any ideas of greens mix?

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Active Member
May 7, 2012
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Los Lunas, New Mexico, USA
I was thinking about buying 3 or 4 different things and cutting them up ahead of time and then mixing it up, kinda like a salad.,that way his greens are ready to serve every night. Does anyone else do this? And does anyone have any ideas of what greens would hold up the best for about a week or so? Is Romaine lettuce okay to give every day? I read somewhere else that someone gives romaine lettuce every day with different herbs. So just wondering of anyone can give me some input on this! Thanks!
I have found that my bunny loves carrot greens. I sometimes make a premade mix of chopped celery (I have heard that they can choke on it if the piece is too large), carrot greens, a mix of lettuces (no iceberg, or course) and if it's on hand I will add a couple chopped baby carrots and cucumber. I store it in a small plastic container in the fridge, and it gets used up in two or three days. I think that it should last longer, as long as the greens don't get too wet.
Greens have to be dry but not dried out to keep more than a week. Parsley holds up well.

Carrot greens have 10 times the calcium of any other veggie, so I would give at most a single sprig a day. Carrots are so sugary they fall into the treat category. Celery's problem is that long strings can do damage. It doesn't have to be chopped fine, just cut across the stalk.
I just use romaine every day, and then have some parsley. If I run out of parsley I use whatever herbs I have or whatever. I try to mix it up and add some cilantro / cucumbers and other greens whenever I have them. But he always enjoys his parsley and romaine (and sometimes won't eat other things) so I don't switch it too often :)
When I tried to do that things got mushy.. ugh.

I cut up romaine, parsley, and whatever herb I chose for the week as I serve. Its a pain but I sooo enjoy watching the buns beg and run across their cage waiting for me to serve.. so it has its ups and downs.
Daily, ours get dandelion, parsley, Italian parsley, cilantro, Romaine lettuce, and carrot or apple. Once in the morning and once in the evening. I just prep before I give it to them as the dandelion and cilantro don't hold up for too long.
I have a question I'm a first time bun owner and my bunny is only 8 wks. The breeder told me he is only supposed to have hay, pellets, and after he turns 6 months he can have a small slice of apple or carrot occasionally. I'm so confused. She told me absolutely no treats till 6 months. Why would she say this? She never even mentioned greens at all:( plz help
If you give greens or fruit too early a young bun can get the runs, which is dangerous. I know it is dull, but please stick to hay and pellets for now. :)

I give a wide verity of vegetables, herbs, vegetables, and fruit. Basically if it is safe, then they get it at least once in a while. I tend to feel dandilion, leaf lettuce, romaine, parsley, cilantro, and strawberries frequently with other things rotating in and out.

Panda is so cute that if I put the strawberry container on the floor he will pick his piece out of the box :p