1 year old neutered bunny still peeing on bed

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Aug 20, 2018
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i neutered my bunny 2 weeks ago. before neutering him, whenever i let him free roam around my room he would find ways to get onto my bed and eventually learned how to just jump up. he began peeing and pooping and eventually spraying. he never goes to the bathroom on my floors and is well litter box trained besides a few droppings in his pen. today i thought it would be a good idea to try and see if i can finally cuddle with my bun on my bed. he did very well at first but eventually began peeing again. should i give up on allowing him on my bed or is there something i can do? i have attempted to catch him before he pees but he hates to be picked up and he’s much faster than me.
You'll need to keep him off your bed. There is something about soft bedding that is irresistible for peeing upon.

BTW, it can take up to 6 or even 8 weeks after a neuter for hormones to completely dissipate.

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