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  1. Link

    I think my rabbit could have the snuffles but my parents wont listen to me so...

    I think my rabbit has the snuffles but my parents wont listen to me so i can't really do much about it other than make sure he is healthy otherwise. My Tan has been sneezing since we got him about six months ago. He will have random sneezing fits throughout the day. I am having a hard time...
  2. Link

    Chewing on bars of hex crate and cage

    My rabbit will chew on the bars of his hex crate and cage all the time. I know they chew on things to wear down their teeth but he wont touch the block of wood we have for him. It's normal right? He chews on it almost constantly.
  3. Link

    Cat licking my rabbit... Should i be concerned?

    My 2 year old female cat has been getting on top of my bunny and licking him I think. She has done it twice and it seems she will do it every time she goes into the room with my rabbit. My bunny acts like nothing happened but I think she was also chewing on his ear. My mom was yelling "the cat's...
  4. Link

    Breed my bun or get a different breed? Help!

    Right now I have a Tan buck. I haven't neutered him because I don't know if I want to get a doe and breed them. I think taking care of baby rabbits would be very fun but I also kind of want a rabbit that will be calm and sit in your lap and is easier to show than a Tan. If I get a different...
  5. Link

    Is it ok for rabbits to have ice?

    I dropped some ice around where my rabbit runs around. Is it okay if he eats is or should i pick it up? I know it's been hot and he has shown interest in the cold solidified water... I am giving him cold water in his water bottle too even thougn the ice cubes wont fit. So is it okay if he eats...
  6. Link

    How to keep y bunny cool?

    The weather's been getting warmer. I think it may be in the hundreds tomorrow. I know rabbits can cope with cold but not so much heat. How can i keep my rabbit cooler? I have already been making sure he has plenty of water. He is a Tan by the way and i have already noticed him acting more...
  7. Link

    Training tips for a high energy Tan?

    I'm having trouble training my 4 - 5 month old Tan bun. His name is Link and he is very high in energy and acts very happy. He is not neutered since I still have not decided of I am going to breed him or not but I know that is a decision I should be making pretty soon. I usually let him out in...
  8. Link

    Rabbit has been sneezing for over a month, no other symptoms

    My Tan rabbit has had random sneezing fits almost every day for close to two months. I got him from my 4H rabbit project leader in march and she got him from a rabbit show judge that breeds Tans among other breeds. My rabbit has no other symptoms besides sneezing so I do not think it is...