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  1. P

    Mini lops ears haven’t dropped!!

    What do you mean by the rabbits crown? Will I be able to know by looking at it?
  2. P

    Mini lops ears haven’t dropped!!

    Hi, I’ve got two 10 week old mini lops however their ears haven’t dropped yet. One of Coco’s ears have dropped however the other is still up. Lulu still has both of hers up. Does anyone know when they will drop?
  3. P

    What to feed 2x 8 week rabbits!!

    Hi all, I recently got 2 eight week old mini lops called Lulu and Coco and I need advice on what to feed them daily. The local breeder wasn’t too good on her advice with their diet. The breeder did advise me that they have been feed vegetables such as cabbage, kale and bok choy and carrots as...
  4. P

    What to feed 2 8 week old Mini Lop rabbits

    Great! Thank you so much guys!!
  5. P

    What to feed 2 8 week old Mini Lop rabbits

    So would I stop feeding them vegetables until 12 weeks? As I don’t have Timothy hay, is oaten hay a good replacement?
  6. P

    What to feed 2 8 week old Mini Lop rabbits

    The breeder has informed me that the kits have been fed vegetables before. The breeder had been feeding them them kale, corn cob, carrot peels and tops, broccoli, cabbage, fruit such as apple (no seeds) watermelon and Timothy hay. The droppings are around the size of a grain of rice and are...
  7. P

    What to feed 2 8 week old Mini Lop rabbits

    Hi, I have just purchased two eight week old mini lops 2 days ago from a local breeder however she was not very good with the advice. I was wondering what to feed Lulu and Coco on a daily basis and how much and often I should feed them. My feeding routine right now is once in the morning and...