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  1. Fidget

    This picture is terrible

    I once, as a child, rubbed the mulberries one of my guineapigs was munching on over his white fur, turning him a glorious pink that lasted about a week - perfectly safe since he could lick it off. I think he was a gay guinea pig, if that excuses it at all :P
  2. Fidget

    Strange noise while grooming and eating

    I had a Rex who was convinced she was a guinea pig, no joke. Rabbits are known to be quiet but they do make noises, though it often sounds like they really shouldn't. It always comes out in a weird, sort of strangled noise - a honk or grunt or wheeze. Use your intuition - if it's happening when...
  3. Fidget

    Milky pee

    Definitely sounds like she's just got a lot of calcium. Try fixing it with diet but I've noticed that some bunnies seem to have more? Also, depending on her age, she might be starting bunny puberty - I noticed one of my buns, who tends toward milky pee even if she has just a tiny bit of alfalfa...
  4. Fidget

    Fly strike

    I think everyone's pretty much covered heat stroke, but since last summer I had a horrible experience with fly strike the day I got back from a weeks holiday - which was fatal to one of my bunnies- I think I can be a bit more useful on that particular topic. First of all, my understanding is...
  5. Fidget

    Do all bunnies not like being held?

    Rabbits don't being picked up, I think everyone in their heart knows this. However that doesn't mean they don't like your company or being touched. I think embracing how your rabbit prefers to socialise can actually make your bunny closer to you - my mini lop Fidget is a lot calmer and...