Abby still isn't eating

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No worries. She can do without the Pedialyte. She'll stay hydrated withwhat you're doing. She'll get what she needs from the pellet slurry.The pumpkin is definitely a big plus. :)

Things are getting better. She's getting the vitamins and nutrientsfrom the pellet slurry. I'd put aside the oats for now and substitutethe canned pumpkin. There's so much fiber in it and it's mushy so youcan't go wrong there.

Don't forget to remember us when she poops and eats.

Sounds like you are on the right track.When I had FuzzButt & Biscuit spayed, the vet told me that"each day you should see an improvement with her appetite"!So keep that in mind; I bet she will try to eat more on her owntomorrow!!It took about 3 days before my girlsshowed signs of a "normal appetite"! :)
She's still not eating a lot, and we're stillforce feeding her, but she is slowly showing signs of improvement. Thismorning she nibbled on some apple, and ate a little bit of cardboard.Also a few nibbles of hay. Not enough, but we're happy that she'seating that much on her own.

She was showing signs of her old self this morning, giving the bars afew shakes and clearly wanting to get out of the cage. We're stillkeeping her away from the other two for the time being. Right now she'sout of the cage, and she hopped around inspecting everything, now she'ssitting under the table.

The very good news is she's pooping and peeing, more so today than the past two days, so I feel very relieved at that.

All in all, she's out of the woods. I really thought it'd go easier onher and thank you to everyone, especially you Carolyn, for all yourhelp.
I am happy to hear she is starting to show littleintrest in food. Maybe before you know she will gobble it down so fastyou wont know what she did with it. Plus she might be lonely being awayfrom the others but its for her best.

Oh! :) These are indeed good things, Stephanie! :) Yay!!

Auntie Nae seemed to nail it again in her experience with Fuzzbutt *giggles*. (Love that name!) and Biscuit.

Well, Stephanie. You've done a great job. Abby needed you and youimmediately answered the call. Her curiosity and her eating and herlaying under the table are all signs that she's starting to feel betterand that she's healing.

Trust your instincts. They're very astute.


Am glad Abby is doing better. It sure is tough having to worry so much about your little bun after surgery.

Hopefully when you & I get our rabbits fixed in January theywill have an easier time, if not I may be asking you for some advise.You are doing a great job with her & have a lot of patience-you are such a great bunny mom :)

How is Abby doing? Is she eating normally now? Can she join her friends in the bunny condo yet?

Abby is now doing fine and back to her old self.She's been back with the other buns for a few days now, she really gotsick of being by herself in the small cage and let us know it bytearing it apart one night. lol

The Diva is back.
I can't believe Imissed all of that! :shock: I guess it's because I was spacedoff on the weekend from Bryan coming home and not paying muchattention. I'msorry! I'm glad you stayed rightin there and intouch witheveryone. You get the best advice on here. I'mreally happy Abby is good to go!

Seems like the crisis has passed and you need notnow feel the "guilts" for having had her spayed. That oftenhappens if and when we believe the bun's condition isworsening. Had that happen with a castration of a buck andwas berating myself for having had him put under the knife, but hesurvived, much to his benefit and my release of the the guilt feelings.


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