A New Begining

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Amsterdam, , Netherlands
Hello all,

I used to be a member here. After some major life changes, I decided I would take a risk and see if I would be permitted to turn a new leaf over here as well. I was formerly known as MsBinky but I would rather start from scratch if possible. I still reside in Montreal though I have broken up with the fiance and have returned to work full-time. I am still very allergic to rabbits but 2 weeks ago, one found his way into my home and he is here until I can figure out what to do with him. I won't go into details here but if allowed to stay, i will eplain more in a blog that I will make.

As for friendships I had on here, please forgive me for having neglected them from being too self-absorbed in my own issues at the time. To the admins, please forgive me for having taken out my anger and resentmentin ways that were inexcusable. I hope you can give me one last chance :)
I don't have a lot of time to visit this site, so I have trouble maintaining my own thread topics, but I saw your post and just wanted to give you a random passerby hello.

Welcome back, life is all about new beginings. So I have no idea what your refering too! This is a great site and I look forward to seeing a picture or two of your bun.

Welcome back. I am a newbie here so I have no idea what went on before and honestly- it wouldn't matter to me. Thanks for taking in the bun and good luck in rehoming him/her.
Welcome (back) :)

I hope life is treating you well, even if things have been rough. Plenty of people here have turned over a new leaf and there is no reason why you aren't allowed to too (not sure you needed a new leaf though).

Hope you're ok chick.

Hey Dave :biggrin2:Long time no see. I hope you and the family are well.

Hey CKGS, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm looking forward to getting to know you.

(((((Tracy))))) It's nice to hear from you. Taking it one day at a time right now and just enjoying each day. I hope things are okay with you :rose:

Hi Sophie,it's great that you are back.

I hope you can keep your new Bunny. I have allergies and asthma too. But I just try to grin and bare it but I do realize some peoples allergies can be really bad.

What kind of work are you doing? I bet that must make you feel good going into work everyday.

I'd love to see pictures of your little one.

Hugs to you and your Bunny. :hug:

Susan, I have missed you and your buns. I wish I could keep him as well but I will not get my hopes up. Hehe. I really cannot permit my health to get any worse. I'm actually working at a Tim Hortons. It's nothing major but I have a position waiting for me when I decide to take it. I have an awesome schedule and I love my bosses so for now it works for me. I'm looking for the camera charger as we speak ;)

WELCOME BACK .... I was just thinking about you the other day and going to drop you a note and see how you were.

Its nice to see you here...

Nice to see you! Glad you are ok.
Nela wrote:
Hey Dave :biggrin2:Long time no see. I hope you and the family are well.

Hanging in there, family is doing well also. We're just enjoying the explosion of baby flemmies in the house.:) I am glad your doing better, understand about the health issues, gotta take care of yourself.

Really glad your back.
Hiya Sophie! I'm relatively new here so wasn't around when you were here but welcome back! :) Looking forward to getting to know you and hearing all about your new bunny.

Hey, you're here!! I want to hear about the temporary bunny! I hope he isn't affecting your allergies too bad :(
Welcome back! I hear you about the allergies, but hopefully everything works out!:wave:

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