2011 Texan Tales & Tails

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
Last year's blog can be found here.

I think I'll start out this year's blog by talking about some of the bunnies - so that new folks can get to know them.

First of all - my flemmie "herd". My original four flemmies for our breeding herd were Sophia (RIP), Athena, Mercury & Hermes. The first three are light gray and Hermes is white. Later on we added Nyx (black doe from Wabbitdad12 & wabbitmom12). We also added two does from New England - Harmony & Calypso (RIP).

I've stopped breeding - but among the offspring we have are: Big Jake, Calamity Jane (CJ), Schioppi, Schi-bro, Thunder, Belle Star, Dukey & more. Dukey was hand raised from about 8 days of age and he is very affectionate.

A few of the does that get along live on the floor - and Nyx is the "herd matron" of them with Thunder, her daughter being next in line - even though she is younger than some of the others.

I can't write about the flemmies without mentioning the time Art accidentally let Mercury in with the girls in the office - some of whom were playing on the floor. Mercury wasn't in there but a couple of minutes - but Meatloaf managed to get pregnant and give us Meatball (doe), and Adam and Sam and Dean. Sam and Dean are named after the brothers on Supernatural and they live together. Adam however lives alone as he was more aggressive than they are. I am thinking that later this year I am going to try to get at least the three boys adopted out - but Meatball would probably do well with a family also.

In addition to the flemmies - we have my second favorite breed - well - breeds really - lops. For holland lops we have Zuba and Finn (aka Finnster - a real flirt), and Cindy, Sher & Sassy. In addition, we have Cindy & Zuba's daughters Dotty & Portia.

We also have E-lops....Jar Jar Binks and Ellie Mae are brother/sister and we also have Brady Hawkes - a tort e-lop buck.

We also have various rabbits we've "rescued" from the feed store - usually bringing them home to take care of a minor illness only to fall in love with them. Among those we have Alpha (who is Meatloaf's sister - but we adopted Meatloaf cause she was so beautiful - she's blue). We also have Miss Truly and JJ. Oh - and I can't forget Jenny who has been with us for over 5 years now.

I also have grown to love Californians and while I've lost the two parents George & Gracie (George actually was rehomed when our a/c went out)....I still have Dallas & Austin living together and then their sister Mercedes.

Finally (well - almost the end) - we have the breed I started out breeding....the lionheads. Among the lionheads we have Ziggy (blind in one eye but doing pretty good), Triad, Peaches, Audrey, Splash and so many more I am not going to name them all here.

We also have Angel....who is definitely a heart bunny of mine. We were at a show and she was in the drawing to go to a new home. She was 5 years old and she just looked so sad.....I felt like she was calling out to me. I put three tickets in her bag (or maybe 5? I forget).....and was so thrilled when I won her. Shortly after we brought her home - we neutered her and it was a good thing as she was starting to have issues that could have lead to uterine cancer. She's now a spoiled little brat - but I love her so much. I never thought I'd want another "small" breed bunny (she's polish) - but I adore her.

I suppose I'll close with the bedroom bunnies. Robin's bedroom is home to Roxie - a gal we took in because another family couldn't afford to feed her anymore and they also knew they probably couldn't take her when they moved to a new home. She's very very VERY affectionate and if you lay down on the bed to read - be prepared for her to attack your book, throw your glasses on the floor - and DEMAND attention from you.

And in my bedroom - my heart bunny - Zeus. Many of you may remember how Tiny died fairly suddenly three years ago - and later that month we adopted Zeus and gave him a home. For a while - I had a hard time connecting with Zeus - and I almost resented him.

Well - Zeus will never be Tiny...but then ... if he was Tiny - who would be Zeus? Know what I mean? Zeus is still a treasure and as I've learned to accept him for who he is....he's learned to accept me too. He now sleeps on our bed with us (I frequently wake up to find him laying right up against my back while I lay on my side).

Anyway - welcome to my new blog and consider this the "character guide" that you sometimes see at the beginning of novels so you know which character is which....
Glad to see your new blog.
Thanks Ali - I suppose I should share that we unexpectedly lost Bullet a few days ago....I have no idea what happened - and Schioppi is ill right now.
Many hugs Peg! I'm afraid pictures will still be required :pYou've stopped breeding? Completely? How are things going with the sales? :)Is Robin still with her bf?
I just shared this in a note on my facebook account and thought I'd share it here so y'all can cheer me on.....(any encouragement is great!)

BTW - sorry I've barely been on - I'll try to do better...

I remember as a kid - going through the Sears and Penney catalogs a few weeks before school started and dreaming over the clothes for the new school year. Even then, I loved the idea of a "capsule wardrobe" where you focused on different colors and bought matching items in those colors to create a wardrobe.

Unfortunately - that was not to be for me. I didn't realize at the time that my situation was "strange". I never got to pick out my clothes....my mother did that for me - all the way into my high school years. Packages would come in the mail or she would pick them up at the store....but mom always picked out what I should wear.

Mom still talks about how "cute" she "dressed me"....how I always looked like a little doll.

I think the first outfit I really had a say in - was a pair of jeans that I bought with my own money when I was a senior in high school. Not only was it the first outfit I had a say in - it was my FIRST pair of jeans. I LOVED those jeans....to me they represented freedom...and choices....and in a way....control. I had control of what I could wear.

One of my biggest fights with mom - came my freshman year in college. I had plans for the weekend - but mom called and told me to come home - and - WHAT TO WEAR THAT WEEKEND. That weekend was a major turning point in my life - I didn't go home - and mom kicked me out of the house unless I gave up my boyfriend and came home.

I say all this to say that I'm coming to realize that for me....clothes are more than just something you throw on....they are a measure of my ability to "control' my life.

After I got out from mom's thumb (and I do love mom - don't take me wrong) - I had NO IDEA what to wear for clothing. For years, she had dressed me in her styles and colors....only thing is - we're completely different. For those who know about color theory...she's a summer - I'm a "golden spring". I look great in colors like brown and mustard and greens and golds (and even some blues). I love red and purple and wear them a lot. Mom dressed me in pastels and plums and ...turtlenecks and styles that just did not look good on me. (I've learned I need a collar or a scoop neck or a v-neck).

My other problem is I'm a "shop-a-holic" and a "sale-a-holic". I would never pay full price for something for myself....(although I would do so for my family). But for me - it HAD To be on sale....usually at least 40% off.

When we were in Alaska - I did a lot of my shopping at Value Village, a secondhand store that I loved. I could frequently get items on dollar days...for $1 - $3. So I did so - I stocked up - especially on sweaters, etc.

I'm not proud of this - but I once remember going through my clothes and realizing that I could wear a different top every day for over 3 months without repeating any.

Several times over the years - I've gone through a "feast/famine" period where I'd get rid of about 50% or more of my wardrobe....due to a move or having gained weight....and then live with a smaller amount of clothes....until something would set off that buying urge - usually after a year or two of being good and living on what I had. Perhaps I'd stained a few shirts (I'm horrible about spilling stuff on myself).

Living here in Del Rio hasn't helped....we have a Ross Dress for Less and I can go in there almost any day of the week and find AT LEAST 1 shirt or more that would look good on me - usually for under $10. Many many times I've walked out with four to five (or more) tops - by the same brand that I like - but in different colors - knowing that I didn't "need" them...but I did really like them a lot.
Sometimes "retail therapy" sucks...if you give into it.

Something happened to me earlier this year though. We helped Eric move into his new place - and we did something like 15 loads of laundry for him to go through so he could donate stuff to charity. Like his mom - he also had a ton of shirts....some of which he liked for their memories - but he knew he wouldn't wear them any more. It was hard for me to see shirt after shirt after shirt go into the "discard" pile. (I kept out three that would look good on Art and fit him too).

I realized though that Eric was really ok with letting the shirts go...that it was going to make his life easier by not having so many clothes.....he wouldn't have to keep sorting through things that no longer fit his lifestyle.

That's when I decided that this year - this month actually - I was going to go through my clothes - and get rid of a bunch.

I know if Peter Walsh were here - he'd be making me get rid of at least half of my wardrobe....(just the hanging shirts fill two rods...and that's not including the ones in the laundry and the ones that are folded and all the miscellaneous ones around here). So that is my goal....actually - I want to make it my goal to get things down to one rod (maybe less?).

I was thinking about this today...and I'm mainly writing this so I can remind myself as I struggle with my decisions.

I've come to realize that having the clothes - and buying the clothes - is no longer "control" for me. Things are out of control - I can't handle the disaster - the mess it makes and the clutter from all these clothes.

"Control" comes from within....it comes everytime I say "yes" or "no" to something.

Its time to start saying "no" to new clothes....and saying "yes" to being content with what I have. Its time to take back control of my house from the clutter - starting with the clothes (and then moving onto the books - but that is another story).

I have to admit - I'm scared. Can I really do it - can I keep my clothes closet under control?

I think maybe I'm finally ready.....because I'm realizing the truth about control...that it isn't about what you do or don't have externally - its about who you are inside.
Don't have a photo for this - but R.I.P. Schioppi - Nyx's son that we thought was a doe for the longest time....he was ill for a few days and wasn't eating well - we just couldn't seem to pull him through cause he gave up.
Glad to have caught up with your 2011 Blog. I'm sorry to hear about Bullet and Schioppi. :(

I am so with you on wanting to get rid of some clutter. The past 3 months I have donated more things to Goodwill than I have for the past 5 years combined. Best of luck!! Keep us updated on how your Quest for Order is progressing.

You asked some questions about my new job...I put my answer on the Wabbitherd blog, so check it out when you have a minute ;)
Is it just me - or is it hard to believe that its FEBRUARY already? WOW. Where did the time go?

Things are going ok here - sorta. Today is a sad day - its the third anniversary of Tiny's "Graduation" day of crossing over the bridge. I miss him so much - I updated his thread with some thoughts. As I posted there - I also have some stories to add to Tiny's adventures now that he's crossed the bridge. I'll finish Miss Bea's story...then tell Sophia's (I have such peace now about her passing since I had a dream about her last night). I even have a love story about Schioppi.

This morning I woke up in tears thinking about Tiny - but then I realized - I have someone here - in bed - beside me - that needs and wants my love. So I reached over and petted Zeus and loved on him and felt his teeth purrs while I petted him. He's definitely my bedroom bunny and a heart bunny and in a few days we'll be celebrating his third "Gotcha" day. So I can focus on the grief....or the happiness.

I'm choosing the happiness.

Things are going well with the rabbits (knock on wood). Jar Jar still has some abscesses....but he's such a sweetie. I take him out and hold him sometimes and he loves to give me kisses on my neck while I pet him.

Ellie Mae, his sister is quite the handful. She reminds me of Nyx when Nyx was younger - ALWAYS getting into trouble and thinking she can do whatever she wants. I think she drives Nyx up the wall.

Today I came home from the store with carrots for the bunnies (to celebrate Tiny's life with)....and of course Nyx's daughter Thunder smelled them in the grocery bag I'd put on the floor. After that - Nyx was NOT going to wait for suppertime - she got some of the girls to climb all over me as I sat on the floor - and of course they got some carrots. Nyx insisted she didn't get enough...and tried to talk me into more (she would've liked the WHOLE BAG)...but I told her that she could have more later.

I'm really starting to enjoy being a "stay at home" homemaker. I've not been able to accomplish everything I'd like...but I'm doing better than I did before.

Oh - we had a few snowflakes today and its barely supposed to get above freezing....SO...I made a triple batch of chili in the crockpot. I can hardly wait to eat some - I may take some out into a bowl in a few minutes and microwave it since its not all hot yet. But with this cold weather (we've even had rolling power outages due to people using so much electricity to heat their homes, etc)...the chili just seems so nice. Of course I had to get LOTS of hot chocolate mix too.

Its kinda funny - two days ago our high was 80 I think....then yesterday and today its been low - and tomorrow its low and then on Saturday it goes back up to 66. At least our chli should be gone by then and we'll go back to less heavy, hot foods.

Well, I guess that's all for now - I'll try to write more often.
Go, Nyx, Go! :biggrin2:
:rainbow: We miss you too, Tiny. It's good that your Mama tells us all of your adventures at the Bridge.
Hello humans.

Mom is busy right now and I decided that it was time you heard about our family from the RIGHT perspective - a BUNNY'S perspective.

It all started when Connor and his friends decided to give a 21 thump salute to Dallas last week. I read that and decided that perhaps us bunnies should become more active too. The girls and I in the herd lined up to do a 21 thump salute also - but then Ellie Mae tried to butt in - and then the bucks heard us arguing and they started thumping. I think we did a 121 thump salute (if not more) and then the hollands refused to cooperate by holding their ears up and sitting still - instead - they decided to BINKY in their cages.

Honestly...how a herd matron keeps it all together without losing her temper is beyond me. Sometimes I could just pound my head against the wall...but I can't risk the girls seeing that.

So a bit more about me - well - about us too.

Those of us flemish girls who can get along...are allowed to be free-roaming in a certain area. Unfortunately, Cindy's daughters (holland lops - Portia & Dotty) joined us because they were fighting in their weaning cage and Robin let them play...and they've never really been caged again (not for long). Sometimes Cindy gets playtime with us too - along with Angel and others.

I am the herd matron of all the girls who run free. This means - I give out the daily assignments to the girls for what they're supposed to do. You see - we have to pay attention to all the bucks in the cages by chinning their cages and grooming them if they stick their noses out...and laying beside their cages and flattering them. You never know when mom is gonna allow us to breed - so we need to keep the bucks happy. Right now the bucks that are on the floor in cages are Hermes (white flemish giant), Dallas & Austin (Cali bucks), Mr. Bubbles, Sam and Dean (half-flemish bucks) and Brady Hawkes (english lop). The other bucks that sometimes switch places with them are Mercury (aka "Puppy" aka "Herd Buck"), Big Jake, Dukey, Rudy, SchiBro, Adam (Sam & Dean's brother) and Jar Jar Binks (e-lop).

I probably should keep a chart of what girl gets what buck and how often....but I try to keep everything straightened out in my head. I do tend to let Thunder, my daughter and the Assistant Matron - have first choice in her buck to tend to that day IF she did all of her work the day before. I try to assign Ellie Mae somewhere that the other girls won't mind. Harmony's daughters are the youngest and they're just happy that they can play free - so they're pretty obedient to me. I do worry about one of them - I suspect she has hopes of being Matron some day and I have to keep my eyes off her.

I usually have to assign one doe the job of keeping the lops in line. Let's face it - those lops are troublemakers and since they're so little - they're pretty darn fast too. It can be hard getting a nip in before they've dashed off and hidden somewhere.

Then there is the assignment of "watching the back door" to notify everyone when we can be out on the porch. Whoever gets this job usually has to be the last one in at night and make mama chase them around the porch...so several girls like to ask for that job.

Then there is the "food monitor" job. This doe has to go hunt down where mom has hidden the food this time - and then try to get the bag open. Ellie Mae does an exceptionally good job at this - so we frequently give it to her - unless she's in a "time-out" cage for opening a bag earlier that day.

Along with all this - I serve as head mediator with the cats and dogs. The dogs really take it personally when one of the lop girls jumps on them while they're napping - and sometimes Harmony's girls like to do this also. Usually I have to take the girl aside and discipline her by laying on top of her till she agrees to go and apologize. Ok - sometimes I'll lay on them a bit longer and pretend I didn't hear them agree....just cause they frustrate me so much.

Some of you are probably reading all this and going, "Nyx...why would you ever take on the job of matron? What do you get out of it?"

Well...I get the right to demand groomings whenever I want. I get the right to choose my own jobs. I get first dibs at the food bowl (even though I have to nip a few butts to remind the girls of that). The bucks ALL love me cause I make sure they get daily attention. And best of all - I even get to lead the revolts when mom brings out the medicine like ivermectin and stuff.

I'll tell you - when Sophia was alive - I don't know how she did it all. She tried to prepare me for the fact that it would be a big responsibility but she made it look so easy - and fun. She was also very easy to get along with and she usually let the girls pick their own jobs. Unfortunately - this meant that some bucks had three does paying attention to them - while others got neglected.

So in a way - I think I do things better.

One thing I'm doing differently is allowing Thunder to be herd matron for two hours per day - and three hours per day on the weekends. This allows me to get some rest and to train her in how to lead. I will say that she has potential - but she needs more self-confidence - she just isn't good at nipping the girls in the butt to make them behave.

I am also currently looking over the does to see who should be next in training. Once a week I try to have a conference with each doe individually - to see how she's doing - if she's wanting to breed (still trying to figure out how to get those cag doors open) - who she likes - and stuff like that. I have a couple of potential "trainees" that I'm considering. I am going to make my decision by Easter - it will be nice in the long run - but first I'll have several weeks of training to do - including teaching them the right nips for making girls move, etc.

Oooh - I have to go. That mom....she just let "Princess" Athena (aka "FATBUTT") out of her cage to have some playtime on the floor. IF the girls accept Athena...she may try to take over as herd matron since she's older than me. It looks like Thunder just hopped by her without taking her on....looks like I have more training to do with that daughter of mine.

In addition - mom brought out Meatball - the sister to Sam, Dean & Adam. Great...now two new rivals for attention.

Gotta go - got nipping to do.

But at least you've heard about life here - as it really happens.

Hehehe thank you Nyx for that perspective. I'm glad to hear all is well there ;)It all sure seems to keep you quite busy. :biggrin2:Say hello to the human matron for me when you can ;)
No, you have a very good mix right now. Also not sure such a long trip for a bunny like that would be so good. While she may adapt to things a trip like that can be stressful.
It is GORGEOUS outside today - well - its cloudy - but the temperature is sorta cool and yet not cold. I have Harmony out in the dog kennel in the grass and Athena is in the pen on the porch. I love watching the girls because they're so happy to be out in the fresh air.

I am wondering - which do you think is better (as I rotate the animals outside during cool days) - for them to have time outside 2 hours at a time - every second or third day - or one super long stretch (4-6 hours) once a week?

I need to make a list of the bunnies and come up with a rotation schedule. Hopefully it won't start getting really hot until May or June.
yay for nice weather! It's really windy here today! Sunny though.

Hmm I think maybe 2 hours at a time. At least, if I was a bunny I'd like to be out more often for shorter times then one long time. :p
Sounds crazy...but I'm putting this here in my blog now so I can find it later when I need a laugh (other than the "Son of a...." comment).

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eFBQfQU-n0]Dean Winchester (Supernatural) & Sword in the Stone[/ame]
Well hello again humans. The girls and I thought it might be nice if I updated y'all on some things around here. I know that what is important to us might not be important to y'all.....but still yet - there might be some bunnies who read mom's blog when they get bored enough.

Let's see....where to start...

Well first of all - I may have to demote Thunder from Assistant Head Matron. I don't know for sure yet if I'll have to do so - BUT - she disobeyed orders (that always looks bad...doesn't it) and she may wind up having another job - that of "mama".

It goes like this.....Brady Hawkes was outside in the brass pen - but on our porch. Mama made sure it was fixed so Brady couldn't get out and so girls couldn't get in.

She didn't count on Thunder CLIMBING the pen....

I've had a talk with Thunder and she's currently on probation and I'm keeping an eye on her (so is mom).

I'm FURIOUS with her....diluting our regal flemish lines with an E-LOP??? I mean....come on....how desperate was she?

To top things off - she was assigned flirting duty that day with Hermes....and she so totally neglected him (the other girls told me - Hermes didn't file a complaint cause he said he was sleeping all afternoon).

I've told her that IF she has babies - she better make sure their ears don't lop or she's in BIG BIG trouble.

Then again - I am gonna be like mama and hope she doesn't have babies. (Mama said we'll know by March 17th).

So that's my first bit of news. I'm currently interviewing for another assistant matron. I'm seriously leaning towards appointing one of Harmony's girls....even though she's one of the two youngest.

Speaking of babies - mama brought home THREE of them today from the feed store.

Let me tell you - I got one whiff of them and I was quite perturbed. I kept trying to knock over the box so I could look inside at them.

Mom did reassure us that the babies don't need any nursing - so all the girls breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, we don't even have any additional responsibilities for caring for them - mom and Robin are going to do it all (Robin mostly so mom doesn't get too attached).

After seeing them - I gotta admit that they're cute. But I wonder - how could a mama let her babies go at such a young age? What type of person would take them away from the mama? I'm really feeling sorry for that mama tonight.....she must be lonely.

Oh - and there have been some changes in the cage arrangements. Rudy and Dukey are now in bottom cages and Brady Hawkes and Athena have moved up to upper cages. Athena is very pleased because it makes her feel like she's on a throne being up so high. Me? I've offered to crown her if royalty is that important to her.

Mama won't let me near Athena now.

I don't remember - did y'all know about Ellie Mae having wry neck (Head tilt)? Mama noticed it about 10 days ago and started her on medication. She's still tilted (which is hilarious if you ask me) - but she's running around and playing and doesn't seem to be in any pain. Sometimes she isn't tilted very much - if she gets tired - she's a bit more tilted. What is hilarious though - is seeing her head tilted when she has both ears slung to one side of her head....it makes it look like her ears weigh a lot!!! I told her she needed to learn to make them stand up.

Oh - and we have a new addition to our herd. I think y'all might know the story of how over a year ago Mercury (herd buck) followed dad into the office while dad was watering and some girls were out playing (only dad didn't know it). Mercury was only in there a few minutes - but 31 days later - Meatloaf had babies. Those babies (half flemish) are Sam, Dean, Adam & their sister Meatball. (The rest of the litter got adopted out).

Well, Meatball has been caged in the office but very unhappy. She doesn't get along well with the lionheads....which is why she was caged (she also didn't get along with us when she was younger and more..... hot headed). But now - we've decided to MAYBE let her join us. So far she's passed the "chase the holland lops" test and the "Chase Roxie away" test and the "Guard the porch" test. She has three days to finish learning before she has to pass the "flirt with buck" test with all the bucks (ShiBro has already passed her for his portion but Dean and Sam say she flirts "like a sister" and not like a "flirt" (BUCKS! Can't live with them...don't want to live without them)) and the "Groom fellow does" test. Once she passes those....she's "in". HOWEVER, since she's only half-flemish, I don't think I'm willing to consider her for assistant matron - at least not at this time (after all - then I'd have to consider Ellie Mae too).

Well, I better go. Rudy is trying to overturn his litterbox to get my attention. It seems like he has some complaints about his current assignments for flirt duty and he has a special request. (I've been told he's sweet on Ellie Mae - but I try to not allow cross-breed relationships if I can help it).

I'll try to write more in a few days.....till then...don't forget .... bunnies need craisins and carrots as well as pets and photo shoots!
