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  1. roomieboy

    2 rabbits looking for a good home

    Hello everyone. I am so so sad to say it, but unfortunately I have decided to re-home my two rabbits. I am a full time nursing student working two jobs and just do not have the time that they require. They deserve so much better because both of them are very sweet, and friendly rabbits. I...
  2. roomieboy

    Bunny Bonding

    Hi guys! So I ended up getting a second lionhead bunny who I thought was a boy but when I took "him" for his first vet visit, "he" was actually a girl!! So i've named her Juliet because it only seemed fitting considering my male is Romeo. Anyways, I was pretty happy to find out she was a female...
  3. roomieboy

    Possibly bonding two males?

    Hi everyone! So i fell in love with the most adorable 8 week old lionhead. I was planning on waiting a year or so to get Romeo a companion but I just happened to come along this bunny and I'm really considering getting him. Both bunnies are males... Romeo is about 6 months now and neutered...
  4. roomieboy

    Romeo's big day!

    Thanks guys! Surgery went well and he's on his way to recovery :)
  5. roomieboy

    Romeo's big day!

    Hi everyone, Romeo gets neutered tomorrow morning! I am glad to be getting him fixed, as he's been very territorial lately and marking everything! But, i'm also very nervous for such a big surgery on such a tiny little bun :/ Any suggestions on how to make him as comfortable as possible...
  6. roomieboy

    Help! - Bunny pees on bed

    Romeo is a 14 week old holland lop. Since welcoming him into my home he has learned to use his litterbox and uses it so well that he sleeps out of his cage even at night. Last week I bought him "pet steps" to put beside my bed so he can come up and off the bed as he pleases. My problem is, he is...
  7. roomieboy


    Thanks everyone!
  8. roomieboy

    First rabbit!

    I spoke too soon! So I literally just cleaned his cage out and cleaned his litter out and put new bedding in it. I'm sitting here on my laptop and letting him run around my room and wouldn't you know, it he hops right into his cage USES his litter box and hops right back out!! This is the first...
  9. roomieboy


    Yes, he is a holland lop! I give him unlimited timothy hay. As far as pellets go, i just want to make sure i'm feeding him too much or too little.
  10. roomieboy


    Also, while were on the topic of eating, I thought rabbits were supposed to "chew everything and anything in site"? He doesn't chew anything at all I put chew toys and empty toilet paper rolls in his cage but theres not one chew mark in them. He's only 11 weeks. Is this okay? I thought chewing...
  11. roomieboy


    Just out of curiosity, what is the standard amount of food you should be giving a bun and how often? When I first got Romeo the breeder was feeding him half a cup of pellets a day so that's what I've continued to do but he eats it pretty quickly and then I always feel like he wants more. He's...
  12. roomieboy

    First rabbit!

    So I took all the bedding out of his cage, but now he pees in the same spot even without the bedding! It's making a mess of his cage and even when I pick up his pee and place it in the litterbox he still has no idea what to do. I'm getting sad because I really want him to be able to run around...
  13. roomieboy

    What have your buns destroyed lately?

    My bun loves to pee everywhere EXCEPT his litter box! One place being my bed, which happened just about 15 minutes ago :nope: such a naughty boy! How can i be made at a face like this though??
  14. roomieboy

    First rabbit!

    Uh oh...seems like everything I typed up never got posted. Let's try this again.. As far as potty training goes I am currently using carefresh bedding as litter in his box, and then putting kaytee bedding everywhere else in the cage. Should I not be putting any bedding in the cage at all so he...
  15. roomieboy

    Hi Guys!

    Thanks everyone! More pictures coming soon :bunny24