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  1. kilabuni


    Whisky is a 3yo ND cross doe that I rescued in 2012. She's a very lively girl who loves to binky in the garden with her husbun, Buster. Even though she's timid, she's patient and calm.
  2. kilabuni

    Henry (aka 'Sir Henry')

    Henry is a 2/3yo NZ White. I rescued him last year in an unfortunate state from someone who was incapable of meeting his requirements. He had urine and faeces stained fur, was petrified of people that he'd stiffen and shake uncontrollably when near anyone and when picked up, he was overweight...
  3. kilabuni

    This rabbit is driving me mad!!

    Not true. Neutering does not always change the behaviour of a rabbit because I had a badly tempered rabbit for over 11 years who was neutered at a year old - made no difference, whereas I have an 8 month old buck who has recently been neutered and he's always been friendly and sweet, and I've...
  4. kilabuni

    Winston - My Buppy

    I wanted to keep a record of Winston, my special needs rabbit, and also tell everyone about him, and noticed this forum has a blog area so I thought it would be ideal :) I rescued him back in March from someone locally who takes in unwanted ones to find new homes, and having been to her...
  5. kilabuni

    Digging and Pooping in food

    Do you mean in their food bowl? I have a couple who dig in their bowl, and they're both well over a year old - actually Winston is the worst and will seem to purposely scatter it all around with his paws, and then forage in his hay and bedding for it. And the pooping thing could be solved with a...
  6. kilabuni

    He won't wear his harness?

    You have to take into consideration that rabbits are a prey animal - being restrained in a harness is mentally uncomfortable for them, and probably physically. I've only ever walked my old rabbit on a harness as he was tolerant of being handled by me, having it around him loose at first to get...
  7. kilabuni

    Will it ever be time...?

    I already had another bun when my elderly buck was put to sleep last year - I'd had him over 11 years - so I had something else to focus on. Each of them are different. There are characteristics that are similar, of course, that's just instinctive to all animals but you have the memories of...
  8. kilabuni


    Thanks for the welcome :) Ah, I didn't explain properly - I didn't have the difficulties on this forum, it was other pet ones I've been members of and they were rather harsh towards me when I stuck up for myself, and actually some animals we'd been discussing about, and even the moderators were...
  9. kilabuni

    It's been months still can't pick up my rabbit.

    You just have to be brave and firm about it. You need to let them know they can hop away if they wriggle too much and get frightened by you holding them, because you don't want them being scared of you. I'm always very relaxed and forward when I rescue a new rabbit, especially one that isn't...
  10. kilabuni

    Can rabbits eat the flower part of a dandelion?

    Mine have always preferred the leaves to the flowers, but they'll eat them when offered, though it takes a while. But yes, they're perfectly safe for bunnies :)
  11. kilabuni

    Kits leaving nesting box. Will standard wire mesh flooring be too big?

    Why on earth would you have rabbits kept on wire, even part wire, in the first place? That's unbelievably cruel. Would you like the walk about on wire of the equivalent size to your body weight, in just your socks? No you would not. Put a solid wooden base over that wire if you truly care for...
  12. kilabuni

    Hamsters anyone?

    Some can be, but that would be due to lack of handling on the owners' part, not that they're naturally a mean animal. But think of it this way, little rodents like that have poor eyesight but very good sense of smell. If something strange smelling comes near them or they feel threatened, they...
  13. kilabuni

    Black rabbits not popular....??? why is this........

    Black, white, fawn, pink, green, yellow... a rabbit is a rabbit to me, whatever it's colouration. I have a buck who is a black/dark grey mixture, and he's the sweetest thing :) Their need of a good home, their personality and how well they'll suit a certain potential owner's lifestyle is all...
  14. kilabuni


    I haven't been on here since '11. Time has flown. Didn't actually know I had an account on this forum. Since the last time I was here, the rabbit I had back then, Clymo, reached almost to his 12th year before getting fly strike and had to be put to sleep last September. Fly strike is...
  15. kilabuni

    Diet for an obese, senior buck

    He does have regular out-of-cage time which is in my 7ft x 5ft run, but sometimes its free run of the garden, depending on how energetic I am to catch him again. He is an active rabbit despite his size and age, I've often seen him binkying around the garden like he's got a feather up his bum and...
  16. kilabuni


    Well it is here... Hi, my name is Heather, I have a 9 year old rabbit named Clymo. I've had one other rabbit when I was a bit younger, aged just 12 but I only had him for 4 days and he died from being cold outside when we got him at Christmas, and he was only a little'n. It's something I...
  17. kilabuni

    Diet for an obese, senior buck

    I need to know what I should be feeding my 9 year old ND cross. He's been big all his life, since I got him in 2002, but now he's a senior and I don't want him becoming ill and then die because of something I could be sorting out now. He gets fed on Wagg Bunny Brunch at the moment because my...