A general rant about the stupidity of some people

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Jenk wrote:
gentle giants wrote:
I am also really ticked about the whole petstore thing, this is the fourth or fifth rabbit I have gotten either called about or taken in from that one d*** petstore, it's thankfully the only one in the area that sells small animals.... I was just so mad about her total casual attitude, and that she obviously really couldn't care less about the rabbit, I jsut wasn't thinking straight. So now I am worried about the poor little rabbit as well as being mad. I could just KILL some people!!

I'd like to add two things:

1) I'm one of those people who made the foolish pet-store mistake. And, yet, I wouldn't trade my girls for the world and don't think that they could have a much better home. (Call me biased. ;)) Plus, I learned a valuable lesson about adopting rabbits, which I will do for remainder of my life (for as long as I can properly care for them).

2) Your feelings of frustration with and anger toward humanity isn't abnormal (IMO) for anyone who deals with animal rescue. I've a former co-worker who once volunteered at a local shelter. As a result, she lost a lot of faith in the human race, after seeing the various abuse cases come through the door. She had one case of a woman calling to ask if she could drop off her year-old Irish Wolfhound because she didn't know when she bought the dog that it would get so big. Ummm...It's an Irish Wolfhound!
Thankfully, there are people like yourself that, even if they don't know much to begin with, are wiling to learn and turn out to be great pet owners. There are probably more than I think, really, it's just that I only see the bad ones when I am doing rescues. I have not really talked to the owners of this petstore to sort of feel them out about the issue of selling rabbits, but I do know that they buy the ferrets they sell, and some of their pet supplies, from Marshall's. I have considered trying to start a petition asking them to stop selling rabbits, at least, but I'm not sure how much good it would do, since I know they are making plenty of money off the rabbits and all the supplies they sell along with the rabbits.
He's absolutely gorgeous, I'm in love. I'm happy that he found someone that cares for him. I wonder how stales and moist the air got in the fishtank. I can't believe that someone would keep a bunny in a there. He's safe now though.
He's totally adorable - thank you for taking him on. Looks like he has settled in already :)

I can't imagine how a person can buy a pet without first thinking things through and realising the needs it's going to have :?

How could I have missed this?! Poor baby, to be treated like something so unimportant. Lucky he found you, though, huh? People make me so frustrated sometimes. It sounds like she treated him like a toy, not a living soul. At least she had the sense to call you instead of "setting him free" on campus.
Ah college students. Sometimes I think the worst part about being in college is dealing with the other stupid know-it-alls I go to college with.

It's so sad. Ryan and I see people with dogs all the time who are a little too thin, scared of people, a little too fat from no exercise, etc. It's always hard to watch. Before Easter, I made sure I spread the word around campus about how hard it is to have a rabbit. I tell everyone I can in the grocery store as well, lol.

The problem with my school though, it that while it has a lot of students who have been raised by parents who forced them to understand the value of a dollar, we have a lot of students who have no idea what the value of just one dollar is.

I am lucky in a lot of ways that my parents have been able to afford to pay for my education and give me things that are not needs, but rather wants, but my parents made sure I understood the value of a dollar.

And more importantly, they made me understand the value of a dollar in relation to a pet. We've had cats, dogs, guinea pigs, fish, turtles, lizards, adopted animals, pure-breeds, and more. And I have loved them all because my parents made me see them as extensions of the family, rather than "just pets" as many people (no one here of course!!!) do unfortunately.

My parents have told me that the rabbits are my responsibility, that they will not give me any money for them, etc. But I know if something serious happened, and I did not have the money to pay for the buns medical care, they would loan me the money so the buns would be ok. Because all it took was going home once and my buns became part of the family. They're loved. My parents ask them how's they're doing. And that's just the way some people are.

And then there are the students who make me want to cry because their dogs are "just pets" and not a big deal, something that's cute when it's little and a pain when it's older... :(

But yeah gentle, I know what you means about the stupidity of some, especially college students. Supposedly we grow out of it... but we'll see.... and hopefully before too many are hurt, :(

(I ramble too much sometimes, lmao, apologies)
The Bunny is adorable! I recently adopted a little holland lop and she is the cutest, sweetest little thing.

One of the issues I learned recently regarding bunnies in pet stores and bunnies going to feed snakes and raptors and such, is that it is the way some breeders cull their herd. When they are breeding to get certain characteristics and they aren't able to directly sell the "pet quality" babies themselves, theysell themto pet stores and/or give them to places that rescue and care for raptors, big cats, etc. I totally understand that all creatures need to eat and that in the wild rabbits are definitely part of the food chain. I guess I have a problem with breeders being so focused on creating the perfect rabbit that they basically discard the imperfect babies and continue to breed dozens more, knowing they will also need to discard many more. I don't know what the answer is.

~ Memlili


Updates, gg?

Memlili, your fuzzbun in the avatar is so darling. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and showing us your beloved Baby Cuddles.

Hooray for rescueing folks like gentlegiants & her hubby and friends. What a fortunate lop.
Baby lop is doing fine, and littertraining is progressing nicely too. I have to remind myself to put him back in his cage for a potty break during his play time, though, cause of course being a baby he can't hold it very long. :)It sure is fun to see him get all excited and doing his bunny 500's and binking around the back room, LOL. I don't get to see as much of that when my outside bunnies do it, so I am really enjoying this guy. Still haven't found a name that really works properly for him though. I tried Zack, but it jsut didn't work, somehow. I try not to use candy names with my bunnies, just because so many people do, (not that there is anything wrong with that!) but I think that might be the right way to go with this one.

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