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  1. Viola

    Unaltered male and cat

    Hey lovelies, just checking on our infinite wisdom. I have just moved house, and put Toulouse, my unaltered one year old male on the deck of our house, he is ridiculously happy here, constantly binkying around the deck and livingroom, my housemates can give him attention all the time, and he...
  2. Viola

    Hay is a last resort... -_-

    I don't know if this is at all helpful, but could it be an issue with her teeth? My dwarf lop wouldn't eat hay or carrots until I had his teeth trimmed, and then he couldn't get enough of them. Check if her teeth meet properly in the middle. I'm a novice though, these guys are sure to know the...
  3. Viola

    Recovering from teeth removal

    My 11 month dwarf lop, Louie, just had most of his teeth removed because of his malocclusion yesterday. I went to get them removed the first time I took him to the vet, and she said that as he was young, with aggressive trimming we could get them to align, and that if I had them removed they...
  4. Viola

    Toulouse the music lover

    I'm sure he was just trying to be helpful, MagPie :) Thanks, Andria. I reckon you're right about the low notes, I mean, the bass on my harp doesn't tend to bug him, but my boyfriend's bassoon or contrabassoon make him go nuts. I guess because their hearing doesn't go so low, so it must be...
  5. Viola

    Rabbit puberty? Help!

    No, they were never neutered, and now they are exceptionally laid back and not territorial, one is three, the other about six years old. My rabbit is about six months, and I can't afford to neuter him just yet.
  6. Viola

    Rabbit puberty? Help!

    My rabbit has fallen in love with my hands. He isn't aggressive, he doesn't't bite or kick or scratch, he licks me a lot more. I used to have him out of his hutch all day, and now I can't because he is entirely obsessed. If he is out of the hutch, he is trying to get at them. Other than...
  7. Viola

    Toulouse the music lover

    Must be a whole different experience, music, with ears like that :) Louie has never touched carrots, not interested. I stuck one in the bars of his cage today and he just chinned it and left it alone. I ate a carrot in front of him and he went "OMG that's FOOD? BEST THING EVER!" Stuffed his...
  8. Viola

    Bonding with your bunny

    This is amazing. I just used it on my friends notoriously grumpy skittish bunny, he practically licked my legs off, binkied and flopped at my feet. Seriously amazing. One evening, he's a different rabbit.
  9. Viola

    Toulouse the music lover

    I love that :) My geese used to be a herd around me, it's amazing when they relax/sleep near you. You know the guys at a skatepark who keep falling and hurting themselves while trying to impress the girls? That's Louie right now, always trying to jump higher and landing on his fluffy white...
  10. Viola

    Where are all the Aussies?

    Canberra, originally rural NSW. Glad I didn't have my bunny there, copped enough from the farmers' kids for being vegetarian. My 6 month fawn dwarf lop is called Toulouse, but usually goes by Louie
  11. Viola

    ( RIP) new bunny with bad teeth

    He had Snuffles as well? That is HUGELY irresponsible of the shelter. God knows how many other rabbits there have it too. They need to be held accountable. I'm so sorry, what a terrible loss. You did so much to help him before you got a chance to know him, and that speaks volumes of your true...
  12. Viola

    Rules our slaves should know!

    75) Those are not your shoes. Those are my lovers. 76) Today I chin the livingroom, tomorrow the WORLD mwahahahaha! 77) All food is to be eaten Cookie Monster style. If the bowl is not upside down, you're doing it wrong.
  13. Viola

    I need to know if it really is ok for bunnies to be housed outdoors?

    Why does the bunny need to be outside, can I ask? Do you have allergies?
  14. Viola

    I need to know if it really is ok for bunnies to be housed outdoors?

    My partner's family have a dwarf lop they keep on their balcony for like five years in Sydney, and it's one of the happiest bunnies I've met. Don't know how hot BC is, but Sydney is sunny and hot plenty of water, shade, shelter should keep them cool. Bah NC sorry, typing on my phone.
  15. Viola

    Willow's Journal

    That's really interesting. Clever dog! Ours flunked obedience schools, like, all of them. Tragic past, I think, touch of the crazy.
  16. Viola

    Toulouse the music lover

  17. Viola

    Toulouse the music lover

    Louie is on my foot, pretending to be a slipper. I am a concert harpist, studying post grad, and he stays in the living room with my harp, so we are basically together twelve hours a day. He is very curious and mischievous, but when I play, he races into his hutch to the very top section, flops...
  18. Viola

    Honey Hoppins, her story

    Thankyou so much for rescuing Honey, she is so lucky to have you fulfilling her every whim after everything she's been through.
  19. Viola


    I love. the photo of the contented flopping. That rabbit loves you. Hope he settles down when he's older, but you do get good stories from the naughtiness.
  20. Viola

    Willow's Journal

    What a cutie! I am amazed at the rabbit/dog bonding, I had a rescue Kelvin cross shepherd growing up, she would basically want to eat anything smaller than her, guinea pigs, children, small dogs. You had to put the leash on your belt or she would dislocate your arm. Did you take your dog to...