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  1. TJusagi

    Bunny lost her bonding partner

    We will going to have a bunny date this weekend :) And we'll see how it goes if she's happy that's great. Otherwise we'll try again next time. Thanks!
  2. TJusagi

    Bunny lost her bonding partner

    They have stuffed animals but she always throw them away haha..Terry was the one who adores them. Yes we tried to feed her pellet with hand even hays too. Looks like she's not really eating hays except the ones in the litter, normally she'd eat a lot of hays. We will continue this way Thanks for...
  3. TJusagi

    Bunny lost her bonding partner

    Hi all Our bunnyboy Terry passed away two days a go at the vet. We didn't get to bring his partner Jasmine to say goodbye. I read that it's best to bring the bunny to spend some time with the other one. Now we regret it because Jasmine seems confused, she's sniffing looking at the spots that...