattle Washington. She is 20 years old and lives with her BF and 2 cats, Oreo & Cookie.

I was born and raised in Anchorage Alaska, until I was 16. I moved toBellevue Washington for about 2 years. I met my BF,Ken,online 7 years ago and moved to New York to be with him.He is an artist, you can check out his work athttp://www.olddevil.com I am intocrafting, and knitting. I love sculpting and have a knack for painting.I love all forms of creativity.

Welive with my MIL, my FIL passed away 11/19/06. She is acool lady and Ken and I don't mind helping her out. She lets us livehere with no problem, and we help out with the morgage. She alwaysjokes that my rabbit is a "killer" and not to trust that sweet face ofhers.

I am into the darker side of things. I like horror movies, zombies,skeletons, monsters, that sort of thing. I also like some cute stuff. Ilisten to bands like, Tool, Ghost Machine, Motorgrater, Staind, AliceIn Chains, Type O Negative, that sort of thing. I LOVE documentaries.My favorite movies include, Braveheart, Shaun of the Dead, Rocky HorrorPicture Show, Night of the Living Dead, The Exorsist, American Movie,Mule Skinner Blues, The Muppet Movie,and Lilo and Stitch.

Last year I broke my leg and have had 3 surgeries on it so far, I amdue for a 4th to take some screws out of my ankle. This will hopefullybe the last one. If it doesn't work, then I have to get my ankle fused.

I live with a lovely grey lady rabbit named TinkleBunny. She was a giftfrom Ken when we thought that the first 2 surgeries fixed my ankle.

This turned out a lot longer than I thought it would be.:?


I'm Anneliese and i'm nearly 16 years old (15days). I am in year 10 at school.I live in South Australiawith my parents, brothers and my bunny. I love playing tennisand I have been playing for about 2 years.

I am a flute player and this is my 7th year of playing it. My favouritesingers & bands are Missy Higgins, Wolfmother, Hilltop Hoods,Sundance Kids, Delta Goodrem, U2, ABBA, Coldplay + more that I can't bebothered writing, lol. My all time favourite movie is Charlie and theChocolate Factory, childish I know. I like most chick flicksand I'm not a fan of scary movies.

When I'm older I would love to be a tour guide in Italy but if thatfails then I would also like to be an assistant vet or run akindy/child care centre. My favourite school subjects are Italian andP.E.

My bunny was a birthday present, in 2003. He is my first pet and I know I will always love rabbits!

Oh go on then, but only because I'm bored. =P

My name's Becca, I live in Leeds in the UK with my boyfriend andour...... nine gerbils (soon to be more I think, asmy siamesegirlyis looking a bit round =) ), two chinchillas, a hamsterand, of course, Bunny.

I work full time as a Buying Assistant, which I hate, but it pays the bills, right? =P

I spend all my free time playing games on the PS2 or XBox, browsing thevarious animal forums I'm a member of, and of course looking after allmy little furries.

I love animals and I'd have more if I had the space. I would love toone day open a small pet shop and work for myself, doing what I love,which is taking care of animals and helping other people take care oftheirs.

I also love to draw, though it's mostly become doodling now due to my time being spent on other things.
Bassetluv wrote:
My name is Di, I'm 49 and live in Canada...a beautiful country, but I've wanted to move to the U.S. ever since I can remember.

That's too funny...I'm the opposite...lived in the US my entirelife, but have always wanted to move to Canada. Funnything...I wound up MARRYING a Canadian that DOESN'T want to move toCanada. :foreheadsmack:

My second interest in life is writing...but the passion to actually dosomething creative with it seems to elude me, so for the time being Iam a writer-wannabe. I also love to draw, but again...I keepprocrastinating about getting back into it.

I know just what you mean about both things. I've been anavid writer and artist (in varying forms, as well as musically) all mylife, but have never found my niche.

The one thing I believe the most is that every day is an adventure,waiting to unfold and embrace us. The most important things in life tome are to be able to see the beauty and love in everything and everyone(especially if it isn't obvious, or is masked by negative actions), tobe able to help others - be they furred or non-furred - and to learnthat no matter what, each and every one of us is beautiful and worthyof love...and that love of self is the most important thing for us tohold dear.

Absolutely beautiful, and to a T what I believe as well.It's nice to read when others believe in the beauty of others and ofthemselves. :)

*Sliding through life and bunny balls with champagne glass in hand, yelling :woohoo!!! the entire way*

:bunnyheart I really enjoyed reading what you wrote...:)
Geez...in reading what you guys wrote, I feel like I was a bit too simplistic in what I wrote!!

So, let me expand on it a bit.

I'm currently 26 (to be 27 in April), and live in Southern Californiawith my husband (of a year and a half, though we've been together forthree) and daughter (who is 6yrs old, had her when I was 19 as a singlemom from the get-go). We have two goofy kitties (Sunny, ourgirl, and Hobbes, our goofy boy), and soon-to-be three lovely rabbitgirls (Flower, our sweet rescue, Maisie, our princess, and Trixie, oursweet MooCow baby).I love how full my householdis, and how much love flows through it everyday. We all love each otherso much.

I've been a HUGE animal lover since I can remember. Myparents bought me a subscription to Zoo Books when I was my daughter'sage, simply because I would spend most of my time plopped down in frontof the TV watching every nature show I could find (and then crying whenthe subject of the show got killed by another animal, which, for somereason, is always inevitable with those shows :(). I'vealways had a HUGE love for penguins, and it's been my dream since I wasthree to simply pet a penguin, and maybe sit amongst them for awhile. I think because it's such a huge passion, it willundoubtedly happen one day. :)

I LOVE science...anything scientific just fascinates me.Growing up, I wanted to be so many scientifically-related things, likean Astronomer, Marine Biologist, Researcher, etc. I find thatmy daughter both loves science and animals as much as I do, so we havea lot of fun in school doing related things. :)

As far as the rest, let me borrow some from my MySpace profile:

I am very diverse as a person.I am a lover of people, animals, and plants (a lover of plants in theway that I don't own them, since they never seem to be happy aroundme...lol). I love a good coffee every now and then, but my favorite isthe kind I make right here at home (I tend to be picky about it'ssweetness). I've recently also really gotten into a love fortea. I love food, family, and friends. I love going out, yetlove staying in. What I like to do: I'm quitethe quad skating woman! We go skating at least twice a week.I have a beautiful, absolutely wonderful pair of custom-built artisticskates...yay!!! I'm working with a guy named Sparky at my rink,gradually loosening the trucks and upgrading the bearings and wheels,as I train. Man, are my legs showing all the work I've been puttinginto this! This has really become such a huge part of ourlives!
Apart from skating, I'm anartist at heart, whether that be drawing, painting, music (eitherlistening or playing), or singing. I love to read, and am REALLYambitious and goal-oriented, so you can find me at any given timetrying to read EVERY book written by a particular author. Right now I'mon my final books by Anne Rice (though I will stay away from hererotica novels). You can also find me fiddling with my various sitesonline. I homeschool my daughter, so a lot of mytime is also in researching online to find cool projects we cando.:eek:)
I've lived in many places,having grown up with my father in the Air Force. This wouldinclude Louisiana (where I was born), Ohio, Oklahoma, New Jersey,Texas, and finally here in Southern California. I have movedliterally over 20 times in my life (due to many different reasons), soI find myself having the ability to adapt quite quickly and easily tosituations.

I'm stubborn, at timesdifficult, but will love you with my whole being as long as you respectme and my family. I have had many hard times in my life, but have movedbeyond them and forged ahead to relax and enjoy the wonderful life Ihave built now with my family.
About my beloved, darling,amazing husband: a true gift of a man, and matches my father exactly inhis level of nobility. He is a great father and a perfect husband. Heloves without ceasing, and without any condition or abandon. He has noqualms in dipping me for a kiss in the middle of a busy mall, or takingas long as he wants to hug me, though people may be waiting. He ispatient, loving, kind, and gentle with his loved ones. And, above itall, he would do anything and everything to ensure the survival ofeveryone around him, even if it meant sacrificing a bit of his own. Oh,he's also a BIG softy for animals, like I am...but that's something hewould never admit! :eek:)
As far as my daughter: she'struly amazing. She surprises and amazes me daily in her greatintelligence, her ability to express herself (whether in words or inactions/deeds), and her vast amount of love for those aroundher.

I would have to say that mybasic philosophy in life is to respect your fellow being, whether theybe human, animal, or even plant. Giving people the respectthey deserve just as a lifeform is so important! Also, lovingone another unconditionally. What are we if we do notlove?
I think those two principalsare missed quite a lot in life. I find that people nowadaysneed to be given a REASON to love and respect one another, instead ofoutright loving because we're all living in the same world, goingthrough the same struggles, and who wants to add to that??

I like what Bassetluv said inher description of herself, it mirrors my thoughts quite to a"T":

"The one thing I believe the most is that every day is an adventure,waiting to unfold and embrace us. The most important things in life tome are to be able to see the beauty and love in everything and everyone(especially if it isn't obvious, or is masked by negative actions), tobe able to help others - be they furred or non-furred - and to learnthat no matter what, each and every one of us is beautiful and worthyof love...and that love of self is the most important thing for us tohold dear."
That was so eloquent and beautiful! :D

Well, I think that's aboutit! That's about me in a nutshell. If you'd like toread about my favorite movies, and such, feel free to check out myMySpace profile.
And, if you're on MySpace, drop me a line!! :D
Hugs to all!


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