male rabbit

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  1. Breemarie77

    Bunny bonding behavior change

    Hello! I recently adopted a 3yo fixed female and I have a 1yo unfixed male. He’s getting fixed but it’s not until January. I have their cages in the same room, and I’m actually thinking about separating them now as he has started spraying and not eating as much because he can’t stop thinking...
  2. X

    Bonding unneutered and unspayed bunnies- for breeding

    Hello! I have a female, unspayed bunny for the past couple of months now and a week ago I got a male, unneutered bunny. I’ve researched online and it gave numerous advice and recommendations such as switching them from each others’ cage to get used to their scent, letting them eat beside each...
  3. Binkylife

    Neutered Rabbit still sprays 😱

    I adopted an older rabbit that still sprays. Is there anything I can do about this? It feels like territory war with my very dominant female mini Rex. Help! Some background: I adopted a male mini Rex rabbit who is 2.5 years old. His name is Pip, I joked that he was probably named that because...
  4. D


    I have a 6 year old male dutch rabbit. He is usually very calm and likes to play but since 2 days ago he has been sitting in his cage all day and not being his usual self. This morning he peed inside his cage which is new since he usually uses his litterbox. He has also been making very soft...
  5. Briannamb310


    Hey all. Bear with me , I’m gonna try and explain this since I’m at a loss. I recently lost one of my rabbit friends. So I saw one for adoption at a pet store who was contracting through a shelter that has a high kill rate. I wanted him out of there and here where I could best care for him and...
  6. cosmoluna

    Will my baby female rabbit fight my neutered male once she reaches sexual maturity?

    So around 3 weeks ago I adopted an 8 week old female holland lop as a companion for my 9 month old neutered male holland lop. I tried everything I heard about bonding, and for some reason it was love at first sight and the 2 are inseparable. my male grooms her, they cuddle, eat together, and he...
  7. Floyd2019

    Nervous about Neutering! Need advice

    So random question about neutering my male 8 month old rex/lionhead rabbit. He went through digestion and cecum disorders when he was younger and only just got back to a healthy state a few months ago. Now that he is healthy he has started eating my carpet and peeing on my bed, it's bad for his...
  8. Floyd2019

    Question about Cecotropes!

    Hi all! So my bunny is an un neutered male, 7 months old. Ever since i got him he has struggled with diet issues and cecum disorders etc which is why he hasn't been neutered yet. He is finally healthy and on a well balanced diet of timothy hay and greens. I used to see cecotropes everywhere...