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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. Partos

    Birds and rabbits?

    From what I have read it is the rabbit that is more at risk from bird beaks since they are pretty docile animals.
  2. Partos

    CBD Oil (non-THC) Bunny Safe?

    Dont know the right answer. But take a look at these articles: Should you give your pets CBD? It depends Honest Paws Reviews: Can It Help Your Pet? [Crazy Truth]
  3. Partos

    Bonding brothers?

    i had this problem with Patch and Pebbles, I seperated them after a few fights. then got them done when the time come. Im not an expert but im sure when you seperate you have to do the re-introducion thing all over again. Dont quote me on that tho. I bonded patch and pebbles again, well after...
  4. Partos

    Pet stroller or carrier for my bunny?

    That one is the best Yep, that was made for dogs but.....
  5. Partos

    Rabbit and Dog together

    Personally I wouldn't risk it. I had 3 dogs (granted, they were lurchers and therefore specifically bred to chase after small quick things), and they grew up very happily with 2 cats of ours. The 5 of them would all snuggle up together in front of the fire, sleep on each other etc, but as soon...
  6. Partos

    Digging rabbit

    DIGGING Digging is a natural instinct in rabbits. They all do it or will do it at some point. In the wild it is usually the females that dig the warrens creating a number of underground rooms. The entrance to a warren is always quite small and goes down at a steep angle but then opens up into...
  7. Partos

    Rabbit carrier

    I have carriers big enough to fit to bunnies but looking for one to fit 3 bunnies. I got my carriers from rspca for £5 and in shop they cost £45 -somebody donated them -we cleaned them and they are fine. Fairly big but not for 3.