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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. rabits

    Rosewood salad safe?

    At Walmart I found something called “nature’s salad” from the brand Rosewood Is it safe? here are the ingredients:
  2. rabits

    Help Me With My Future Buns!

    Honestly, bunnies very clean, especially if they are litter boxed trained. There are a few videos on YouTube on how to do it, basically get a cat litter box (make sure the side aren’t too tall) I’d recommend an open litter box not a closed one, and fill it with hay. or others put litter, I...
  3. rabits

    My Fury is gone... :(

    So sorry for your loss :( she seems like a great bunny and is now binkying in a better place ❤️
  4. rabits

    Rabbit digging

    Sometimes I see my rabbits digging, this is usually on their bed (small flatish cat bed, the yellow one in my profile picture) or on their blanket (i put blanket over their puzzle mat flooring) at first I thought it could be because rabbits like to dig and that’s what they were doing but I...
  5. rabits

    ? Rabbit Fur ?

    I found this in my rabbits cage, it looks fine except that there’s a black “hard part” at the end.. does anyone know what this is? I’m probably overreacting but you can never be sure lol
  6. FullSizeRender.MOV


  7. rabits

    Baby gates and beds

    my rabbits like cardboard hideouts, this way it’s a house but they can chew it You can make these or find them on Amazon...
  8. rabits

    Rabbit Thumping

    I was just petting my rabbit and he seemed fine, after about 3 seconds of me not petting he went away from me to his mom (bonded pair) which is about 4 ft from me. After this he stomped at me, I’m not sure why? Was it because I was too close to his litter box? I was about 1 foot close to it pls...