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  1. T

    Bunny with random pain and discomfort

    I had a urine culture done and it came back fine. His penis was sore because he passed a HUGE stone after the surgery so the vet thinks it may have caused it to stretch. He had a stone stuck there for 2 days and vet couldn't push it out. We had to let it pass on its own. This penis now sticks...
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    Bunny with random pain and discomfort

    Hi, Hoping someone will have an idea as to what may be wrong with my bunny. The vet can't figure it out. My bunny had bladder surgery just over a year ago (sept 16 2010) to remove some stones. In Jan of this year he started to have moments I thought may be stasis. he wouldn't eat and would...
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    Qualified Rabbit Vet in Eastern PA?

    I'm planning on moving to the PA, looking into the eastern part, maybe Philly. I'd like to move to a location near a qualified and experienced rabbit vet. Can anyone recommend a vet in the philly or surrounding areas? Thanks.
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    Elongated Bladder

    My bunny is using the litter box normally (thank god) and seems to have recovered from surgery. He had 2 stones removed from his bladder and one passed into his urethra and came out a couple of days after surgery. I took him to the vet this weekend because I noticed some chalky stuff in his...
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    Elongated Bladder

    My bunny had bladder stones removed 6 weeks ago. Yesterday the vet took an xray an noticed his bladder is now elongated. Anyone have this same issue? The vet said she was concerned and may put him on meds to contract the bladder.
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    Bladder Stones

    Which veggies do you fee? I used to give my bunnies green or red leaf lettuce, italian parsley and cilantro.
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    Bladder Stones

    Thank you for that link. What my bunny has now looks like the first picture, which according to the article is normal.
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    Bladder Stones

    I read your previous post about everything your bunny Chase went through. I completely understand everything you had to deal with. My bunny showed no signs of any problems until he had 3 huge stones in his bladder. Between finding the stones in an x-ray and the scheduled surgery one stone moved...
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    Bladder Stones

    I wanted to know if anyone has gone through the same situation as I have with my bunny. My male bunny had 3 large bladder stones removed this past September. There was nothing in his diet that should have caused this. The vet said it is probably due to his genetics and the stones my return. It's...