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  1. L

    Rescue Rabbit's multiplication- Bunnies are 16 days old now.

    Well all 5 survived and are cute as little fluffy buttons. I've moved them out into my greenhouse so mom can run around but they are in a cage with the door open. Mom gets secured with them at night but then during the day I open the door and mom can come and go as she pleases. Ignore the loud...
  2. L

    Can’t cut his nails. Please help!

    Have you tried using a dremel? I use a dremel on all of my animals. Even the rabbits actually tolerate it pretty well. That way you don't have to worry about clipping the quick.
  3. L

    Babies arrived

    No mom pee, she has her own litterbox on the other side. I just noticed baby poops when I did my check this morning and I don't want them to get sick. I'll keep an eye on it and refresh their nest as needed.
  4. L

    Babies arrived

    Well we're at day 4 and all 5 are doing well. Everyone seems to be a good weight and all their fat little tummies are filled with milk. They were making little grunty noises this morning during pictures. Their little ears are so adorable. Question, should I clean the nest box out at all or...
  5. L

    Babies arrived

    Well they are all doing well. Fat little tummies and super wiggly this morning.
  6. L

    Babies arrived

    Here's the doe and buck. Doe is a bew and the buck is silver? Not sure what his coloration is considered. The babies are doing well. All 5 still warm and wiggly. They aren't wrinkly so I'm assuming she's fed them.
  7. L

    Babies arrived

    She's already been on unlimited hay and pellets as she and her mate were rescues I took in. They were underweight so they've been eating unlimited since I got them. I did pick up some additional alfalfa hay yesterday and put that in with her and they've been getting hay cubes on top of that...
  8. L

    Babies arrived

    Well they finally arrived. 5 wiggly babies. They all seem healthy and not missing appendages. I quickly checked them and covered them back up. Do I check them every day? Do I leave them alone? I feel like a nervous mother. I am totally unprepared for this but I do have KMR and bottles on hand...
  9. L

    Pregnant and pulling fur

    Any idea how long I should wait for babies before it's a potential crisis? She's pretty young, I think about 8/9 months and I have no idea when the buck mated with her as they were kept together when I got them.
  10. L

    Pregnant and pulling fur

    She's only been on the mazuri for a week, I don't know what they had before as there was no food in their cage, just old yucky hay. They are both underweight. I had to bathe them they were so filthy. Her fur was dark yellow almost brown and the male wasn't much better. I'll just stick with what...
  11. L

    Pregnant and pulling fur

    She's on Mazuri Rabbit pellets which only has 14% protein. The Hay is an alfalfa/orchard grass mix and then I add timothy hay into it so it's a mixture of hays.
  12. L

    Pregnant and pulling fur

    She's on unlimited pellets now, she's got a dog feeder that holds 10lbs of pellets and she's got half a bale of Timothy/orchard/alfalfa mix. I'll switch her to higher protein pellets though. Thanks
  13. L

    Pregnant and pulling fur

    I got two rabbits about a week ago. They were left behind at a foreclosure and a friend of mine called me to come rescue them. They are holland lops. They were kept in the same cage and I separated them when I got them because they are a male and female even though I was told they were two...
  14. L

    Different Hutch Options>>

    I like the first one but I looked at the site and I like the three level better but I can understand price constraints. PS. what kind of tortoise do you have? I have 3 russians and a redfoot.
  15. L

    My 11+ yr old bunny is not feeling well

    Honestly I've had a rabbit develop sore hocks on nothing but carpeting in a 9 ft square enclosure and even lost all the fur off his feet so it's not accurate to say that a wire bottom cage and immobility causes sore hocks or that carpeting prevents it. Regardless I think in this case though...