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  1. K

    Too much poop

    It’s normal. I have a tiny 2lb lionhead that poops a ton and I have to vacuum her area at least everyday. You need a bigger litter box for sure. And cleaning the litter box every 2 days seems normal with 2 bunnies and a small litter box. And I know you didn’t say anything about this but it...
  2. K


    Wow what a little fatty I have. She drops a cecotrope then turns around and looks for it and eats it. Sometimes it sticks to her butt fur and I watch her try to find her cecotrope. What a chunk. She had been on a diet for a while now. No more pellets, and I’m forcing her to run around more...
  3. K


    Ok so now I’ve witnessed twice... she pooped th cecotrope on the carpet and went back later and ate it. And that is what is making the smear stain on the carpet. She eventually eats it but I’m not sure why she waits so I’m assuming she is overweight.
  4. K


    Ok so I stopped feeding her pellets and veggies for a couple days and she no longer was leaving cecotropes. Then I started to give her a small amount of veggies and pellets and she is no longer leaving cecotropes but she is smearing some stool on the blanket. I think maybe this she is a little...
  5. K


    My 2 year old spayed lionhead is leaving a lot of cecotropes around. At first I didn’t know what it was because her carpet was smeared with poop and I saw regular round poop. Then I realized that she is just stepping in her cecotropes and that’s where the smears are coming from. Also she...
  6. K

    I’m frustrated

    The problem is she doesn’t leave her spade without me picking her up and she hates that.
  7. K

    Poopy butt

    This little girl is giving me a run for my money hahaha. Thanks.
  8. K

    Poopy butt

    My rabbit has fecal matter and crusty old stool Stuck to her fur around her butt. I cut off what I could but there is still some. She is a little feisty lion head and I can’t seem to get the rest of it. Should I wait until someone can help me hold her or should I put her in a very shallow Bath tub?
  9. K

    I’m frustrated

    I spent a lot of time with her. She is just a diva. My brother is also temporarily moved into her room and is always there with her and she hates him as well. She is spayed.
  10. K

    I’m frustrated

    I’m just vented to fellow bunny owners.... I am so frustrated with my bunny. I love her to death but she is so hard to take care of. She is free roam in her own room, 2 years old. She is so distrustful of everyone and it’s exhausting. Cutting her nails is so hard. I’ve tried every technique and...
  11. K

    How do you store everything?

    I live in a small apartment too. I have a small storage ottoman thing that I bought off amazon for super cheap. I put it in my bunnies room, and throw a small little dog bed thing on top and it’s my bunnies favorite spot to sit. In the ottoman I have her hay, pellets, a couple small toys...
  12. K


    My rabbit is officially no longer pooping in her litter box, well most of the time she isn’t. She is free roam in a room and it’s so hard to keep that room clean especially because she is in shedding season. I was thinking about getting a roomba or some kind of vacuum robot to help with the...
  13. K

    Sick or something else?

    Ok thanks. I think it’s dental because I bought 3 different pellets and she barely ate them.
  14. K

    Sick or something else?

    Now I’m so nervous. I guess I’ll start by buying new food and see if that helps.
  15. K

    Sick or something else?

    Wouldn’t something dental cause pain and therefore change their behavior?
  16. K

    Bunfriend or free roam?

    And heres the thing... one rabbit is a lot of work for me because I like a super clean area all the time. And I’ve never had two rabbits before so I don’t know if it’s double the mess or the same amount of mess.
  17. K

    Bunfriend or free roam?

    So I am curious of your opinions here.... I have a “free roam” lionhead that HATES to be put in a pen. She is only free roam Bc she doesn’t touch hardwood floors so all I have to do is put a large rug down and make her that space and she doesn’t leave it. So she is free roam Bc of this. If she...
  18. K

    Sick or something else?

    Here a pic of her poop.
  19. K

    Sick or something else?

    So usually I feed my 3lb lionhead 1 teaspoon of pellets in the morning and 1 at night along with unlimited hay and lots of veggies. 4 days ago I put 1 teaspoon in her bowl and she has t touched it since which is unusual for her. She’s eating hay but it’s hard to tell how much. She is eating...
  20. K

    Vacuum suggestions

    I am overwhelmed by how messy my rabbit is. I don’t have a vacuum, right now I just sweep. I am looking for vacuum suggestions that are good for picking up hay?