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  1. lilylop

    How much does it cost to get your bun spayed/neutered

    I will have to get my little boy de-sexed soom and I was wondering how much have you guys paid for this kind of procedure. I would rather find out now so if I have to save up for it I can. I have a bit of money stashed away for emergencys so I can use that if I have to. he hasn't gotten...
  2. lilylop

    Crab Apple

    Just wondering if crab apple twigs and leaves are ok for a bun? I have a tree in the back yard and it needs as trim. If it is safe what needs to be done to it before I give it to the fluffsta??
  3. lilylop


    Is rosemary safe to eat for a bun?? will the sticks/branches be harmful? What about passion fruit leaves are they harmful?
  4. lilylop

    Everyday greens

    Hi I'm wondering what everyone feeds their rabbit on a daily basis veg wise.. not so much the treats like fruit. I am trying to grow most of my own veg so I don't have to rush to the supermarket if I run out :shock: I have already started with Corriander, Bazil, Italian Parsley and Bok Choy...
  5. lilylop

    How much did you pay?

    Hi all Just wondering how much did you pay for your bunny?? Obviously it will vary from country to country and what kind of bun you have and if it is show class or not. My little guys who is a mini lop cost me $70 here is a pic. Please post your's
  6. lilylop

    Hi I'm Lily R.I.P. Fluffy

    Hi my name is Lily I'm 6 years old and my mummy is typing this out for me as I am not a very good speller. I am hopefully getting a mini loprabbit for Christmas if I am good and keep my bedroom, lounge and computer room clean which I have been doing for the past 3 months. :) My Andy (step...