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  1. myfirstbunny

    husband found injured wild rabbit, called rehabbers- rehabbers are closed.

    Hi, Bunny is now at Wildcare. Pete took him this morning. They will do what they can to save him but they are concerned he has a spinal injury. They did say that no matter what happens- Pete helped him be more comfortable by cleaning his wound and giving him a safe place to be. And it is...
  2. myfirstbunny

    husband found injured wild rabbit, called rehabbers- rehabbers are closed.

    Hi, He is in the house in a plastic dog carrier lined with a towel. I didn't see any flies in my son's room so hopefully none will find him. Pete, my husband already cleaned the wound and removed fly larvae from it. Thankfully, we have a great vet who walked him through it over the phone. I...
  3. myfirstbunny

    husband found injured wild rabbit, called rehabbers- rehabbers are closed.

    Hi! Thank you. he is in the house in a small dog crate lined with a beach towel with timothy grass and water. We placed the crate in my son's bedroom who is sleeping over at his friends house - so it is dark and quiet. We will be in touch with wildcare at 9am as soon as they open. Thanks again...
  4. myfirstbunny

    husband found injured wild rabbit, called rehabbers- rehabbers are closed.

    Or maybe could put him in Milkie's cage and put Milkie in dog crate with timothy grass and water. Milkie's cage is smaller than the dog crate. Morning can't come soon enough!
  5. myfirstbunny

    husband found injured wild rabbit, called rehabbers- rehabbers are closed.

    Would it be ok to put him in a small dog crate with a warm blanket til morning? We can bring him in so he should be warm enough. Feel so bad for him and night is here.
  6. myfirstbunny

    husband found injured wild rabbit, called rehabbers- rehabbers are closed.

    Hi Everybody, It's been a while since I've been here - Milkie is great- have another issue. My husband took our dog out to do his business and in our yard was a significantly injured bunny. He is small but not a baby. His hair is gone on his back flank, looks like he got attacked by something...
  7. myfirstbunny

    diet question - Hops

    My husband asked me this and I do not know the answer. Does any one know?
  8. myfirstbunny

    Neutered on Thursday, Milkie got his cone off during night

    I tried making a soft collar. I used a long sleeve tee I rolled up to make nice and fat. I put it on him -Seemed like it should have worked but it didn't. He reached right around and went straight for his wound. Unfortunately his cone is back on.
  9. myfirstbunny

    Neutered on Thursday, Milkie got his cone off during night

    What a great idea! He seems to not be too stressed by this smaller cone but I am going to have a look around and see if I can fashion him a soft collar. Thanks for providing the link to the post.
  10. myfirstbunny

    Neutered on Thursday, Milkie got his cone off during night

    Thank you! He is doing quite well. Right now he is laying on my husband's stomach soaking up loving touches.
  11. myfirstbunny

    Neutered on Thursday, Milkie got his cone off during night

    Update: Milkie went back to the Vet today and had more surgery. The Dr. cleaned up the area and removed the remnants of his very purple and beat up scrotal sac. He also administered fluids as he was dehydrated. Milkie is back home and happy. They have given him a smaller cone for his head, more...
  12. myfirstbunny

    Neutered on Thursday, Milkie got his cone off during night

    Thank you for the information. As a new bunny owner, I may overreact but I just love him so much. I am really glad that I can post here and get some sound advice. I will post again with an update after he goes back to the Vet tomorrow.
  13. myfirstbunny

    Neutered on Thursday, Milkie got his cone off during night

    Thank you! I am charging my battery for my digital camera and when that is done I will try to get a picture and post it.
  14. myfirstbunny

    Neutered on Thursday, Milkie got his cone off during night

    Hi, The sac is more than torn. It is dark purple and shriveled (bruised?) and flat, and ripped. The Vet just came to my house and had a look. He cleaned the wound and told me to bring him back in tomorrow so he can sedate him and trim off the battered piece. Also he will give him antibiotics...
  15. myfirstbunny

    Neutered on Thursday, Milkie got his cone off during night

    He is hiding under the couch now. This is my first bunny and I have never been through this before. The Vet gave us the cone to prevent him form pulling out the stitches but didn't saying anything about his scrotum. As I said I really don't know if this is normal. Can someone please advise if...
  16. myfirstbunny

    Neutered on Thursday, Milkie got his cone off during night

    He seems happy but has totally ripped into one of his sacs. His stitches look fine but his sac is another story. What happens? Should I be concerned or know that the testicles are removed will the sacs just shrivel up and fall off. I have a call into the Vet and am waiting to hear back.
  17. myfirstbunny

    I neutered Milkshake and now have an issue

    Hi again, Yes, he did get pain medication. We give it to him in the morning. He has 2 days left. And thank you I resized the picture and was able to upload it. I am keeping the cone off during the day for the weekend while we are home and can monitor him but will have to put it on at night when...
  18. myfirstbunny

    I neutered Milkshake and now have an issue

    My pictures exceed the allowed dimensions and bytes. Oh well. I have the cat collar on and he is still going for them. I keep stopping him and he is getting angry. He just picked up his dish and threw it. It was kinda cute, actually. I really wish I could post a pic - he is a very handsome...
  19. myfirstbunny

    I neutered Milkshake and now have an issue

    The next time he is due to see the vet is to have his stitches removed. I will try the collar. as far as the glue, I will give him a call and ask about it. i have just put the cat collar on and will keep a close eye on him. I will let you know how it works and thank so much for this idea. On...
  20. myfirstbunny

    I neutered Milkshake and now have an issue

    Thank you for replying. It is off now so he can eat and drink. I can tell you firsthand the collar definitely makes him more stressed. He hates it! tries really hard to get it off and it also seems to bother his vision as he keeps running in circles like he's chasing it. i feel horrible about...