Recent content by lillyen10

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  1. lillyen10

    Your nick-names!

    I haz a couple of names, Normally I'm just Poe (like Edgar Allen Poe) but sometimes I'm called Poe-Bunny or Poe-Poe and one more involving tiny poop, but only my dad says that one, and really only if hes mad :happybunny:
  2. lillyen10

    My mamma thinks she's special.

    I tink I'z just gettin lazy, but lilly gets so happeh when i dont scwatch her but its only cuz i don't wanna get my nails caught in her shirt, oh well, Silly hoomans >..<
  3. lillyen10


    We haz a doggy named Kirby, he is a wimp! iz heard that the first bun before me was stronger and meaner tan me and so he wuz scared of her, but i lik to be a prankster:nasty: so i like to run up to him and jump on him so he stands up really quickly, and then he walks away :biggrin: what a...
  4. lillyen10

    where do you hide?

    JjGoesBounce wrote: iz been on a long time!!! sorry darlin nuetured :( what chwistmas pwesant POE
  5. lillyen10

    Opinions On Bunnys

    in my short but meaningful life i have had to pet rabbits. my first rabbit named elf i had gotten when i was only two, so im not quite sure what she did but i do know that she always wanted to take control. later when she was six about to turn seven we found out that she had a cancer in her...
  6. lillyen10

    Hi From Canada!

    yep when did you start school? :?
  7. lillyen10

    Hi From Canada!

    AeroGoes Thump wrote: 6th
  8. lillyen10

    t.v. ?

    AeroGoes Thump wrote: oh! mi hooman is in 6th gwade wite under yows. is canadwa fun do dey haz middle scools?
  9. lillyen10


    hey guys Lilly here. i kind of have a problem... i wrote a signature and i don't know if its working. it says Lilly & Poe and then its either :) <3 or the other way around. can you guys see it and i just can't?:?:?:?
  10. lillyen10

    t.v. ?

    what gwade
  11. lillyen10

    Hi From Canada!

    AeroGoes Thump wrote: you have some very beautiful buns. is thumper named after:bambiandthumper. also i have a black mini Rex named Poe. look up my mom (elfmommy) to see him. his blog is called from the pen of Poe.BTW what grade are you in?
  12. lillyen10

    t.v. ?

    AeroGoes Thump wrote: hewo wecome to ro (rabbits online ) is ur hooman a girl kid? i see you noo here scince u stawted only on da 21st so i guess ill see ya awound
  13. lillyen10

    t.v. ?

    MiniLopHop wrote: thank you she found it on google
  14. lillyen10

    Elf's Girl

    Wabbitdad12 wrote: ive been here about 3 years wabbitdad12 its kinda late to welcome me i mean you sometimes comment on my topics
  15. lillyen10

    t.v. ?

    MiniLopHop wrote: we haz one too ever scince iz chewed a wirez and no i don't tink dat tvs haz bunny ears and it seems too usually have humans inside but i tink dat some dogs r twapped inside an also in a hmmm wat did muma say it waz called? umm oh ya moovees well anyways der was a moovee called...