5-day Reglan course: taper off or not?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2008
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, Illinois, USA
My 3-year-old Mini Rex, Zoe, has received a 5-day course of Reglan, which doesn't seem to be helping her fecal output. I was going to taper it off, giving one dose/day for 3-4 days, then one dose every other day for 2-3 days. But now I'm leaning toward just stopping it entirely. (I am awaiting a call from myvet with regards to Reglan not helping.)

I suspect Zoe's intestines aren't moving ingesta material quickly enough to keep up with the emptying of her stomach content (due to the Reglan).I'm tempted to stop the Reglan cold-turkey and pushingextra water(and possibly even sub-Qs) on her.

Zoe has Cow-Pile Syndrome symptoms: fecals that range from tiny to HUGE, and that can be slimy to bone-dry. Right now, they're more on the dry side. And she's not passing the quantity that should resultfroma course of Reglan.

Thank you,

You probably can use your own judgement on this. Jen, as from my experience with this it is difficult to predict the outcome no matter what you do.

why not stop the reglan, do the fluids and then work from there.
Jenk wrote:
My 3-year-old Mini Rex, Zoe, has received a 5-day course of Reglan, which doesn't seem to be helping her fecal output. I was going to taper it off, giving one dose/day for 3-4 days, then one dose every other day for 2-3 days. But now I'm leaning toward just stopping it entirely. (I am awaiting a call from myvet with regards to Reglan not helping.)

I suspect Zoe's intestines aren't moving ingesta material quickly enough to keep up with the emptying of her stomach content (due to the Reglan).I'm tempted to stop the Reglan cold-turkey and pushingextra water (and possibly even sub-Qs) on her.

Zoe has Cow-Pile Syndrome symptoms: fecals that range from tiny to HUGE, and that can be slimy to bone-dry. Right now, they're more on the dry side. And she's not passing the quantity that should resultfroma course of Reglan.

Thank you,

hi-jenk,,mini rex(zoe)-- has intestinal issues--gut mobility drugs cause contraction(pain)-will she eat a variety of -more-grasses with water,(simethicone),maybe just asmall amount ofpellets,,hold off with the greens for a while.//.does her gi tract feel ok-kinda doughy-(good)-,-use a stethoscope to listen to the gi tract--follow all the way through,,-how about tummy rubs,,she should like that.//.i suspect the gut flora has been disrupted/out of balance,,try some powdered probotics(mixed with water)--here is a link which i find very useful http://www.bio.miami.edu/hare/poop.html sincerely james waller :big wink:
angieluv wrote:
...From my experience with this it is difficult to predict the outcome no matter what you do.

why not stop the reglan, do the fluids and then work from there.

Since the vet and I haven't yet successfully "met up" via phone, I decided late last night to stop Reglan. (Yesterday morning was Zoe's last dose.)

I'll syringe her extra water today (if she'll willingly take it) and likely give her sub-Qs tonight, depending on what her fecal output looks like by then. She did pass fecals last night, but there's still much "catching up" for her to do.

Thank you, Maureen. :D

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