1st Bonding Session

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Active Member
Mar 1, 2007
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom

We had our first bonding session yesterday in the bathroom. I got my Boyfriend to bring Buck up and I took Bailey, so they both went into the room at the same time.

I sat on the floor and they both jumped up onto my lap, almost as if they were scared because it was new surroundings, they sat there together for a few minutes. Buck was the first to get off and had a bit of an explore then Bailey hopped off to have a look around.

They really didn't pay allot of attention to each other. Buck then came over to me and laid down for a stroke and soon followed Bailey. Both of them were quite happy sitting next to each other being stroked.

They sat there for about 5 minutes and then again they wandered off for another explore and both came back for more stroking.

The session lasted about 15mins, and there was no chasing, nipping or hostility apart from Bailey towards to then, she was just starting to get a bit pushy with Buck.

I felt the session went quite well, is it normal for them to sit next to each other and be stroked?

We will be having another session tonight, will try and make this one last a bit longer this time.
That sounds REALLY positive :D

They sound very comfortable in the presence of each other (hence allowing the stroking and feeling relaxed), they are not hostile towards each other.

The fact they would tolerate the stroking, and also that they didn't show any agression towards each other, and were indifferent is a really good sign :D

You are SO lucky :)

I hope that it stays positive and that they bond quickly and successfully.
I hope that they bond quickly too. They have been living in the same room since I had to split into 2 hutches when they were about 3 months old, and I have been swapping there toys, litter trays, bowls and water bottles since then, so they have always had each others smell around them.

This is the first time I have bonded and I'm hoping I'm doing all the right things, but it was so nice to see them back together yesterday. I can't wait until they are more settled and start grooming each other.

Fingers crossed for tonight's session.
Wow, they did really well for their first session! Sounds like they with bond fast. Goodluck on tonights session!
If you have a camera, you should record how it goes. ;)
That sounds like it went realllllllllllllllly welll.:)They might bond quickly but i think that you sould still expect some fights.
Gosh I really hope they don't fight too badly, although I am prepared, I have a spray bottle full of water and some protective gloves close to hand just in case.

Will try to get some pic's tonight and let you know how it goes.
If you are there and supervising them then there is no reason they will fight badly because you will be able to intercept if necessary.

I would also have a towel onhand, because many bunnies will freeze when a towel is dropped on them covering their eyes. I can also protect the other bunny and the parts of you not covered with gloves if you need to pick one up.
Well we had our second bonding session last night, this one lasted for 40 minutes, and we even had grooming.

They both done the same as the day before came over and sat with me for some strokes and then Buck started to groom Bailey.

After a while Buck did start to make some grunting noises and tried to mount Bailey, I stopped him from doing this....was that the right thing to do?

I have taken a couple of pic's of them together but I can't find out how to add them, can you tell me how to do that?
They need to sort out the relationship the two of them have, who is dominant, who is submissive, etc, and that is what the humping is about.

Humping each other is ok, but circling each other needs to be stopped, as does fighting (obviously).

One tick and I'll get a link that explains about pics.
Hi here they are.





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