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    • LetaRayn
      LetaRayn reacted to Preitler's post in the thread Swollen toes with Like Like.
      When my house rabbit had sore hocks I covered all floors he could get to with currugated fiberboard(cardboard?) and fenced off the...
    • LetaRayn
      LetaRayn replied to the thread Swollen toes.
      That's a good idea since he hates anything covered the floor and remove it constantly . But maybe cardboard covering works. :)
    • LetaRayn
      LetaRayn reacted to JBun's post in the thread Swollen toes with Like Like.
      Did the vet determine a cause for the swollen toes? Rabbits toes won't just be swollen without there being a very specific medical...
    • LetaRayn
      LetaRayn reacted to JBun's post in the thread Swollen toes with Like Like.
      I don't think the toes look swollen, just that the fur has rubbed off, possibly due to abrasion from the flooring surface, making the...
    • LetaRayn
      LetaRayn replied to the thread Swollen toes.
      Ok thank you I will be careful and take your advices. Ok I will take your advices and thanks for the reply
    • LetaRayn
      LetaRayn replied to the thread Swollen toes.
      He said maybe the floor is too hard for his feet, I made extra bedding for him but my rabbit won't like it and stated to remove it. the...
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    • LetaRayn
      LetaRayn posted the thread Swollen toes in Health & Wellness.
      Hello My five years old rabbit had a swollen toes and I took him to the vet, he give him a sudocream only. I started the treatment but...
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